
Productive Things to Do During Transition Times

Productive Things to Do During Transition Times

Transition times—they sneak up on us in the midst of our busy lives, catching us between tasks, appointments, or even just mundane moments like waiting in line or during commercial breaks. These pockets of time may seem insignificant, but they hold the potential to be valuable moments for personal growth and productivity. In this post, we’ll explore the concept of transition times and suggest productive activities to make the most of them.

Understanding Transition Times

Transition times encompass those moments when you find yourself in limbo—whether you’re commuting, waiting for an appointment, or simply taking a break between tasks. These intervals are typically too short to dive into significant tasks but often long enough to feel like wasted time if not utilized purposefully.

Instead of idly scrolling through your phone or letting your mind wander, consider embracing transition times as opportunities for engaged activity. By having a plan for how to spend these moments, you can transform them from mundane pauses into valuable periods of personal enrichment.

Productive Activities for Transition Times

  1. Read or Listen to a Book: Carry a book or download audiobooks to your device. Use transition times to immerse yourself in literature, whether fiction for relaxation or non-fiction for personal development.
  2. Learn Something New: Tune into a podcast or online class during your commute or downtime. Take advantage of the wealth of educational content available to expand your knowledge on various topics.
  3. Organize Photos on Your Phone: Use transition times to declutter and organize your digital life. Sort through photos, delete unnecessary files, and create albums for easy access.
  4. Respond to Quick Emails: Clear out your inbox by tackling short, straightforward emails during transition times. It’s a productive way to stay on top of communication without dedicating large chunks of time.
  5. Mindset Work: Practice affirmations, journaling, or guided meditation to nourish your mental well-being. Transition times offer ideal moments for quick mindset exercises that can boost your mood and productivity.
  6. Make a Plan: Take a few minutes to jot down goals, tasks, or ideas for the day ahead. Having a plan in place helps you stay focused and organized, even during brief intervals of time.
  7. Braindump: Release mental clutter by jotting down thoughts, ideas, or to-dos onto paper or a digital device. Transition times provide a perfect opportunity for a brain dump, clearing space for fresh inspiration.
  8. Brainstorm or Mindmap: Use transition times to brainstorm ideas or create mind maps for upcoming projects. Engaging in creative thinking exercises can spark innovative solutions and insights.
  9. Take a Nap: If you’re feeling fatigued, consider using transition times for a quick power nap. Even a brief rest can recharge your energy and enhance cognitive function.

Embracing Productivity in Transition Times

Transition times don’t have to be wasted moments in your day. By adopting a proactive approach and implementing productive activities, you can make the most of these intervals and turn them into opportunities for personal growth and self-improvement.

As you integrate these strategies into your routine, consider exploring further productivity techniques and strategies. Join the Charmed Life Mastermind to gain access to exclusive resources, coaching, and support to optimize your time management and productivity. Let’s transform transition times into moments of empowerment and progress together-giving you back more of your time!

Unlock the potential of your time and embark on a journey towards greater productivity and fulfillment. Join the Charmed Life Mastermind today and elevate your productivity game to new heights.

Click here to join now!


6 Prioritization Strategies to Shrink Your To-Do List

6 Prioritization Strategies to Shrink Your To-Do List

In the fast-paced rhythm of modern life, our to-do lists often resemble ambitious scrolls, growing longer with each passing day. As responsibilities mount and tasks multiply, the challenge is not just managing the list but strategically shrinking it to focus on what truly matters. Enter the world of prioritization—an indispensable skill that empowers us to navigate the labyrinth of tasks efficiently. This blog post is your guide to mastering six powerful prioritization strategies designed to not only slim down your to-do list but also amplify your productivity and time management. Let’s delve into these strategies, each a compass guiding you through the maze of tasks and responsibilities, helping you hone in on what deserves your immediate attention and energy. The goal is not just to do more but to do what matters most, making each moment count in the grand symphony of your daily endeavors.

1. Eisenhower Matrix: A Framework for Urgency and Importance

The Eisenhower Matrix, named after President Dwight D. Eisenhower, provides a structured approach to prioritizing tasks based on their urgency and importance. In a world inundated with to-do lists, this method acts as a compass, helping you navigate the clutter and zero in on tasks that demand your immediate attention.

How to Use:

1. Urgent and Important (Quadrant I): These are tasks that require immediate attention. They are both crucial and time-sensitive. Tackle these tasks first and foremost to prevent crises or missed opportunities.

2. Important, but Not Urgent (Quadrant II): These tasks are significant for long-term goals but may not be time-sensitive. Schedule dedicated time to work on these tasks, ensuring they don’t become urgent later. This quadrant is often where strategic planning and personal growth activities fall.

3. Urgent, but Not Important (Quadrant III): Tasks in this quadrant demand immediate attention, but they contribute minimally to your long-term goals. Assess if these tasks can be delegated or minimized to free up time for more critical activities.

4. Neither Urgent nor Important (Quadrant IV): Tasks in this quadrant are neither time-sensitive nor crucial for your goals. Consider eliminating or postponing these tasks to focus on what truly matters.

Why It Works:

The power of the Eisenhower Matrix lies in its ability to bring clarity to the chaotic landscape of tasks. By categorizing tasks into these four quadrants, you gain a strategic perspective on what needs your attention most urgently and what contributes significantly to your long-term success. It’s a tool that not only helps you prioritize effectively but also ensures that your efforts align with your overarching goals, preventing burnout and fostering a more balanced approach to task management. Whether you’re juggling professional responsibilities or personal projects, the Eisenhower Matrix empowers you to make decisions with purpose, ensuring that your time and energy are invested where they will yield the greatest impact.

2. ABCDE Method: A Strategic Approach to Prioritization

The ABCDE Method is a straightforward yet powerful strategy for prioritizing tasks, providing a clear roadmap to address your to-do list systematically. Developed by productivity expert Brian Tracy, this method offers a practical framework for discerning the importance and urgency of each task, allowing you to allocate your time and effort with precision.

How to Use:

1. A Tasks: These are your top-priority tasks—those that must be done today. These tasks typically have immediate and significant consequences if not completed promptly. Focus your energy on completing A tasks before anything else.

2. B Tasks: These are important but not as time-sensitive as A tasks. B tasks have flexibility, meaning they should be done today, but you have some leeway. Schedule these tasks after completing your A tasks.

3. C Tasks: These tasks could be done today but are optional. While they may contribute to your overall goals, they aren’t as crucial. If time permits, address C tasks, but they should not take precedence over A and B tasks.

4. D Tasks: Delegate these tasks to others if possible. Effective delegation allows you to free up your time for more high-impact activities. If a task doesn’t require your specific skills or attention, entrust it to someone else.

5. E Tasks: Eliminate or postpone these tasks. These are tasks that, upon closer inspection, might not contribute significantly to your goals. If possible, remove them from your to-do list or postpone them to a later date.

Why It Works:

The ABCDE Method is effective because it forces you to assess tasks not only in terms of urgency but also in relation to their impact on your goals. By categorizing tasks into A, B, C, D, and E, you gain clarity on which tasks require immediate attention and which can be addressed with more flexibility. This method streamlines decision-making, ensuring that your focus aligns with your overarching priorities. As you tackle tasks in order of priority, you create a more efficient and purposeful approach to managing your time and responsibilities. The ABCDE Method is a valuable tool for anyone seeking a systematic way to navigate a demanding to-do list while staying focused on what truly matters.

3. Moscow Method: Streamlining Priorities with Precision

The Moscow Method is a prioritization technique that originated in the world of project management, gaining popularity for its ability to systematically categorize tasks based on their criticality. Derived from the acronym MOSCOW, this method provides a structured approach to sorting tasks and projects, ensuring that energy and resources are allocated with strategic precision.

How to Use:

1. Must-Have (M): These are non-negotiable tasks—absolute essentials that must be completed. They form the backbone of your priorities and should be tackled first.

2. Should-Have (S): Tasks in this category are important but not as critical as Must-Have tasks. They contribute significantly to your goals but offer a bit more flexibility in terms of timing.

3. Could-Have (C): Desirable but not crucial, Could-Have tasks are optional and can be pursued if time and resources permit. These tasks often enhance the overall quality or experience.

4. Won’t-Have (W): Tasks in this category can be deferred or eliminated. They are not immediately essential and can be revisited later or discarded altogether.

Why It Works:

The Moscow Method’s strength lies in its ability to provide a nuanced view of task priorities. By categorizing tasks into Must-Have, Should-Have, Could-Have, and Won’t-Have, you gain clarity on what is indispensable versus what is optional. This method encourages a strategic focus on tasks that align with your immediate goals, preventing the dissipation of energy on non-essential activities. Whether applied to project management or personal task lists, the Moscow Method empowers individuals and teams to make informed decisions about where to direct their efforts. It’s a systematic approach to prioritization that ensures that the most critical tasks receive the attention they deserve, leading to more effective and purposeful outcomes.

4. Eat the Frog: Conquering Challenges Head-On for Peak Productivity

Coined by renowned productivity expert Brian Tracy, the “Eat the Frog” method is a metaphorical call to action that encourages individuals to tackle their most challenging tasks first thing in the morning. The “frog” represents the most difficult and often procrastinated task on your to-do list, and the idea is to confront it head-on to set a positive tone for the rest of the day.

How to Use:

1. Identify the Frog: Take a moment to assess your to-do list and pinpoint the task that feels the most challenging or demanding—the one you’re tempted to postpone.

2. Prioritize the Frog: Make the frog your top priority for the day. By addressing the most difficult task early, you ensure that it doesn’t linger in your thoughts, creating unnecessary stress.

3. Leverage Morning Energy: Tackle the frog during your peak energy hours, typically in the morning. This is when your mind is fresh, and you have the mental clarity to confront challenges effectively.

4. Enjoy a Sense of Accomplishment: Completing the most challenging task first thing provides a sense of accomplishment and sets a positive momentum for the rest of the day. It frees up mental space for other tasks.

Why It Works:

The “Eat the Frog” method leverages psychological principles to enhance productivity. By confronting the most challenging task early in the day, you eliminate the mental burden of anticipation and build momentum for subsequent tasks. This method capitalizes on the concept of willpower, which tends to be strongest in the morning. By accomplishing a difficult task early, you set the stage for a day characterized by achievement and reduced stress. “Eating the frog” is about cultivating a proactive mindset and fostering a sense of empowerment over your to-do list, ultimately leading to increased productivity and a more positive work experience.

5. RICE Framework: Maximizing Impact with Systematic Prioritization

The RICE Framework is a strategic prioritization method designed to help individuals and teams assess the impact of various tasks or projects. Developed by Intercom, a product management and design company, the RICE Framework factors in reach, impact, confidence, and effort to provide a comprehensive scoring system for prioritization.

How to Use:

1. Reach (R): Evaluate how many people will be affected by the task or project. Consider the potential audience, users, or stakeholders who will benefit from or be impacted by the completion of the task.

2. Impact (I): Assess the overall effect or benefit of the task. What will be the magnitude of the change or improvement resulting from the completion of this task or project?

3. Confidence (C): Estimate your confidence in the expected outcomes. How certain are you that the task will deliver the anticipated impact? This factor helps mitigate uncertainty in the prioritization process.

4. Effort (E): Consider the resources, time, and effort required to complete the task. This includes the manpower, tools, and any other resources needed for successful execution.

5. Calculate the RICE Score: Assign a numerical score to each of the four factors (Reach, Impact, Confidence, and Effort). The RICE score is calculated by multiplying Reach, Impact, and Confidence, and then dividing the result by Effort. The higher the RICE score, the higher the priority.

Why It Works:

The RICE Framework excels in providing a quantitative approach to task prioritization. By systematically evaluating reach, impact, confidence, and effort, individuals and teams can objectively assess the potential value and feasibility of various tasks. The RICE score allows for a comparative analysis, ensuring that efforts are directed toward tasks that offer the greatest impact relative to the resources invested. This method is particularly useful in product development, project management, and any scenario where tasks must be prioritized based on their potential influence and efficiency. The RICE Framework not only streamlines decision-making but also promotes a strategic allocation of resources for maximum impact.

6. Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule): Achieving More by Focusing on the Vital Few

The Pareto Principle, often referred to as the 80/20 Rule, is a universal concept that asserts that roughly 80% of effects come from 20% of causes. Named after the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, this principle can be applied to various aspects of life, including task management, to identify and prioritize the most impactful activities.

How to Use:

1. Identify the Vital Few: Recognize the 20% of tasks or activities that contribute to 80% of your desired outcomes. These are the high-impact activities that deserve your primary focus.

2. Assess Task Contributions: Analyze the impact of each task or activity on your overall goals. Which tasks contribute significantly to your desired results, and which ones have a lesser impact?

3. Allocate Resources Accordingly: Direct a disproportionate amount of your time, energy, and resources toward the vital few tasks that yield the most significant results. This may involve reevaluating your task list and adjusting priorities.

4. Minimize the Trivial Many: Acknowledge that not all tasks contribute equally to your goals. Identify and minimize tasks that fall into the “trivial many” category, recognizing that they may not significantly impact your overall objectives.

Why It Works:

The Pareto Principle is a powerful tool for optimizing productivity and efficiency. By focusing on the vital few tasks that contribute the most to your goals, you can achieve greater results with less effort. This principle encourages a shift in mindset, promoting the understanding that not all tasks are created equal. It prompts individuals to identify and prioritize the critical activities that drive success, allowing for a more intentional allocation of time and resources. Whether applied to business, personal development, or time management, the Pareto Principle empowers individuals to work smarter, not harder, by concentrating efforts on the tasks that truly matter. It’s a valuable principle that encourages strategic thinking and can lead to more impactful and rewarding outcomes.

Mastering the Art of Prioritization for Lasting Productivity

In the whirlwind of tasks and responsibilities that define our daily lives, the ability to prioritize effectively becomes the linchpin for sustained productivity and accomplishment. The six prioritization strategies—Eisenhower Matrix, ABCDE Method, Moscow Method, Eat the Frog, RICE Framework, and Pareto Principle—serve as invaluable guides, offering diverse approaches to navigate the labyrinth of to-do lists with strategic precision.

As we conclude our exploration of these prioritization methodologies, it becomes clear that the path to productivity is not solely about doing more but about doing what matters most. The Eisenhower Matrix prompts us to discern between urgency and importance, while the ABCDE Method encourages us to align tasks with our overarching priorities. The Moscow Method adds a layer of strategic categorization, urging us to distinguish between must-haves and optional tasks. “Eating the frog” challenges us to confront challenges head-on, leveraging the power of morning energy.

The RICE Framework introduces a quantitative dimension, allowing for a meticulous evaluation of tasks based on reach, impact, confidence, and effort. Lastly, the Pareto Principle stands as a timeless reminder that a small fraction of efforts often leads to the majority of outcomes.

Ultimately, the art of prioritization is a dynamic and personalized journey. It involves understanding the unique interplay of urgency, importance, impact, and effort within the context of our goals. As you embark on this journey, experiment with these strategies and adapt them to your workflow. Embrace the flexibility to refine your approach based on the evolving demands of your projects and objectives.

In the realm of productivity, prioritization is the compass that guides us through the noise, helping us carve a path toward meaningful achievements. Whether you’re a seasoned professional, a student juggling academics, or an entrepreneur steering the ship of your ventures, these prioritization strategies are tools to refine your focus, enhance your decision-making, and amplify your impact.

So, armed with these prioritization techniques, embark on your daily challenges with newfound clarity. Shrink your to-do list not through mere elimination, but through strategic prioritization—making every task a deliberate step toward your goals. May your days be marked by purposeful productivity and your to-do lists be transformed from overwhelming scrolls into concise roadmaps leading you to success.

Ready to take control of your to-do list and transform your productivity?

Join us in the Charmed Life Mastermind, where you’ll gain exclusive access to in-depth discussions, personalized coaching, and actionable strategies to implement these prioritization techniques effectively.

In our community, you’ll connect with like-minded women who are committed to mastering the art of prioritization and achieving lasting success. Together, we’ll navigate the complexities of modern life and empower each other to prioritize what truly matters.

Don’t let your to-do list overwhelm you—take charge of your productivity journey today. Join the Charmed Life Mastermind and start shrinking your to-do list strategically. Your charmed life awaits—let’s embark on this transformative journey together.

Enrollment is currently open, there are three subscriptions options available so you can choose the payment structure that works for you.

Enroll and Begin Today!

Imagine where you will be 3 months, 6 months or even a year from now! Your future is built by the decisions and actions you take today, so start building a better future for yourself, your family and your community by joining the Charmed Life Master Mind now.


Why You Need a Daily Uniform in 2024 and Winter Uniform Ideas

Why You Need a Daily Uniform in 2024 and Winter Uniform Ideas

Welcome, style enthusiasts! As we step into 2024, let’s talk about a game-changer that can simplify your mornings, save you time, and elevate your style: the daily uniform. Today, we’ll explore the compelling reasons behind adopting a daily uniform and delve into chic winter uniform ideas that prioritize comfort, warmth, and timeless elegance.

Why You Need a Daily Uniform

1. Effortless Mornings:

Picture this: a closet filled with pieces that effortlessly complement each other. That’s the beauty of a daily uniform. Selecting your outfit becomes a breeze, allowing you to start your day with ease and clarity.

2. Time and Energy Savings:

By eliminating the decision fatigue that comes with choosing from a myriad of options, you reclaim precious time and mental energy. A daily uniform streamlines your morning routine, leaving you with more bandwidth to conquer your day.

3. Comfort and Confidence:

Comfort and confidence go hand in hand. When you feel good in what you’re wearing, your confidence soars. A daily uniform ensures that every piece aligns with your style and comfort preferences, making you feel your best every day.

4. Efficient Shopping:

Know exactly what pieces you need to complete your daily uniform template, making shopping a breeze. With a clear vision, you can invest in higher quality items that stand the test of time, steering clear of fast fashion pitfalls.

5. Investment-Worthy Pieces:

With a daily uniform, you buy less variation, allowing you to invest in better quality pieces. Focus on timeless items made with superior materials that not only look polished but also last longer, reducing your environmental footprint.

Winter Uniform Ideas

Winter brings its own set of challenges and opportunities for style. Let’s explore some winter uniform ideas that prioritize comfort, warmth, and sophistication.

1. Material and Texture Take Center Stage:

Winter is the season to let material and texture shine. Embrace wool, silk, and cashmere for their luxurious feel and superior warmth. Quality fabrics elevate your winter wardrobe, ensuring durability and a polished appearance.

2. Layering Magic:

Layering is the key to staying warm in winter. Whether it’s blazers over sweaters or cardigans paired with blouses, layering adds depth to your outfit. Opt for natural fibers to ensure comfort and avoid overheating.

3. Neutral Palette for Versatility:

Stick to a neutral color palette that complements your natural coloring. Neutrals are timeless, making it easier to mix and match your winter wardrobe. This approach allows you to invest in higher quality pieces that outlast seasonal trends.

Winter Uniform Templates

1. Business Formal to Business Casual:

  • Lightweight Turtleneck Sweater
  • Slightly Oversized Wool Blazer
  • Trousers to Match

Image One | Image Two | Image Three | Image Four

This versatile “suit” template can be dressed up or down with different blouses or sweaters. Choose slightly oversized or looser fits for both the blazer and trousers, ensuring business appropriateness without sacrificing comfort.

2. Work from Home Comfort:

  • Oversized Cashmere Sweater
  • Wool Cardigan
  • Wool Joggers

Image One | Image Two | Image Three | Image Four

Embrace comfort without sacrificing style with this work-from-home template. Opt for slightly more fitted wool joggers to maintain a polished look. The cardigan can be swapped for a fleece jacket for a casual touch.

Join the Charmed Life Master Mind

Ready to enhance not just your style but your overall lifestyle? Join the Charmed Life Master Mind for more productivity systems and personal organization tips that will elevate your quality of life. Surround yourself with a community dedicated to mastering the art of living a charmed life.

Click here to join now!

Here’s to a year of effortless mornings, stylish comfort, and the joy of embracing a daily uniform that reflects your unique essence. Cheers to a charmed life! ✨👗


Alexis Giostra @MissTrenchcoat, Founder of Strange & Charmed

Image from IKEA Pax System

7 Home Management Systems to Put into Practice Now for an Easier and More Organized Year Ahead

7 Home Management Systems to Put into Practice Now for an Easier and More Organized Year Ahead

Welcome to a new year, where a fresh start and an organized home await you! If you’re ready to make 2024 your most streamlined and stress-free year yet, it’s time to implement some home management systems. These practical and effective systems will not only simplify your daily life but also pave the way for a more harmonious and balanced household. Let’s dive into seven essential home management systems to put into practice now for an easier and more organized year ahead.

1. Autopilot for Bills: Autopay Your Way to Financial Ease

Say goodbye to bill-related stress by setting up autopay for your recurring bills. Automating your payments ensures that your financial commitments are met on time, giving you peace of mind and saving you the hassle of manual payments.

Pro Tip: Schedule a monthly reminder to review your account statements. While autopay is convenient, it’s crucial to stay informed about your financial transactions.

2. Culinary Harmony: Master the Art of Meal Planning and Prep

Take the chaos out of mealtime with a well-thought-out meal planning and preparation system. Devote a bit of time each week to plan your meals, create a shopping list, and prepare some ingredients in advance. This not only saves time but also promotes healthier eating habits.

Pro Tip: Consider theme nights for meals, making planning even more enjoyable. Taco Tuesdays, anyone?

3. Sparkling Spaces: Establish a Cleaning Routine

Maintain a clean and organized home effortlessly by establishing a cleaning routine. Break down tasks into daily, weekly, and monthly chores. This not only keeps your home tidy but also ensures that deep cleaning doesn’t become an overwhelming task.

Pro Tip: Get the whole family involved by assigning age-appropriate chores. Cleaning can be a team effort, fostering a sense of responsibility in everyone.

4. Family Bonding Time: Schedule Regular Quality Family Time

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s essential to prioritize quality family time. Set aside dedicated moments for bonding – be it a weekly game night, a Sunday brunch, or a family outing. These moments strengthen family bonds and create cherished memories.

Pro Tip: Rotate the responsibility of choosing the family activity each week to keep things exciting and inclusive.

5. Health Matters: Schedule Doctor Appointments in Advance

Stay on top of your family’s health by proactively scheduling doctor appointments. Mark key dates for check-ups, vaccinations, and any necessary medical visits. This system ensures that your loved ones receive the care they need, without the stress of last-minute appointments.

Pro Tip: Create a family health calendar to centralize all medical appointments and make it easily accessible to everyone.

6. Home TLC: Prioritize Home Maintenance

A well-maintained home is a happy home. Create a schedule for routine home maintenance tasks, such as HVAC system checks, gutter cleaning, and pest control. Regular maintenance prevents small issues from turning into costly repairs.

Pro Tip: Use technology to set reminders for maintenance tasks. Apps and digital calendars can be excellent tools to keep you on track.

7. Financial Zen: Monthly Financial Review

Secure your financial future by implementing a monthly financial review system. Set aside time each month to review your budget, track expenses, and assess your financial goals. This proactive approach allows you to identify areas for improvement and celebrate your financial wins.

Pro Tip: Use the monthly financial review as an opportunity to set goals for the upcoming month and adjust your budget accordingly.

Join the Charmed Life Master Mind

Ready to elevate your home management systems and create a life of ease and organization? Join the Charmed Life Master Mind for ongoing support in building personalized systems that align with your unique lifestyle. Surround yourself with a community committed to mastering the art of personal organization and make 2024 your most charmed year yet.

Click here to join now!

Embrace the beauty of an organized home and enjoy the abundance of time and energy it brings. Here’s to a year filled with ease, harmony, and the joy of a well-managed home! 🏡✨


Alexis Giostra @MissTrenchcoat, Founder of Strange & Charmed

Make 2024 the Year You Hit Your Goals

Hello My Charmed Ones!

As we stand on the cusp of a new year, the promise of fresh beginnings beckons us to set ambitious goals and strive for new heights. But how do we ensure that the enthusiasm of the new year doesn’t wane into the familiar routine of unmet resolutions? In this blog post, we’ll explore a strategic process that can transform your aspirations into tangible achievements. Let’s make 2024 the year you not only set goals but crush them with intention and precision.

1. Choose 1-5 Priorities for the Year:

Begin by identifying the core aspects of your life that matter the most—your priorities. These can be people, places, or institutions that significantly impact your overall well-being. By focusing on a manageable number of priorities, you create a foundation for meaningful and impactful goal setting.

2. Set 1-3 Goals per Priority:

For each priority, establish 1-3 specific goals. A goal, in this context, is an outcome that either establishes a new standard, changes an existing one, or maintains a critical standard in your life. Ensure your goals are clear, measurable, and aligned with the priorities you’ve identified.

3. Define Objectives for Each Goal:

While goals provide the destination, objectives chart the course. Define actionable objectives for each goal—these are the steps you’ll take to achieve your desired outcomes. Consider your strengths and interests when deciding on your action plan. The path you choose should resonate with you, even if it diverges from the conventional approach.

4. Assign Objectives Across the Months of the Year:

Recognize that success is a journey, not a sprint. Strategically assign objectives to specific months, keeping in mind that you can’t do everything at once. Be realistic and allocate no more than three objectives to a particular month. This measured approach prevents overwhelm and allows for steady progress throughout the year.

5. Use a Functional Planner to Track Your Tasks:

A functional planner becomes your ally in the journey towards goal attainment. The Charmed Life Master Planner offers dedicated monthly planning and tracking inserts designed to help you stay organized. It provides a clear roadmap for each month, week, and day, ensuring that you allocate time and effort toward making your goals a reality.

This is Your Year Goal Planning Workshops

To supercharge your goal-setting journey, consider enrolling in the “This is Your Year” Goal Planning Workshops. Tailored for both life and business goals, these workshops guide you through the process of setting your goals, breaking your goals down into objectives, and planning out your actions for the year. “You Got Goals” focuses on overall life goals, while “CEO Retreat” is designed for business goals and annual business planning. Purchase these workshops individually or as a bundled package to equip yourself with the tools and strategies needed to make 2024 your most successful year yet.

As we step into the new year, let’s not merely hope for change; let’s strategically plan for it. With a clear roadmap, actionable steps, and the right tools, 2024 can indeed be the year you hit your goals and shape the narrative of your life.


Founder, Strange & Charmed

Vlogmas of Productivity 2023 | Day One

Hello, My Charmed Ones, and welcome to the Vlogmas of Productivity! 

Yes, I am doing Vlogmas 2023 this year, but with a twist. Instead of vlogging my days and how I’m spending my time celebrating the holiday season up until Christmas, I want to help get you organized and prepared for 2024 with a series of simple prompts and activities.

These daily tasks will move the needle and set you up for a balanced and successful year in 2024. I think the end of the year coinciding with the holiday season is bad timing because many of us are super busy with holidays, events, vacations, and added stresses. We face three huge deadlines at once – the holidays themselves, wrapping up our work for the current year, and preparing for the new year. 

If you feel the need to prioritize and maybe give up on certain things that you had been looking forward to just so you can fit everything in, remember it’s not your fault. It’s the nature of the season. This Vlogmas series is here to simplify your year-end wrap-up and help you get prepared for the new year with quick activities, taking 5 to 30 minutes max each day.

I hope you join me for this Vlogmas series. Subscribe to my YouTube channel, and consider turning on notifications to see the new prompt daily. These activities will set you up for the best year ever in 2024.

Now, let’s jump into our prompt for day one.

Day One Prompt:

What are three words that you would use to describe 2023?

I love this activity because it helps you intentionally choose words or phrases to remember the year. They don’t have to be all positive; it’s about looking at the year holistically. A year from now, you’ll forget how you felt about this year, so these three words or phrases will help you remember it in a nuanced way.

Take a moment to write out your three words or phrases. If you have any questions or need coaching around this activity, leave a comment below. Feel free to share your insights in the comments; the community would love to read about them.

Watch the Video: Vlogmas of Productivity Day One


Founder, Strange & Charmed

Well Planned & Productive Gift Guide for Busy and Ambitious Women

Well Planned & Productive Gift Guide for Busy and Ambitious Women: Elevate Your Productivity in Style!

The holiday season is upon us, and what better way to celebrate the ambitious, go-getter women in your life than with gifts that enhance their productivity and add a touch of elegance to their daily routines? Whether they are entrepreneurs, professionals, or simply masters of multitasking, these thoughtful presents are designed to make their lives more organized, efficient, and stylish. Here’s a handpicked selection of 20 gifts that are sure to delight the busy and ambitious women in your circle:

1. 2024 Master Planner: A digital planner system to help them plan, prioritize, and achieve their goals in the upcoming year.

2. Mug Warmer: Keep their favorite beverages warm while they conquer their tasks.

3. Wireless Charging Mouse Pad: Charge their devices seamlessly while working with this multitasking mouse pad.

4. Cork Board: A stylish cork board to pin important notes, inspirations, and goals.

5. High Vibe Bible: Give the gift of a strong mindset with this 90 day manifestation journal.

6. Amazon Jeggings: Comfortable and versatile jeggings for a chic yet relaxed style.

7. Nespresso Vertuo Next Coffee and Espresso Machine: Fuel their day with the perfect cup of coffee or espresso.

8. Functional Planning Handbook: A comprehensive guide to mastering functional planning techniques.

9. Hatch Alarm Clock: Wake up gently with this smart alarm clock that simulates sunrise.

10. White Board Dry Erase Sticker: Transform any surface into an erasable whiteboard for brainstorming and planning.

11. Apple Watch: Stay connected and organized with the latest Apple Watch, a perfect blend of style and functionality.

12. Multipurpose Storage Boxes: Keep their space clutter-free with these stylish and versatile storage boxes.

13. Shark Flexstyle: Make their morning beauty routine quick and easy with this easy to use hair styler.

14. Skintone Hanging Files: Organize important documents in style with these skintone hanging files.

15. Crock Pot: Prepare delicious and healthy meals with minimal effort using a high-quality crockpot.

16. Printer: A reliable printer for all their professional and creative needs.

17. Marshall Emberton Speaker: Enjoy their favorite tunes with this portable and stylish Bluetooth speaker.

18. Rotating Desk Organizer: Keep their workspace tidy and efficient with this sleek rotating desk organizer.

19. Simple Modern 40oz Water Bottle: Stay hydrated in style with this chic and functional water bottle.

20. Robot Vacuum and Mop Combo: Effortlessly maintain a clean home with this intelligent robot vacuum and mop combo.

This holiday season, empower the ambitious women in your life to conquer their goals with these well-planned and productivity-boosting gifts. Wrap up the essence of productivity, style, and functionality, and make their holiday season truly exceptional!


Founder, Strange & Charmed 🌟

P.S. If you’re looking for more support in living your best, most organized and successful life, consider joining my inner circle private group coaching community called The Charmed Life Master Mind. Each month we meet for live classes, Q+As and monthly planning sessions, plus you have access to an on-demand resource library with dozens of classes, workbooks, planner inserts and other tools to help you craft the life you want to live. Click here to learn more and enroll today for instant access to all my best content and tools!

Happy Thanksgiving 2023 Charmed Ones

Happy Thanksgiving My Charmed Ones!

I appreciate you all more than you know! For the last 9+ years you have helped me make the life of my dreams a reality and I love helping you do the same!

My Annual Holiday Sale has officially begun, don’t miss out on 30% Off in The Charmed Shop!

Wishing you a wonderful Turkey Day with those you love!

Founder, Strange & Charmed 

3 Productivity Tools to Pick Up During The Charmed Shop’s Black Friday Sale

Hello My Charmed Ones!

As the holiday season approaches, it’s the perfect time to set the stage for a productive and purposeful 2024. The Charmed Shop’s Black Friday Sale is just around the corner, and I’m thrilled to share three must-have productivity tools that will elevate your planning game and set you up for success in the coming year.

1. 2023 Advent of Productivity Calendar: Unwrap Daily Planning Inspiration

Step into the intentional and mindful world of productivity with our 2023 Advent of Productivity Calendar. For 24 days, starting from December 1st, unwrap a new and unique productivity tool each day. From goal-setting worksheets to habit trackers, this calendar is designed to infuse your days with inspiration and intention. Don’t miss the chance to bring a touch of magic to your daily planning routine.

Pro Tip: Gift this calendar to a fellow planner enthusiast, and embark on a productivity journey together!

2. 2024 Charmed Life Master Planner: Your Blueprint to Success

Whether you prefer the tactile feel of paper or the convenience of digital planning, the 2024 Charmed Life Master Planner has you covered. Choose between the Print at Home PDF or Digital PDF version to start crafting your personalized blueprint for success. With carefully designed inserts based on productivity and neuroscience research, this planner will guide you through goal setting, project planning, and daily organization. For business owners, the CEO Strategy Planner is your go-to for creating a strategic business plan to conquer 2024.

Pro Tip: Consider gifting a planner to a business bestie to share the joy of organized living.

3. Charmed Life Master Mind Annual Membership: The Gift of Growth

Give yourself or a loved one the gift of growth with our Charmed Life Master Mind Annual Membership, now on sale for $333. Immerse yourself in a community of like-minded individuals, access a year of classes and coaching from me, and receive the 2024 Charmed Life Master Planner in both Print at Home and Digital PDF versions. This membership is a treasure trove of support, resources, and strategies to enhance your productivity and bring your goals to life.

Pro Tip: This membership makes an excellent gift for someone ready to supercharge their personal and professional growth. Purchase a membership for yourself and a friend for an instant accountability buddy you know in real life to go through the classes together!

The Charmed Shop’s Black Friday Sale is your opportunity to invest in tools that will shape a purposeful and prosperous 2024. Mark your calendars, set your reminders, and make sure you’re on my list to seize these enchanting productivity tools at incredible prices. Here’s to a charmed and productive holiday season!

Stay charmed,

Founder, The Charmed Shop

Get Ready to Stuff Your Planner + Elevate Your Personal Development | The Charmed Shop’s Annual Holiday Sale is Coming!

Hello My Charmed Ones!

As we gear up for the most wonderful time of the year, I’m thrilled to share some exciting news that will add a touch of magic to your holiday season and help you stuff your planner while elevating your personal development and productivity to the next level! The Charmed Shop’s Annual Holiday Sale is just around the corner, and it’s going to be an enchanting experience filled with exclusive discounts, delightful surprises, and more!

🌟 Save the Date: November 22nd – 30th 🌟

Starting the day before Thanksgiving and running through Black Friday, Cyber Monday and to the end of November, our holiday sale will be your ticket to a world of savings and joy. If you don’t already know, my Annual Holiday Sale is the biggest sale I run all year. But here’s the secret to unlocking the best deals: Make sure you’re on my email list!

Why Sign Up? 💌

  • Exclusive Discount Code: Subscribers will receive a special discount code delivered straight to their inbox. This code unlocks generous savings on everything you need to create your perfect planner system for 2024, master time and task management and manifest business and goal success in the New Year!
  • Seasonal Free Gift: Every year on Thanksgiving, I send my email list an awesome free gift to help them stay organized during the rush and overwhelm of holiday shopping- don’t miss out as this only goes to my email list.
  • Magical Content: The holiday weekend is not just about shopping; it’s about celebrating the spirit of the season. My email subscribers can expect some extra seasonal content to help them find balance in what can often be a very hectic time. This special content will only be going out via email during the period of the holiday sale.

How to Join the Charmed Shop’s Inner Circle

Are you ready to secure your spot in savings, goodies and more seasonal content?

  1. Get On My List by Clicking Here: Good things are headed your way- keep your eye on your email for the discount code to shop the sale and the other goodies to come!
  2. Subscribe to My YouTube Channel: It’s the best place to see some of my best selling products in action.
  3. Follow me on Instagram: I’ll be sharing more behind the scenes of my Thanksgiving celebrations and holiday weekend fun on my IG stories!

Why Wait? Join Now! 🚀

The holiday season is a time for joy, gratitude, and giving. By joining our email list, you’re not just getting a discount code; you’re becoming a cherished part of the Charmed Shop family. I can’t wait to share the magic of the season with you!

Stay charmed and keep an eye on your inbox!

Warm wishes,

Founder, The Charmed Shop

P.S. Get ready to unwrap the magic of savings! 🎁✨