
Things I’m Glad I’ve Never Done


Every once in a while, I get an itch. A feeling like I want to do something I have never done before, perhaps I have seen an upswing in a certain trend that I had always admired, or just feel like I want to change something in my life in a big way. I get an urge for spontaneity and adventure, and that stereotypical “you only live once” mentality comes on. Of course, when I sit down to give good thought to the idea of dying my hair turquoise or getting a foot tattoo, two of the more prominent urges I often feel, I end up realizing that for me, those choices would be a mistake. There are plenty of opportunities I have missed throughout the years, regrets scattered here and there that I try not to give thought to, but these are the five things I’m glad I’ve never done!

1. Smoked: I’ll admit that when I was 18 I bought a pack of cigarettes just because I could! They were those super small and skinny girly cigarettes and I would sit with my father at his favorite bar and pretend to smoke them. “You’re not inhaling,” he’d notice. “Of course not,” I’d respond. “That’s what get’s you addicted!” He would proceed to laugh at me with a gang of other regulars, eventually coming to the conclusion that I was too smart for my own good. Coming from a family of smokers, I’m often surprised that I never actually took up smoking seriously, but then again, I always hated the smell of cigarette smoke and growing up it was definitely hammered into my brain by one too many after school specials that smoking was bad, just say no! I’m often surprised at the number of people my own age that smoke. I firmly believe it’s a result of peer pressure and a need to just fit in, but geez, sometimes I feel like people should just know better!

2. Got a tattoo: My father always told me that if I got a tattoo he would cut it off me with a knife, but when my younger brother proceeded to cover his body with them, not much of an argument was raised beyond an opinion of their ridiculousness. In college I had a bunch of friends that had tattoos, little marks here and there that were easy to hide with clothing or in places that were not commonly exposed. I gave great thought to the idea of getting a tattoo, and I still sometimes think that if they ever come up with an ink that is able to be removed in a single laser removal appointment, that I just might. But, for now, I am glad I’ve never put a drop of ink into my skin!

3. Been promiscuous: Apparently one of the trademarks of my generation is that of promiscuity. It’s common for teenage girls to lose their virginity to a random high school boyfriend and then follow it up with a series of lovers through college and into formal adulthood. I, however, being the good little Catholic girl I was raised to be, abhorred the idea of casual sex. Not only do I find it to be gross, but I don’t understand nor do I believe that people, women really, can separate the act of physical love with the emotion side of it all. I believe that casual sex as a form of sexual freedom is a lie that promiscuous girls tell themselves and others to legitimize and rationalize their acts, and I believe men exploit this for their own ends. Now, I may not have been a virgin when I got married, but I’m proud that I was able to rise above the pressures most girls face and reserve that part of myself for the few true relationships I have had in my life.

4. Dramatically changed my hair: For the majority of my life, I have had long, dark brown hair. When I was younger, I hated it. It was too thick, extremely curly and impossible to manage in middle school. I desperately wanted to go blonde and made several attempts that resulted in a reddish/copper toned mane that was far from platinum blonde. Once my hair had returned to a more neutral hue later in my high school years, I made the discovery of a lifetime. The Chi! Yes, a hair straightener that acted like a magic wand, changing my hair from big and frizzy to sleek and soft gave my relationship with my hair a fresh start! After that, I began to enjoy my thick dark locks in a way I never had before, growing it out long and lovely. I am often told that I would look good with this or that certain shorter cut, but I wouldn’t dare change it dramatically, I just love it too much. Likewise I often see images of girls with lovely pastel and rainbow toned hair and think to myself “well, I work for myself now, I could dye my hair turquoise without fear,” but the end result is always that I refuse to change one single hair on my head!

5. Followed the crowd: From a young age I distinctly remember realizing that following the crowd was not the way to happiness. Yes, I always wanted to fit in and be accepted at school and such, but I never felt like I needed to do xy or z in order to be accepted. So, for the most part, I was always a little bit of an outsider. I had friends and I wanted them to like me, but not at the expense of my own internal compass. To be honest, there were times when going it my own way was a little tough, I still find it hard to fit in 100% in certain social situations and I go out of my way for people because I am a self-proclaimed people pleaser, but when I did something, I did it my way, and as far as I can tell, this was the best approach to take. It took me years to realize that going it my own way and being comfortable with myself and my beliefs actually made other people envious of my freedom. I may have been on the outside, but when your standing out on your own, its much easier for other people to see you!

I hope that at least some part of this post resonated with you. Let me know in the comments which things you agree or disagree with. I’d love to know your opinion!



Letter from the Editor: Holiday Cheer!


Happy December my Strange & Charmed Ones

I know I say this every month, but WOW, I can’t believe it’s December already! Where has the time gone? I feel like I have officially entered that stage in life when you begin to notice that the days, weeks, months and years are passing quicker and quicker! This is exactly why I think it’s important to stay on top of your plans and goals and to celebrate the little things throughout the month and December is just another wonderful month filled with exciting opportunities for memory making!

First off, if you didn’t see it, I do have a December FREE Filofax printable up on my shop, 31 Days of Merriment & Cheer is your monthly checklist of festive and seasonal to-dos and prompts for special moments to create and share in your own life! You all seem to really be enjoying these printables, so I am glad to create them for you, but please make sure to share pictures of your inserts at home in your own planners via Instagram (make sure to tag me, @misstrenchcoat)!

Second item on the agenda for this month is VLOGMAS! In case you aren’t aware, Vlogmas is a daily vlogging challenge for the month of December, where you put up a vlog (video blog) everyday in the month leading up to Christmas. I did it last year and I am doing it again this year. It’s one of my favorite daily vlogging challenges and I hope I am successful this year in my endeavor. I won’t necessarily be posting my videos here on the blog everyday (one or two key vlogs may make it into a post) so make sure you are subscribed to my YouTube Channel to follow along with my daily adventures. I will also be kicking off a really fun little event for Vlogmas this year starting in my first video which will be up today, so make sure you check that out to see what I have planned!

Next order of business for the month is my vacation! Yes, Mike and I will be going on vacation this month to Las Vegas. We have never been, so we would really appreciate your suggestions for things to do, great places to eat and all that jazz. Please leave me a comment below with your suggestions- I would really appreciate it.

Well, that was a lot to update you all on! Other than that, it should be business as usual around here. I will be posting during my vacation and of course I will be putting up some lovely photos on my Instagram account, so if you would like to follow along on my adventure to Las Vegas, please feel free to follow me on Instagram! I have a lot of great content planned for the blog this month as well. I’ll be writing about why YouTube is better than TV (and even movies), providing a guide to taking great photos of friends and loved one’s during the holiday season (and year round!), and even sharing my fashion necessities for winter!

So, go make yourself a cup a hot cocoa, snuggle up with your favorite blanket and your tablet or laptop and enjoy the content I have for you this month! Happy Holidays!



Editor’s Faves & Thanksgiving {November 2014}


Happy Thanksgiving Internet Friends!! If you celebrate the holiday, I hope you are having a wonderful day with your friends and family! If you do not celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you are having a wonderful Thursday none the less! Now, usually my editor’s faves post would be all about my favorite things for the month, but because today is Thanksgiving and for those of you who are in the US, this is also the start of a nice long weekend (!), I have decided that I am going to make this post a little extra special! First and foremost, I wanted to say a big THANK YOU to all my readers, viewers and customers! 2014 has been such a wonderful year for me and you have been such a major part of that happiness for me! Your love and support for my endeavors has really helped me to push myself through and make my dreams come true for myself and you have no idea how much I care about and love each and every one of you! So Thank You so much for being here along with me on this journey!  XOXO

Well, now that I have gotten the most important item done, here is my Monthly Favorites Video for you if that is what you are waiting for! I actually started something new in this video by doing my Favorites & my “I’m over it’s”! I hope you guys like hearing about the trends I am over for November as well as my favorites. I thought adding that in may help add to the discussion in the comments section which I always love because I get to chat with you all one on one! So check it out when you have a moment and let me know what you think! If you missed my digital monthly favorites, feel free to check that out as well!

2015 Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide

Next, for everyone who is heading out shopping for Black Friday, I thought I would also go ahead and leave you my Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide for 2014 as well! You may have seen this already, but now is the time to bookmark the items you want or want to purchase for others! This guide has literally all the hottest, most popular items this holiday season for the Strange & Charmed lady in your life so if you’re stuck and need a gift idea, feel free to refer to this list for a variety of gifts at a variety of prices!

31 Things to Do in December

Since you may also be enjoying a nice long weekend for the Thanksgiving holiday, now is the perfect time to get my new FREE filofax printable 31 Days of Merriment & Cheer to print out and put into your planner before December begins! After all, December is MONDAY!!! While you are in my shop downloading this printable, you mine as well do a little shopping around for yourself and your filofax and pick up your printable calendar inserts for 2015!

Speaking of Filofax, have you seen my latest Filofax DIY video where I show you How to GTD with a Filofax and 43 Folders? This would make a wonderful weekend project in between the shopping and leftover turkey sandwiches!


Don’t forget to add some great personalizations to your planner while you are at it with my 10 Ways to Personalize your Planner video or my DIY on How to Repurpose Sugar Paper Planner tabs into your Filofax calendar pages linked below!


So, I think I have left you with enough entertainment for one weekend! Again, I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday if you are in the U.S. or celebrating abroad and I will see you in December!




2014 Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide

2015 Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide

I cannot believe how quickly November is coming to a close! Seriously, with Thanksgiving on Thursday and then the official start of the holiday shopping season starting as soon as the plates are cleared from your turkey feast, it is time to get cracking with those wish lists. It always puts me in such a good mood whenever I create a gift guide, and this year is seriously no exception! With this Strange and Charmed Ultimate 2014 Holiday Gift Guide, I have curated 15 of the loveliest, most practical, but still highly luxurious items I am currently coveting! In typical Strange & Charmed fashion, we have a mix of productivity inspired gifts, must have beauty staples and the most charming accessories of the season. The best part is, everything on my list is under $150 and as always I made sure to include a range of price tags so you can find a beautiful gift at any price point! I hope you all enjoy this post, I have made sure to link below to all the items I have featured!

Happy shopping my Strange & Charmed Ones!

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Tips for Wearing Makeup with Glasses!

Makeup for glasses

My glasses are by far one of the most defining characteristic of my style! I don’t think its possible for anyone to actually think of me without thinking of my glasses because they are so bold and unique no one can miss them! Although there is a terrible stereotype out there in the world that girls that wear glasses are not attractive (one that thank heavens is being countered left and right with the increase in popularity of horn-rimmed glasses among women!) I am definitely here to prove that you can wear glasses and be super cute at the same time! No need to hold back on your makeup just because you have a pair of glasses balancing off your nose!

If you wear glasses and think you need to step up your makeup game to help your face shine with frames or without, these easy tips will help you let your natural beauty shine through your lenses!

Tip #1. Define the brow: Because glasses tend to interact with your face shape giving it definition, its important for your eyebrows to be visible and strong so that the frames of your glasses aren’t taking over your face! Make sure your eyebrows are properly shaped for your face (tutorial in video linked below!), well-groomed and filled in so that they are clearly visible behind your frames!

Tip #2. Brighten under the eye: Glasses often cast a shadow right under your eyes in an area that already tends to be dark on most of us, so make sure to add an extra concealer or brightener right where your frames hit under your eyes so that you are drawing in more light to that area of your skin!

Tip #3. Use a base on your eye lids: Make sure your eyelid is like a blank canvas before you begin to apply eyeshadows for color and contrast. Choose a color that works with your natural skin tone and apply it all over your lid up to your eyebrows!

Tip #4. Define the crease: From behind the lens of your glasses, your eyes can begin to look flat and one-dimensional, so make sure to use a contrasting color in your crease to give your eyes added depth. I suggest choosing a color that is a few shades darker than your natural skin tone if you want to go for a natural day look! Once your crease is defined you can use other colors to highlight your eyelid and create a smokey eye shadow look if that is what you prefer!

Tip #5. Define the lash line: Again, it’s all about creating contrast around your eye and using an eyeliner to darken your lash line will help your eyes stand out behind the lenses of your glasses! It’s up to you which type of product you use, from a dark shadow, to a gel liner, pencil liner or liquid, but find something that works for your needs and skill level!

Tip #6. Make your eyes POP: Apply a few coats of mascara to your eye lashes to thicken them up and help to open up the look of your eyes! One big NO-NO if you are wearing glasses is using full sets of false lashes because they can hit your lenses and cause you discomfort throughout the day. If you find that your natural eye lashes need a bit of enhancing, try accent lashes that are just applies to the outer edge of your eyes to help give a fuller affect to your lashes! The Ardell accent lashes are perfect for this!

Of course, there is one last thing! I get asked all the time where I get my glasses from since they are rather unique! I purchased these glasses pictured above from Warby Parker! They are an awesome online retailer of fashionable designer quality frames and lenses that I would highly recommend, so check them out if you are looking for new glasses! My frames are called the Thatcher (similar)! And, also pictured above is my new Naked2 Basics palette that I have been loving! It’s not the palette I use in the video, but I have been using this everyday since I purchased it because it is fabulous and a very reasonable price!

If you’d like to see a tutorial of this look, check out my video below!

I hope you all liked this tutorial and the video as well! Let me know what you thought in the comments below!



Letter from the Editor: Thankfulness

A Note on Thankfulness and the Holiday Season

A Note on Thankfulness and the Holiday Season

Well, well, November is here and I have to say, I wasn’t really wasn’t expecting it this soon! This is an important month for me and my family. For one, my wedding anniversary is in November, the 10th to be more specific, and I am slightly ashamed to admit that I was sitting around watching TV with my husband the other day when we got on the topic of upcoming holidays and events and totally forgot that our wedding anniversary was around the corner. It’s not that I forgot the date of the anniversary, but more like I failed to realize that it was not months away as I had been thinking, but just a few short weeks away. For the past few years, my husband and I have gone on vacation to celebrate the day, but this year we were rather late to the game when scheduling our vacation and instead of going away in November, we are going away in December, so that may have something to do with the whole not remembering thing. November also happens to contain a heck of a lot of birthdays. My husbands for one and then a handful of other miscellaneous family members. For a few years, November was also very important to me as I had regularly participated in Nanowrimo, so I still get anxious at the end of October in anticipation for that, even though I skipped Nano last year and may very well do so again this year. Of course, last but certainly not least, November means Thanksgiving and Black Friday, at least it does in the U.S. I love Thanksgiving because I love to cook, and for the past few years I have been happily preparing Thanksgiving dinners for my family. This year, I am even hosting my first Thanksgiving at my apartment for part of my family, so this will be a pretty important holiday for me this year! Then of course, the next day, all bloated and hungover from food, I will partake in a mini shopping spree and then come home to set up my Christmas Tree!

So, this month I have a good many fun and exciting things planned for the blog and for my YouTube channel as well! First of all, I have put together a collection of must have apps to make your holiday shopping much easier, more organized and hopefully, save you some serious cash!  I’m also going to give you all a run down of my favorite Thanksgiving recipes and the menu that I am planning on for my holiday party! If talk of menus and shopping is already giving you anxiety, I’ve got that covered too with a little pep talk about how to manage stress during this highly stressful time of year! Don’t worry, planner folks! I also have some wonderful plans in the works for you and your filofax! I’ve got some ideas for planner personalization and a number of new printables on the way! Excited yet? I know I am!

For now, take a moment to just savor this early November feeling. Maybe take some time to write down a few goals for how you can enjoy this time of year and also manage the daily mess of life in a reasonable balance! Go ahead, just write down three little goals you have for this month. Here, I’ll go first!

Goal 1: To create content of substance and of value to my readers to help them through the end of the year!

Goal 2: To find something good in everyday, no matter how crazy it gets and to reflect on how Thankful I am for my life!

Goal 3: To make reasonably healthy food choices during a time when I normally feel food takes control of me!

See, that wasn’t too bad? Now, if you would like to share your 3 goals in the comments below, feel free! I would love to see what you’re priorities are for this month and it may even inspire and influence some of the content I create for you all! Oh, one more thing I want to mention is that you can still download my free 30 Days of Thankfulness printable to help motivate you to live with more gratefulness in your heart during this special time of year! So make sure to hop on over to my shop and check it out!

Thank you all so much for reading and I wish you all the best of luck this month as you prepare with family and friends for what I hope will be a wonderful holiday season!



Editor’s Fave’s {October 2014}

Pumpkin Patch October

October was a really great month! I have to say, although I believe the days passed much too quickly, I feel like I have never had a more wonderful or productive month. I know I have said this before and I think I am beginning to sound like a broken record, but I really think that my 31 Things to Do in October printable was a major reason I was able to fit so much into my month and almost stay on track making sure that I was constantly in the fall spirit enjoying my days, the change in weather, and making special memories with friends and family! I am so pleased to know that so many of you also downloaded this printable and have also been enjoying it in your planner, utilizing it as a tool to also help you make similar memories and enjoy the little things that make the month of October special.

31 Things to Do in October Free Printable

As you may have already seen, I posted my November printable, 30 Days of Thankfulness, yesterday, and I am hoping that this new printable also helps to keep me in a positive and grateful mindset during the month of November. I am already overwhelmed with gratefulness by the response from members of the planner community who have already gone ahead and downloaded this new printable. I know gratitude is a topic that comes up often in the planner community, and I think this printable will be a wonderful way to help us all take a moment to see what’s truly important in life and show our gratitude for our lives through thoughtful, well intentioned actions!


So, you are probably wondering what else I have been loving this month, product-wise? Well, to be completely honest, there really have only been a handful of items that I have been obsessed with this month since my main priority has been focusing on experiences and not “stuff” this month.

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My first monthly favorite has been my Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure nail polishes, yet again. I have been loving wearing a combination of three of my fall favorites, Pat on the Black, Almost Almond, and Jungle Gem. Next up is the lipstick I have been loving. Since it’s fall I have been all about a purple lip, and I picked up the Milani Violet Volt lipstick this month and have been loving the color! I also picked up a new drugstore foundation this month, after my long time favorite, the Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum Foundation, ran out. I ended up choosing the L’Oreal Visible Lift Serum Absolute Advanced Age Reversing Makeup, which is a total mouthful, but has been working wonderfully for my dry skin! My last beauty related favorite has been a perfume, my Dior Addict Eau Fraiche, which I nearly complete forgot I owned because it had been tucked away in the back of my beauty closet for months!


As for non beauty favorites, this month I purchased my first fur vest after deciding that I really wanted one this year to add to my wardrobe! I did some research on different options, decided on the quality I wanted and the price range I was willing to spend within and then found this beautiful black fur vest at Neiman’s! It’s currently on sale as well, so if you are in the market for a high quality fur vest, I do recommend this one! Also, this month I was lucky enough to receive a Fluoro Pink Original Filofax in personal size to review from Filofax! I’m not sure if its too early to say, but I have to admit, I think I may have found planner peace with this beauty! Keep an eye out on my YouTube channel for a set up video coming soon! Finally, my last favorite for this month has been my macaron planner charms that I purchased from an Etsy Shop called Mahal Made! If you love macarons or sweets in general and would like to purchase some cute little charms for your planner, I highly recommend this shop!

Of course, it wouldn’t me a monthly favorites without a video, so in case you would prefer to see me do a little show and tell, here is my October Favorites video linked above for your viewing pleasure!

Now, it’s your turn. Let me know what made your October favorites list! Do you have any suggestions for me of products I should try? Oh, also, if you were one of the members of the planner community who downloaded my 31 Things to Do in October Printable, let me know how you enjoyed it this month? How many of the items were you able to check off? I’d love to know, so leave me a comment or send me a tweet or Instagram picture!

I hope you all have a great Halloween tomorrow!



What’s in a Blogger’s Bag?

What's In my Bag Pashli

It has been quite a while since my last real What’s in my bag post! I know I did the back to school version at the end of the summer, but that was more of a hypothetical on what I would carry with me if I was going back to school! Even so, I know you guys are like me and love a great bag and just have to see what is inside. Handbags are just one of those things that I think women are just naturally curious about. On on hand, they are a very personal item that houses the important items that get us through our days, and on the other, they can be a fashion statement of our personality and taste. I know anytime I see a new What’s in my bag post, I  immediately feel the need to reorganize and reflect on my own handbag status. I find myself questioning how my own bag and it’s contents are working for me. Do I still like the shape? Is it the right size for my needs? How does the size of the bag work with my body frame? Am I happy with the hardware? Does the brand represent me and my aesthetic values? Ultimately, it leads to the question of do I want a new bag? 

What's in my bag pashli

I know some of these questions may seem a little intense or overly analytical, but if you’re a person who is spending a few hundred dollars (or more!) on a handbag, I think these are important questions to ask yourself. Even if you don’t normally purchase “designer” handbags, I still think these sorts of questions are important because at the end of the day you are spending money on a fundamental item of your wardrobe, and when it comes to purses, the sky’s the limit when it comes to available variety. So, that’s why I wanted to share with you a very helpful little Style Guide to Handbags that was recently published by Rue La la. If you’re thinking about a new bag or just want to get a little more information and history on styles you already own, I definitely recommend checking out this free reference!

What's in my bag pashli

Now, back to my bag and what’s inside because I know you’re dying to know! Well, for about 6 months now, I have been carrying the super chic Phillip Lim 3.1 Pashli!t It is by far the most expensive bag I have ever owned, and was definitely a purchase I put a lot of thought into. According to the Rue La La Handbag 101 Guide, I would say this bag is somewhere between a Tote and a Satchel, which happen to be two of my favorite styles of handbag because you can just fit so much into them and look chic doing so! One of my favorite parts of this bag is the material, it’s a highly durable, almost pebble style leather that wears beautifully and really holds up well to the daily grind.

Whats in my bag pashli

You can stuff quite a bit into this bag and I really do a good job at pushing the capacity limits! Since this is my “Blogger” bag, I use this to carry around not only my necessities, but also important tech items like my DSLR (not pictured) and my Macbook Air for working on the go! I carry my DSLR in a microfiber camera bag by Mod, so it’s protected while traveling, and my Macbook Air sleeps in a Michael Kors sleeve!

What's in my blogger bag Pashli

What's in my blogger bag Pashli

Since this bag lacks any organizational elements or a variety of compartments, I end up carrying most of my necessities in pouches from Forever 21. I use one for general necessities and one for beauty!

What's in my blogger bag Pashli

Of course, I absolutely can’t leave home without a few essentials, like my iPhone 5 and my new Filofax Original Fluoro Pink planner, that keep me organized and on task when I am getting down to the nitty-gritty of my blog to-dos!


I also keep a few little bits tucked away in the single zip compartment inside the bag. I can’t leave home without my iPhone charger, my Rebecca Minkoff change purse or my new polka dot aluminum wallet that stores away club cards and coupons!

So, of course to go along with this post, I also filmed an updated What’s In my Bag video! Make sure to check it out if you want to see more exact details of the contents of my bag as well as the contents of my pouches! Make sure to check out the Rue La La Handbag 101 Guide online as well– it’s a great little resource for handbag lovers, so make sure to share it with your friends!







This post was created in conjunction with Rue La La to promote their new Handbags and Purses Guide. Thank you so much to Rue La La for creating this guide and for giving me the opportunity to share it with my readers!


Kate Spade Friends & Family Sale!

Kate Spade Friends and Family Sale

Happy Friday Everyone! I have something very fun and exciting to help you kick off your weekend! This morning when I woke up, I had one of the best emails ever sitting in the inbox! Kate Spade is having their 3 Day Friends and Family Sale now through Sunday October 19th! So, as I usually do when I receive these sorts of sale emails, I popped over to their site and checked to see if there was anything I wanted and I was very surprised to find that there were a bunch of items I was drooling over! Now, I know and you know that I love Kate Spade, but normally I can only find a small handful of things I really want, but not today! Today apparently, everything in the online shop was to die for so I thought I’d share with you guys since I know many of my readers also love Kate Spade and sale time is the best time to shop Kate Spade, in my opinion!

Here’s what I was drooling over!

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I am definitely going to pick up a thing or two during the sale, definitely the leather gloves! I have been dying for those for some time! Oh and I for sure need those magnets for the fridge! What about you? See anything you like from my selection of must-have’s? Make sure to use the code F14FFUS at checkout to get your 30% discount when you shop online! 

Bon Weekend,


DIY Filofax Folder Divider!

DIY Planner Folder Tutorial

Immediately after I received my newest planner, the Kikki K Lilac and Gold 2015 Time Planner, I went through something of a Filofax revival! All of a sudden I was super obsessed with my planner again, I scoured the internet for new inserts and goodies and started watching way to many planner set up videos for new inspiration. At some point, I watched a video where a woman showed her setup and briefly commented on a DIY folder she had assembled for her planner. I remember thinking it was one of the cleverest things I had seen in a planner in some time, and made a mental note to attempt to DIY one for myself, not knowing exactly how she had gone about making hers. A few weeks later, I found a little note in my planner that referred to this file folder DIY, and feeling crafty, I decided to see what I could come up with!

DIY Target File Folder Filofax Insert

Many of you have seen exactly what the result of my labor was, and have commented on your interest in seeing a DIY on the topic. So, I went ahead and filmed a video where I walk you through how I made mine. As this wasn’t my original idea, I really wanted to find the source of my inspiration and link you all to the original video I had seen that had inspired this creativity, but for the life of me, I can’t find the video! I searched through my YouTube history, spent days searching videos trying to find the originator of this idea, but alas, I could not find it and thus do not know who I should credit for this idea, but thank you, whoever you are! I love this little folder I have made for myself and I think you guys will love this DIY because it’s really almost too simple!

DIY Target File Folder Filofax Insert

I considered whether or not I should write out the directions to this tutorial, but I know I will probably get a bunch of questions on the process because I feel like crafty tutorials like this need to be seen, not read. So, below is the video where I walk you through the process. Here is a list of supplies I used and suggest for this project:

  • A Target $1 Spot File Folder
  • A cutting mat
  • A metal ruler
  • An exacto knife
  • A permanent glue roller
  • Clear tape
  • Scissors
  • A single hole punch

I hope you all have enjoyed this video and this DIY! I think this little folder is great for storing a variety of different planner supplies like extra paper, sticky notes, page flags, stickers and more! It can also act as a divider as well or even a dashboard if you keep yours in the front of your planner like I do! If you have a planner that lacks lots of pockets or if you just need a more unique storage idea, definitely take the time to try this out and share it with your planner friends as well!

Looking for some more great Filofax inserts? Check out my 31 Things to Do in October Printable or visit my shop for more of my unique inserts and trackers!

