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Master Your Mondays: Start the Week Strong with Effective Functional Planning

Master Your Mondays: Start the Week Strong with Effective Functional Planning

Mondays often have a reputation for being the most challenging day of the week. After a relaxing weekend, it can feel overwhelming to dive back into work and responsibilities. However, rather than viewing Mondays as a hurdle to overcome, we can transform them into a launchpad for a productive and successful week. The key lies in effective functional planning and setting ourselves up for success right from the start. In this post, we will explore practical strategies and actionable tips to help you master your Mondays and create a strong foundation for the week ahead. By implementing these functional planning techniques, you can enhance your productivity, reduce stress, and approach each week with renewed energy and purpose. So, let’s dive in and discover how to make Mondays the springboard to a fulfilling and accomplished week.

1. Reflect and Review

To kickstart your Mondays and set yourself up for a productive week, it’s crucial to begin with a moment of reflection and review. Take some time to look back on the previous week and evaluate what went well, what could have been improved, and what lessons you can carry forward.

Reflecting on your past week allows you to gain valuable insights into your strengths and areas for growth. Consider the accomplishments you achieved, the challenges you faced, and the lessons you learned. By acknowledging both your successes and setbacks, you can refine your approach and make informed decisions for the week ahead.

Reviewing your previous week’s tasks, projects, and commitments also helps you gain clarity on any unfinished business or pending actions. Take note of any outstanding tasks that need to be carried forward, and ensure they are appropriately prioritized in your plans for the current week. This reflection and review process helps you close any open loops and ensures that nothing falls through the cracks.

Additionally, use this reflective time to celebrate your wins, no matter how small they may seem. Recognizing your achievements boosts your confidence and motivation, providing a positive mindset as you embark on a new week.

By taking the time to reflect and review, you lay a solid foundation for the week ahead. You gain insights, learn from your experiences, and set yourself up for greater success. So, before diving into your Monday tasks, pause and reflect, and let the lessons of the past guide you toward a more productive and fulfilling week.

2. Set Clear Objectives

In order to make the most of your Mondays and set yourself up for a successful week, it’s essential to establish clear objectives. Setting specific and achievable goals provides you with a sense of direction and purpose, guiding your actions and decisions throughout the week.

Start by defining what you want to accomplish during the week. Be specific about the outcomes you aim to achieve and break them down into smaller, manageable tasks. Clear objectives help you stay focused and motivated, as they provide a roadmap for your actions and enable you to track your progress.

When setting your objectives, ensure they are measurable and time-bound. This means attaching specific metrics or milestones to your goals and setting deadlines for their completion. Measurable objectives enable you to assess your progress and determine whether you’re on track or need to make adjustments.

Moreover, it’s important to align your objectives with your broader long-term goals. Consider how each objective contributes to your overall vision and mission. This alignment ensures that your efforts are purposeful and meaningful, driving you closer to your desired outcomes.

By setting clear objectives, you create a sense of purpose and direction for your Mondays and the entire week. With well-defined goals in place, you can prioritize your tasks effectively, make informed decisions, and focus your energy on activities that bring you closer to your desired results. So, take the time to set clear objectives and embrace the power they hold in shaping your week ahead.

3. Create a Weekly Overview

After setting clear goals, the next step in effective Monday planning is to create a weekly overview. This serves as a snapshot of your entire week, allowing you to visualize and prioritize your tasks, appointments, and commitments.

Begin by reviewing your calendar and noting any fixed appointments or deadlines that you need to work around. Then, allocate dedicated time blocks for specific activities and tasks based on their importance and urgency.

Consider grouping similar tasks together to maximize efficiency and minimize context switching. As you create your weekly overview, be realistic about how much you can accomplish within the available time and avoid overcommitting yourself. Remember, it’s essential to leave some buffer time for unexpected events or last-minute adjustments.

By creating a comprehensive overview of your week, you gain a sense of control and organization, ensuring that you allocate your time wisely and stay on track towards your goals. So, let’s dive into the practical steps of crafting a weekly overview that sets you up for a productive and successful week ahead.

4. Prioritize Tasks

With your weekly overview in place, it’s time to prioritize your tasks for Monday. Effective task prioritization is crucial for maximizing productivity and ensuring that you tackle the most important and urgent items first. Begin by reviewing your task list or to-do items for the week and identify the top-priority tasks that need immediate attention. These tasks are typically time-sensitive or have significant impact on your goals.

Consider using a prioritization method such as the Eisenhower Matrix, where you categorize tasks based on their urgency and importance. This helps you identify which tasks require immediate action, which can be delegated, which can be postponed, and which can be eliminated altogether. By setting clear priorities, you can focus your energy and effort on the most critical tasks, setting yourself up for a strong start to the week.

Remember, it’s essential to be realistic about what you can accomplish in a day and avoid overwhelming yourself with an excessive workload. Prioritizing tasks enables you to make the most of your time and resources, ensuring that you make progress towards your goals while maintaining a sense of balance and accomplishment.

5. Plan for Time Blocks

Once you have identified your top-priority tasks, it’s essential to allocate dedicated time blocks for each task. Time blocking is a powerful technique that helps you manage your time effectively and stay focused on specific activities.

Start by estimating how much time each task will take and assign realistic time slots in your schedule accordingly. Consider your energy levels throughout the day and assign tasks that require higher concentration during your peak productivity hours. It’s important to be mindful of not overloading your schedule and leaving room for breaks and unexpected interruptions.

By allocating specific time blocks to tasks, you create a structured framework that keeps you accountable and ensures that important activities receive the attention they deserve. Additionally, time blocking helps you avoid multitasking and distractions, allowing you to work with greater efficiency and concentration.

Remember to be flexible with your schedule and allow for some buffer time to accommodate any unforeseen circumstances or necessary adjustments. By planning for time blocks, you set yourself up for a productive and well-organized Monday, setting the tone for a successful week ahead.

6. Break Down Projects

When faced with larger projects or complex tasks, it can be overwhelming to tackle them all at once. That’s why breaking down projects into smaller, more manageable steps is crucial for effective planning.

Take a moment to analyze the project at hand and identify its major components or milestones. Then, break those components down into actionable tasks or subtasks. This approach not only makes the project less daunting but also allows you to create a clear roadmap for its execution.

By breaking down projects, you gain a better understanding of the necessary steps, dependencies, and timelines involved. It also enables you to prioritize and allocate resources effectively, ensuring a smoother workflow.

As you plan your Monday, take the time to break down any ongoing or upcoming projects into actionable tasks, and schedule them accordingly. This approach will help you maintain focus, track progress, and experience a sense of accomplishment as you complete each task, propelling you forward towards project completion.

7. Incorporate Self-Care

In the midst of busy workweeks and demanding schedules, it’s essential to prioritize self-care as part of your Monday planning. Remember, a well-rested and rejuvenated mind and body are more productive and capable of handling challenges effectively. Integrate self-care practices into your weekly plan to ensure you’re taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

This can include scheduling time for exercise, meditation, hobbies, quality time with loved ones, or simply moments of relaxation. By intentionally carving out time for self-care, you not only recharge your energy but also enhance your overall productivity and happiness. Don’t underestimate the power of self-care in maintaining a balanced and fulfilling life.

So, as you plan your Monday, be sure to allocate dedicated slots for self-care activities, ensuring a harmonious blend of work and personal well-being throughout the week. Remember, taking care of yourself is a priority that fuels your success in all other areas of life.

8. Prepare and Organize

To set yourself up for a productive and smooth week, dedicate some time on Mondays to prepare and organize your physical and digital spaces. Begin by decluttering your workspace, tidying up your desk, and ensuring you have all the necessary supplies within reach. A clean and organized environment promotes clarity of thought and helps you stay focused throughout the day.

Next, take a few moments to review your digital files and folders. Organize your emails, archive or delete unnecessary messages, and create a filing system that makes it easy to locate important documents when needed. Consider using productivity tools or apps to streamline your workflow and keep track of tasks, deadlines, and appointments. This way, you’ll have a clear overview of what needs to be done and can stay on top of your commitments.

Additionally, take the time to plan and prepare meals and snacks for the week ahead. This not only saves you time and energy during busy weekdays but also ensures you maintain a healthy and nourishing diet. Prepping your meals in advance allows you to make mindful choices and avoid the temptation of unhealthy fast-food options.

By prioritizing preparation and organization, you’ll create an environment that supports your productivity, reduces stress, and sets the stage for a successful week. So, as you embark on your Monday planning, make it a point to establish systems and routines that keep you on track and enable you to focus on the tasks that matter most.

9. Practice Mindfulness and Gratitude

In the midst of busy Mondays and the demands of a new week, it’s essential to incorporate moments of mindfulness and gratitude into your planning routine. Take a few minutes to center yourself through deep breathing exercises or meditation. Allow yourself to let go of any lingering stress or distractions from the weekend and enter the present moment with a clear and focused mind.

As you embark on your planning journey, cultivate a sense of gratitude for the opportunities and possibilities that the week holds. Reflect on the positive aspects of your life and acknowledge the blessings and achievements you’ve experienced. By embracing gratitude, you cultivate a positive mindset that can influence your productivity, decision-making, and overall well-being.

Throughout the day, make it a habit to pause and check in with yourself. Practice mindful awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. This self-awareness allows you to assess your energy levels, identify areas of stress or overwhelm, and make necessary adjustments to your schedule or priorities.

Incorporating mindfulness and gratitude into your Monday planning not only enhances your overall sense of well-being but also brings a deeper level of intention and purpose to your tasks. By staying present, appreciating the journey, and finding joy in the process, you can infuse your week with a sense of fulfillment and balance.

10. Stay Flexible

No matter how well you plan your Mondays and the week ahead, it’s important to remember that unexpected circumstances and unforeseen changes can arise. Flexibility is key to navigating these challenges and maintaining a sense of control and adaptability.

As you go about your day, remain open to adjusting your plans when necessary. Be prepared to shift priorities, reschedule tasks, or delegate responsibilities if unexpected events or urgent matters arise. By embracing a flexible mindset, you can handle unexpected challenges with grace and minimize the impact on your overall productivity.

Remember that staying flexible doesn’t mean compromising your goals or abandoning your plans entirely. It means being responsive to the evolving needs of the day while staying focused on the bigger picture. Embrace the opportunity to find creative solutions, seek alternative routes, and turn unexpected situations into valuable learning experiences.

By staying flexible, you cultivate resilience and the ability to bounce back from setbacks. It allows you to embrace change and adapt to new circumstances while maintaining a sense of control and productivity. So, as you master your Mondays and embark on a productive week, remember to embrace flexibility as a powerful tool in your planning arsenal.

With a mindful and flexible approach, you can start your week strong, effectively manage your tasks, and navigate the dynamic nature of work and life. By incorporating these ten strategies into your Monday planning routine, you set yourself up for success, productivity, and a sense of fulfillment throughout the week. So, take charge of your Mondays, harness their energy, and set the tone for a week filled with accomplishment and progress.

In conclusion, mastering your Mondays through effective functional planning is a powerful way to start your week on the right foot. By incorporating the ten strategies outlined in this post—reflecting and reviewing, setting clear objectives, creating a weekly overview, prioritizing tasks, planning for time blocks, breaking down projects, incorporating self-care, preparing and organizing, practicing mindfulness and gratitude, and staying flexible—you can take control of your week and maximize your productivity.

Remember, effective functional planning is not just about managing your time and tasks; it’s about setting yourself up for success by aligning your actions with your goals and values. By implementing these strategies, you can optimize your productivity, reduce stress, and achieve a greater sense of fulfillment in both your personal and professional life.

So, embrace the power of Monday planning, and make it a habit to dedicate some time each week to reflect, set goals, and organize your tasks. With consistent practice, you’ll experience increased focus, improved efficiency, and a greater sense of purpose. Take charge of your Mondays, and watch as the positive momentum carries you through the rest of the week, setting the stage for success and fulfillment in all areas of your life. Start strong, stay committed, and make every Monday count!

FREE ON-DEMAND PLANNING CLASS: How to Plan for a Balanced and Successful Life

→ Have you been struggling with your planning and personal organization?

→ Do you question how to best set up your planner for the year?

→ What inserts to include?

→ How to establish a regular planning routine?

→ And how to ensure you actually use your planner to get more done with less time and effort?

Learning how to properly set up and use your planner is the first step to ensuring you have the systems in place to confidently plan a balanced and successful life.

One where you have visibility to all the important tasks in your day, the time set aside to get them done, and still have room each day to care for yourself, your family and the other priorities in your life.

Whether you work for yourself, another company, are a stay at home mom, student or even retiree, having a reliable planning system at your fingertips is the difference between a balanced, intentional and fulfilling life and one where you feel completely disorganized and out of control.

That’s why I have created a NEW FREE TRAINING Class called How to Plan for a Balanced and Successful Life!

→ This class is now ON-DEMAND, so register below to secure your access!

I sincerely hope this class brings you the clarity you need to put the lessons I learned about planning into practice in your own life. We are each working towards our own version of our best live’s and that is work I think that can best be done when we learn from each other!


My Content & Live Schedule for the rest of 2019

Hello Charmed Ones!

I hope your September has been a productive one for you thus far, I know mine has been for sure! You might have noticed that I am back to creating content on a more regular schedule now, here on the blog, on my youtube channel and on Instagram as well. That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about today, my content schedule. I know my content has been on and off for a few years now. If you’re one of my long time followers, you know I used to hold myself to a strict schedule of 3 blog posts a week, one to two videos a week and nearly daily posting on Instagram. That was until 2017 when I decided to take a step back from my content and take a good long look at my goals and priorities for my life, my brand and of course my business.

Honestly, it felt so good when I initially let myself off the hook for content and refocused on myself. So much of my time had been spent thinking about and creating content for so long that it was nice feeling like I had gotten back so much time in my weeks to dedicate to myself and other areas of my life and business. I spent much of that found time focusing on my own personal goals, prioritizing my self-care, and deeply analyzing my future goals especially around my brand and business. In a lot of ways I feel like that time was spent helping me to really wipe the slate clean for myself to make room for the next phase of my life and business. But, the longer I spent away from content creation, the further I seemed to be from that next phase at the same time. Eventually, I made my way back to posting regularly on YouTube, and I even dabbled in and out of Instagram again, but I still didn’t feel like my next phase was starting yet. If you watched my Money Manifestation Declutter Series on my YouTube Channel, you know that since the Spring, I have been bustling with energy and ideas for my business again, but through most of the summer I kept feeling like I was being stifled by my own creativity. I had all these great ideas and not enough time to share them all on YouTube or Instagram Stories. I didn’t understand what was wrong with me that I was feeling back to my old content generating self, but my ideas didn’t seem to be as organized and efficiently produced as they once were. That’s when I realized what was missing. I was missing writing, and specifically I was missing blogging. Blogging was the first content I axed from my schedule back in 2017- I really thought I could do without it and channel my content creativity to video to make a bigger impact there, but I think I was wrong.

Yes, I can see the results of my videos more immediately, but I think for me, blogging and written content had a more cumulative effect on my business than I realized at the time. Most importantly, it had a cumulative affect on me more than I realized. Blogging does a few things for me that unfortunately video never will!

First of all, blogging gets me to write regularly, and although I had always been hesitant to admit this in the past, I really think at my core, I’m a writer. I definitely don’t see myself as a great video creator, that’s for sure and although I do some writing as part of video creation, it’s not nearly the same thing as sitting and writing out a 2,000+ word blog post. Undoubtably, writing has always been my strength and I think for a long time I took it for granted because it had always been a skill I didn’t have to think much about.

Second, blogging is something of a cathartic activity for me. When I think of cathartic writing, I usually think of journaling or poetry or even novel writing, but blog posts count too! I guess it doesn’t matter what you’re writing about, pouring your thoughts and words onto a page can be extremely therapeutic. Looking back now, I realize that so much of my failure to step into my well planned next phase was delayed because I was missing this key therapy that helped me manage my thoughts and ideas.

Next, blogging gives me the ability to quickly update my community on my ideas, strategies, products and general information I need to share. One of the problems I was having with my YouTube content was that I had so many ideas for content but not enough time to execute on them all. So I had to cull down my ideas, choose the concepts that I thought would make the best videos and just shelve the rest for later. At best, one full days work creating, editing and uploading video content could yield me at most two or three videos if I was extremely organized and focused. On the other hand I can write, format and schedule out at least twice that amount of content for my blog in the same time. I can share ideas and updates so much faster when all I need to worry about is writing them out and creating a picture for a post! Back when I was creating content regularly, I lived by a methodology of separating ideas into video content ideas and written content ideas, which helped me to optimize my content for each platform. With this system my content ideas didn’t have to compete for a spot on my editorial calendar because there was a place for everything I wanted to share and a plan for creating it so that all my ideas come to fruition.

Finally, blogging is how I manifest for my business and life! This point is actually very important for me and something I only realized recently. Because blogging produces more content, more ideas and more updates on my site more frequently, it actually helps me to feel in flow and in alignment because I am in a constant state of creation. When I create video content, it usually takes me a full day of work and then I don’t see the fruits of my labor published and live for a number of days. All that time and only once piece of content to show my audience. But when I blog, one day of work means days of posts popping up throughout the week. Even after all these years of blogging, I still get a flutter of excitement in my chest when I see a post has published on my blog, and that positive vibration is ultimately what helps me attract new members to my community, new customers to my products, and new ideas and inspiration to my mind. My life just flows better in every way when I’m writing and posting to my blog regularly!

Okay, so that was a really long and drawn out explanation for why I am back to blogging after my time away, and now I want to explain the true purpose of this blog post which is to share my new content schedule for the rest of 2019 with you and set some expectations from what you can expect from me this fall!

Fall 2019 Content Schedule

• You can expect 3 Blog Posts per week from me here on my site. These posts will include articles on productivity, planning, personal development, success and more. I do intend to also use my blog as a means to share quick updates and news about products, classes, and anything I have going on that might impact my community online and of course my business.

• You can expect 1 YouTube Video a week from me over on my YouTube Channel. These will mostly center on helpful tips, how-to’s and different tutorials that really utilize the video medium. I have a number of different planning and productivity videos on my to film list, but as a rough expectation I am aiming to share one planning video, one business video, one vlog style behind the scenes video, one Live class and one fun lifestyle video a month (depending on the number of weeks in the month). I’m also planning to shift my weekly upload day from Sunday to Friday in an attempt to keep my weekends clear of anything work related. You can find more information about my Live classes in the LIVE Event Schedule below.

• You can expect sporadic posting from me on Instagram. Right now I am building out a concept for my Instagram posting schedule, but I’d rather focus my time and effort on creating original content on my blog and YouTube. So Instagram will be mostly announcements, behind the scenes and quick tips when I have something I want to share.

• You can expect occasional dog videos from me on Tiktok. If you haven’t heard, I recently signed up for this platform and it is a complete time-suck but at least I now have a dedicated place to share adorable videos of my dogs, Starbuck & Sultan. If you’re interested in following along, definitely look me up, I’m @MissTrenchcoat of course.

• Right now I have no plan for Facebook or Twitter outside of sharing and reposting existing content. I believe my blog and Instagram feed are set to autopost to Facebook and Twitter, but I won’t be creating any dedicated content on either of those platforms for now.

• Finally, I am always sporadically pinning my content and looking for fresh inspiration on Pinterest. If you aren’t following me there, it’s a great place to spy the recipes I’m into, my personal style and lots and lots of motivational quotes!

Fall 2019 LIVE Event Schedule

If you’d like to join me for any of my upcoming LIVE classes or events, here is a running list of everything I have scheduled. Some of these events are ticketed and I will link you to where you can sign up, others are free classes I’ll be hosting on my YouTube channel, so make sure you are subscribed and feel free to turn on notifications so you are aware of when I post a video or go Live!

• Friday September 20th @ 1pm: Planner Peace Master Class, Free Live Workshop

• Friday October 18th @ 1pm: Money Manifestation Techniques, Free Live Workshop

• Friday November 22nd @ 1pm: How to Create a Successful Passive Income Business in 2020, Free Live Workshop

• Friday December 13th @ 1pm: Set Up Your Planner With Me, Free Live Workshop

• Wednesday December 18th @ 1pm: New Years Goal Setting Workshop, Ticketed Event

• Saturday December 21st @ 8pm: New Years Goal Setting Workshop, Ticketed Event

• Saturday December 28th @ 1pm: New Years Goal Setting Workshop, Ticketed Event

So that is my Fall 2019 Content and Live Event Schedule! I hope this post has been helpful to set some expectations for my content and how we can connect live for the rest of the year! Make sure to review the dates on that LIVE Event Schedule and mark your planners for any events you don’t want to miss. I’ll also be emailing out reminders for those Free classes if you are on my email list!


25 Things to Do when You are Bored


I am so accustomed to being busy and having a never ending to do list that when I do get down time, my mind blanks on how I should be spending it. Inevitably, I end up wasting time planning out what I should do and then, there goes half my free time down the drain! Does this ever happen to you? Well, if it does, I think this post could be a helpful reference when you have nothing to do or find that your struck with boredom but still want to do something productive. I suggest printing this out or book marking this page and rereading it whenever you have extra time that you don’t want to waste!

  1. Choose a room or small area of your house to clean and organize
  2. Create a new playlist from your existing music collection
  3. Take pictures of all the valuable items in your home and save them in a file in case you one day need to file an insurance claim
  4. Go through your makeup and throw out any expired products
  5. Lie in bed and do stretches and meditation
  6. Start a gratitude journal
  7. Pin a simple workout routine and give it a shot (then schedule yourself time a few days a week to repeat)
  8. Look up YouTube videos on how to give yourself a new hairdo like a fishtail braid or sock bun
  9. Write yourself a todo list of all the fun things you want to do or try in the next few months
  10. Take an online class from iTunes U
  11. Find a healthy recipe for your favorite comfort food and add the ingredients to your grocery list
  12. Break out your tool kit and tackle a minor home repair yourself
  13. Plan out some long term or short term goals for yourself
  14. Write someone a letter
  15. Send a thank you note
  16. Unsubscribe yourself from random email subscriptions or mailing lists that annoy you
  17. Subscribe to a free inspirational email service
  18. Clean our your handbag or switch to a different purse
  19. Say a prayer for someone who needs it
  20. Write down your favorite quotes on sticky notes and put them all around your workspace or planner
  21. Develop a cleaning schedule for your place
  22. Think of a topic you have always wanted to learn about and google the heck out of it
  23. Collect all the loose change around your home and start a change jar
  24. Read the entire front page of a news website or newspaper
  25. Find things around your house that you are no longer using and take them to be donated

Okay, now go forth and be productive! Did you like this list? If you would like me to do lists like these more often, leave me a comment and tell me what sort of list you would like? 

Back to School Tech Tips

With the end of summer nearly upon us, these next few weeks of August will see college and high school students on their way back to the daily grind of classes and coursework. If you are one of the many students heading back to the classroom, you may be in the market for some new tech gear. The start of a new school year has always been ceremoniously entangled with the concept of the “new,” and the prospect of new gadgets can always make for an exciting start. However, if you are one of the many students who will be dragging around an old laptop or iPod, don’t worry, because I have some tips for making your old tech feel new again to get you pumped for your upcoming semester.

Add a little spring to your gadget’s step

Although your laptop may be well equipped with a fast processor and a large hard drive, it may not be as snappy as it once was. This is a common issue with computers in general, but luckily it is an easy issue to fix as it is most likely related to a clogged hard drive. Months or years of accumulating files and viewing web pages can cause your computer to run significantly slower, so to fix the problem, you will need to start cleaning out your files.

1. Start by going through your documents, pictures, music and movie files and getting rid of any files you no longer need. For files you don’t use but need to keep record of, move those to an external hard drive to free up space.

2. Next, try clearing your web browser’s cache. This will take care of old web page information that is stored on your computer and eating up memory. To do this, go to your browser’s preferences or settings and look for the option.

3. Finally, delete unused applications. To do this on a Mac, you simply need to drag the application to the trash can, however, to insure you have removed all the sub files of the application from your hard drive, I suggest downloading an application such as AppCleaner or AppDelete to help you remove all associated files. On a PC, use the application uninstaller in your Control Panel found in ‘Add or Remove Programs’.

4. For an iPod that is beginning to lag, I suggest that you do a factory reset of your device, then, make sure you have the most up to date firmware installed, before restocking your device with new tunes and videos for the school year. Although iPods tend to have a shorter lifespan than laptops, with proper care and maintenance, you can keep yours up and running for a long time. (I still have an iPod Mini from early 2005 in good working condition.)

Give your gear a bath

Although they are electronic devices, computers and mp3 players still need proper cleaning from time to time to keep them not only looking good, but also working well. When dirt or dust gets inside a gadget, it can start causing issues like overheating and lagging that shorten the life of the device. So, a regular cleaning is always a good idea.

1. The first thing to remember before you begin to clean any electronic device is that you must turn the device off. Skipping this step could cause major harm to yourself or the device. So, power down and unplug all wires.

2. I tend to begin cleaning my laptops keyboard area first. This is usually a source of much dust and dirt that should be cleared out of the way first. Use a can of compressed air, or, if you know how to remove your keys individually, do so slowly and carefully. I like to use q tips to get into the nooks and crannies of the keyboard, myself.

3. Next, clean off the casing. Depending on the outer material of your laptop, either plastic or metal, you may want to use a dedicated electronics cleaner like iKlear, but I find that soap and water or antibacterial wipes do a universally good job. If you are using soap and water, just make sure that you only slightly dampen the towel you are using to make sure you don’t get liquid into the delicate parts of your computer.

4. Finally, clean the screen of your computer with an appropriate cleanser. To be prudent, I would check with the manufacture of the computer to see what solvents are safe to use on the computers screen. Although Windex is always a safe bet, you may prefer to use electronic screen wipes or another popular brand of computer screen cleaner if your screen has any sort of sensitive coating.

5. Follow a similar method to clean an iPod or mp3 player, making sure to also clean your earbuds with a q tip or cotton ball slightly moistened with alcohol to remove bacteria.

Update your electronic wardrobe

You’re not the only one who could benefit from a wardrobe upgrade for the new school year. A great way to make your old tech feel new again is with some upgraded cases, covers, and skins. There are a wide variety of retailers that sell these items, most specified to the specific device you own, so I will not list them here, but I will say that a new sleeve for your laptop, or a new case for your iPod can be an inexpensive way to add excitement and interest back to your gear. Not to mention upgrading the protection will extend the life of your device!