CEO Strategy

Love Your List: Content Ideas for February and Valentine’s Day Season for Female Entrepreneurs

February, with its romantic ambiance and Valentine’s Day festivities, provides a unique opportunity for businesses to engage and connect with their audience. Crafting content that resonates with the season can not only boost engagement but also foster a deeper connection with your customers. Here are some popular content ideas tailored to help you make the most of February and the Valentine’s Day season.

1. Share the Love: Customer Appreciation

  • Content Idea: Express gratitude to your customers with a heartfelt thank-you post. Consider featuring customer testimonials, success stories, or creating a customer appreciation video.
  • Caption: “Our business is sweetened by your support! Thank you for being the heart of our success. šŸ’• #CustomerAppreciation #Gratitude”

2. Valentine’s Day Specials and Promotions

  • Content Idea: Highlight special offers, discounts, or exclusive products/services for Valentine’s Day. Create eye-catching visuals and share the details across your social media platforms.
  • Caption: “Love is in the air, and so are our Valentine’s Day specials! Treat yourself or your loved ones to something special. ā¤ļø #ValentinesDayDeals #SpreadTheLove”

3. Behind-the-Scenes Romance

  • Content Idea: Give your audience a peek behind the scenes of your business, showcasing the people and processes that make everything possible. Share stories that resonate with the theme of love and dedication.
  • Caption: “Our team is the heart of our operation! Here’s a glimpse behind the scenes of the love and hard work that goes into making your favorite products/services. šŸ’– #TeamLove #BTS”

4. DIY Valentine’s Day Ideas

  • Content Idea: Offer your audience do-it-yourself ideas related to your products or services. Whether it’s crafting, cooking, or decorating, provide easy-to-follow guides that align with the Valentine’s Day theme.
  • Caption: “Get creative this Valentine’s Day with our simple DIY ideas! Share your creations with us using #DIYLove. šŸ’ #ValentinesCrafts #DIYInspiration”

5. Love-Infused Product/Service Spotlights

  • Content Idea: Showcase specific products or services that align with the Valentine’s Day theme. Highlight their features, benefits, and how they can add value to your customers’ celebrations.
  • Caption: “Introducing our Valentine’s Day Collection! From romantic essentials to thoughtful gifts, find the perfect way to express your love. šŸ’˜ #ValentinesSpecials #ProductSpotlight”

6. Valentine’s Day Giveaways

  • Content Idea: Run a Valentine’s Day-themed giveaway or contest. Encourage audience participation by asking them to share love stories, photos, or tag someone special for a chance to win.
  • Caption: “Spread love and win! Participate in our Valentine’s Day giveaway for a chance to win [prize]. Share your love story below or tag someone special to enter! šŸŽšŸ’• #ValentinesGiveaway #SpreadTheLove”

29 Social Media Prompts to Spark Love for Your Brand in February

February is not just about chocolates and roses; it’s a fantastic opportunity for businesses to infuse love into their social media presence. To help you engage with your audience and spread the love for your brand, here are 29 creative prompts for your social media posts throughout the Valentine’s season.

1. #SelfLoveSunday

Share a self-care tip or highlight how your product/service promotes self-love.

2. Throwback Love

Share a memorable moment from the past that holds a special place in your business journey.

3. Valentine’s Day Countdown

Start a countdown to Valentine’s Day with daily posts featuring different aspects of your brand.

4. Meet the Team Monday

Introduce your team members and share what they love most about working for your business.

5. Love-Infused Product Showcase

Spotlight products or services that make the perfect Valentine’s Day gift.

6. Customer Love Stories

Feature customer testimonials or stories that showcase their love for your brand.

7. Valentine’s Day Wishlist

Share a curated list of your favorite products/services for the season.

8. Behind-the-Scenes Love

Give followers a sneak peek behind the scenes, showing the love and effort that goes into your business.

9. #TransformationTuesday

Share a business transformation or success story that inspires love and growth.

10. Love Quotes Inspiration

Share uplifting and love-themed quotes related to your business values.

11. Valentine’s Day Poll

Engage your audience with a poll asking about their Valentine’s Day plans or preferences.

12. Showcase Love for Local Businesses

Collaborate with local businesses and share posts that promote mutual support.

13. Valentine’s Day DIY Tips

Provide DIY tips related to your products or services that followers can try for Valentine’s Day.

14. Spread the Love Giveaway

Host a giveaway and encourage followers to share what they love most about your brand.

15. Fan Feature Friday

Feature user-generated content, showcasing how your products are loved by your audience.

16. Share the Love Playlist

Create a Valentine’s Day playlist that aligns with your brand and share it with your followers.

17. Valentine’s Day Memories

Share a memorable moment from a past Valentine’s Day celebration at your business.

18. Love Your Community

Highlight community involvement or charitable efforts your business supports.

19. Valentine’s Day Discounts

Announce exclusive discounts or promotions for the Valentine’s season.

20. Ask for Recommendations

Seek recommendations for favorite love-themed books, movies, or activities from your audience.

21. Love-Inspired Blog Post

Share a blog post or article that aligns with the Valentine’s season.

22. Valentine’s Day Trivia

Engage your audience with fun Valentine’s Day trivia related to your business.

23. Love Language Quiz

Encourage followers to discover their love language and how your brand caters to it.

24. Valentine’s Day Decorations

Showcase how your business is decorated or themed for the season.

25. Valentine’s Day Recipe

Share a love-themed recipe that your audience can try.

26. Love for Your Industry

Share your passion for your industry and why you love being a part of it.

27. Valentine’s Day Challenges

Create challenges related to your products or services and encourage followers to participate.

28. Heartfelt Thank You

Express gratitude to your followers for their continuous support.

29. Future of Love

Share exciting plans and developments for your brand in the upcoming months.

Remember to tailor these content ideas to your brand’s personality and values. Personalization and authenticity are key to creating meaningful connections with your audience during the romantic vibes of February.

Elevate Your Business with the Charmed Life Master Mind!

Ready to take your content, marketing, and business strategy to new heights this season? Join the Charmed Life Master Mindā€”a community of ambitious women and female entrepreneurs committed to growth and success.

In the Charmed Life Master Mind, you’ll unlock exclusive insights, strategies, and a supportive network to help you flourish in your entrepreneurial journey. Elevate your brand, enhance your content, and conquer your business goals with the collective wisdom of like-minded women.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your business into a thriving, charmed venture.

Click here to join the Charmed Life Master Mind today and embark on a journey of empowerment, collaboration, and business brilliance. Your success story begins here!


Alexis Giostra @MissTrenchcoat, Founder of Strange & Charmed

11 Questions to Ask Yourself before You Create a Business Plan for 2024

11 Questions to Ask Yourself before You Create a Business Plan for 2024

Hey there, ambitious and empowered women! Are you ready to conquer 2024 with your entrepreneurial spirit? Before you dive headfirst into the year, let’s take a moment to reflect and plan. Creating a business plan is the cornerstone of success, providing direction and purpose for your journey. In this blog post, we’ll explore 11 crucial questions that will guide you in shaping a strategic roadmap for your business. So, grab your favorite notebook and let’s embark on this empowering journey together!

1. What is your business name and tagline?

Your business name and tagline are the first impressions you make on the world. They should encapsulate the essence of your brand and resonate with your target audience. Take a moment to evaluate if your business name and tagline effectively convey your vision and values.

2. What are your business values?

Values are the compass that guides your decisions and actions. Clearly defined values help you build a strong and authentic brand. Reflect on the values that matter most to you and how they align with your business. Integrating your values into your business practices creates a genuine connection with your audience.

3. What is your business Manifesto

Crafting a manifesto allows you to articulate your mission and purpose. It’s a powerful tool that communicates your brand’s identity and motivates both you and your customers. Share your passion and vision through a compelling manifesto that inspires others to join your journey.

4. What does your business offer or sell?

Define your product or service and understand its unique value proposition. How does it solve a problem for your customers? Knowing what sets your offerings apart will help you stand out in the crowded market and attract the right audience.

5. Who are your customers?

Understanding your target audience is crucial. Identify the demographic, psychographic, and behavioral aspects of your ideal customers. This knowledge will enable you to tailor your marketing strategies to effectively reach and resonate with your audience.

6. What outcomes do you produce for your customers?

Shift your focus from features to outcomes. What transformations or solutions do your products or services provide? Clearly defining the benefits your customers receive will enhance your marketing messages and foster customer loyalty.

7. How do you market to your customers?

Explore various marketing channels that align with your audience’s preferences. Social media, content marketing, and influencer collaborations are just a few options. Tailor your marketing approach to your ideal customers, ensuring your messages resonate and create meaningful connections.

8. Where do you see your business in the next year?

Paint a vivid picture of where you want your business to be in the short term. Set realistic and measurable goals that align with your broader vision. This will help you stay focused and motivated throughout the year.

9. Where do you see your business in the next three years?

Look beyond the immediate horizon and envision the growth and evolution of your business. What milestones do you aim to achieve in the next three years? This forward-thinking approach will guide your long-term strategy.

10. Where do you see your business in the next 5 years?

Dream big! Consider the major milestones and achievements you want to reach in the next five years. This perspective will shape your strategic decisions and provide a roadmap for sustained success.

11. Where do you see your business in the next 10 years?

As you look a decade ahead, envision the legacy you want to leave with your business. What impact do you hope to have on your community or industry? This long-term perspective will fuel your determination and passion.

Congratulations! You’ve just laid the foundation for an incredible year and beyond. Now, to make this planning process even smoother, we’re excited to introduce the CEO Strategy Plannerā€”your ultimate business planning companion on your entrepreneurial journey.

Our planner includes over 60 elegantly designed inserts to help you map, plan, and organize every aspect of your business. Whether you prefer a print-at-home version or a digital interactive PDF, the CEO Strategy Planner is tailored to fit your planning style.

Don’t let overwhelm hold you backā€”take charge of your dreams with the CEO Strategy Planner. Your journey to success starts here!

Purchase your CEO Strategy Planner now!

Here’s to a year of growth, empowerment, and achieving the extraordinary! šŸŒŸ


Alexis Giostra @MissTrenchcoat, Founder of Strange & Charmed

P.S. If you’d like my help in answering these questions and creating your 2024 business plans, join me inside the Charmed Life Master Mind. Each month inside the Master Mind we meet for a CEO Power Hour with the other business owners in our group to make our plans for the month ahead and I can help you clarify your business plans live in class or one on one through our private messaging platform! But you have to be a Master Mind member to unlock this level of bonus coaching with me!

How I Plan and Organize My Life & Business | The Planners and Routines I use Each Year

How I Plan and Organize My Life & Business | The Planners and Routines I use Each Year

Being productive and organized is something that takes consistency, like anything else you may want to find success at in life, you have to put systems in place and keep those systems up and running. Being a productive and organized person isnā€™t something that you set up once and you are done forever. However, the systems you use can be decided on once and then all you have to do is show up to do the regular maintenance routines and it can be as simple as that. So, today I thought it would be helpful if I shared not only the planner and planning tools Iā€™m using to stay productive and organized, but also the functional planning routines and the process I take to plan and organize my life and business on a regular basis.

Part 1: Yearly Plan

The purpose of my yearly planning routine is to set the vision and direction for my year. You canā€™t create the life you want unless you know what that life is and make a plan to get there and that is the function of my yearly planning routine.

So, on an annual basis, in December, I take the following steps in my Yearly Planning Routine.

  1. I set my goals for the new year
  2. Break larger or longer term goals into milestones
  3. Define objectives for precisely how I will achieve each goal and milestone and assign them to specific quarters and months of my year
  4. Populate my planner with known tasks, events and due dates

The tools I use to complete my Yearly Planning routine are my You Got Goals Workshop and Planner that helps me identify and break down my goals. I also use the CEO Retreat Workshop and Workbook to set my specific business goals and define my business plans for the year in terms of what work I will be focused on each month of the year.

My planners for 2024 are the 2024 Charmed Life Master Planner Vertical Digital Edition and the CEO Strategy Planner Digital Edition.

The Master Planner is the where I collect all relevant information for scheduling my time, and managing my tasks functionally.

The CEO Strategy Planner is a tool I use to supplement my main planner that gives me worksheets that help me create, outline and track business related information, but any tasks I define in that planner always get moved to the Master Planner. Yes, itā€™s a bit of duplication but it helps ensure I get individual tasks accomplished- so while I use the CEO Strategy Planner for working out my business plans and storing some important information, I need to integrate my business plans with the rest of my tasks and schedule in my Master Planner.

This process and these tools become the framework or outline for my plans for the year. Each subsequent step of my planning process is meant to fill out more specific details of plans and to prioritize tasks so my life is balanced and on track.

Part 2: Quarterly Plan

The purpose of my quarterly planning routine is to check my progress towards goals and create a 90 day plan of action to focus on. Many people get overwhelmed by their goals and plans because they try to make a plan to far in advance but in my functional planning system, I create more focused targets for 90 days at a time. 90 days or a quarter of planning at a time is often recognized as being a good amount of time to create more detailed plans for because its enough time to get a lot accomplished and to make adjustments to plans as you begin to take action.

So, on a quarterly basis, I take the following steps in my quarterly planning routine, and yes, this means that I am planning out Q1 not long after I set my goals because I need my 90 day plan in place before the quarter begins.

  1. Check progress towards my goals and milestones (Q2-4)
  2. Adjust plans as necessary to account for progress and obstacles
  3. Generate my quarterly business plan
  4. Populate action plans for objectives in the following quarter 
  5. Allocate tasks from project plans to monthly trackers and monthly master task lists

For my quarterly planning routine, I use my Charmed Life Master Planner and my CEO Strategy Planner to fill in the action plans and specific details of plans that I simply assigned to specific quarters or months of the year during my Yearly Planning Routine.Ā 

For example: During my Yearly Planning Routine, I may have decided I wanted to put together a launch for a product in a specific month, letā€™s say January. So, during my Q1 planning session, I would now take the time to create the plan for that launch and once I have the plan made, the tasks would be distributed to the monthly trackers inside the Charmed Life Master Planner for the month they belong to. 

So, during our yearly planning we are deciding on things we want to do, and then during the Quarterly Planning session, we actually make the action plans and start assigning the tasks to the right months. 

Part 3: Monthly Plan

The purpose of my monthly planning routine is to set reasonable expectations for accomplishing  my objectives and tasks each month. Often times, people will overload their monthly to do list with things and then fail to get much of it accomplished because you put too much on your plate at one time. So, this monthly routine is meant to capture all the tasks that belong to the month but also to ensure their is enough time to get it all done. 

So, on a monthly basis, I take the following steps in my monthly planning routine.

  1. Brain dump to capture any additional new tasks that belong to my plans for the month
  2. Populate my monthly calendar with important dates
  3. Check the progress of project plans
  4. Fill in my master monthly tasks list and make sure my monthly tracker is fully populated
  5. Start assigning important projects and work to the specific weeks across the month

Something that has always set my functional planning process apart from other planning processes is that I use the month as the basic unit for task management. So, instead of having a long to do list with tasks that apply to various months of the year- I prefer a master monthly task list so as you are working day in and day out, you have a more reasonable to do list to work off of. Projects. systems and habits are also tracked on a monthly basis in my system and limited because when people make their plans for the month, I find they often overplan. They say they want to complete a whole list of projects, they want to start a whole list of new habits, they want to integrate all these new systems at once, but itā€™s too much and they fail. So, my Charmed Life Master Planner puts limits on how much you can plan for each month in order to help you self-edit and limit the plans you make each month. Because if you get overwhelmed, you will most likely fail to get everything done, and Iā€™d prefer for you to at least get a reasonable amount of things done. 

So, for my monthly routine, of course I use my Charmed Life Master Planner, and I will manage work for my business inside the CEO Strategy Planner, but again, any specific tasks are always moved into my master planner for actual scheduling to ensure the task gets done.

Part 4: Weekly Plan

The purpose of my weekly planning routine is to outline a schedule for accomplishing tasks and meeting expectations across the week. I love using the week as my basic unit for time management, similar to the way that I prefer to use the month as the basic unit for task management. We all get 24 hours in a day, but for most of us, 24 hours is just not enough time to plan to get the bulk of our tasks accomplished. Instead, by zooming out from the day to the week, we suddenly have 168 hours to use instead and a place in our week we can schedule in for nearly every priority and habit we want to complete.

Ā So, on a weekly basis, I take the following steps in my weekly planning routine.

  1. Get clear on the weeks objectives/priorities
  2. Assign tasks, events and due dates across the week
  3. Make a weekly to-do list
  4. Ensure I have planned for self-care and other essential habits
  5. Optional but impactful: Check with the important people in your life who have the ability to affect your plans and ensure you are on the same page with expectations. 

When it comes to creating my weekly plan, this usually isnā€™t something I am doing from scratch each week. As part of my Charmed Life Master Planner, I keep my ideal weekly schedule laid out that becomes the template for me to organize my week by. My ideal weekly schedule is a default schedule I create at the start of the year that includes time blocks for priority tasks and habits. On it you will find time blocked off for meal planning, grocery shopping, meal prepping, cleaning, self-care, laundry, and other recurring activities in my week. The ideal weekly schedule also includes the plan for my themed workdays, which are time blocks I use to manage work for my business. So, using this default template, I already have a consistent plan for my week, and so on a weekly basis I just need to fill in specific projects, tasks and appointments that vary.Ā 

Part 5: Daily Plan

The purpose of my daily planning routine is to create a prioritized schedule and plan for tasks to accomplish each day. Once we get to the daily planning portion of this process, my tasks have been organized so I know what actions I need to take, my time has been allocated so can feel confident showing up each day knowing that the things on my to do list today are all I need to accomplish to move my plan forward, and so all thatā€™s left for me to do is show up, trust the plan and take action. 

Ā So, on a daily basis, I take the following steps in my daily planning routine.

  1. Review my ideal daily schedule plus any scheduled items for the day and my weekly to do list
  2. Assign my top 3 daily tasks
  3. Identify other tasks to worn on to fill my time for the day
  4. Ensure I have white space in my schedule in case new urgent items or interruptions cause delays

When it comes to creating my daily plan, just as my weekly plan is not something built from scratch, neither is my daily routine. In my Charmed Life Master Planner I have an insert for my Ideal Daily Routine- which is the schedule break down for my time each day that includes time blocks for my morning routine, daily work blocks, meals, self-care and other daily non-negotiable tasks. So, that forms the outline for my day that remains consistent day over day, and then all I need to do is fill in my specific top 3 daily tasks for the day and populate a plan for my work blocks. Everything else in my day is part of a system, part of a routine that I show up for consistently and it makes managing my days so much easier because my routine becomes second nature for me. So, I will plan my days usually within my week on two pages agenda in my master planner, since I am using the digital master planner this year, it also has day on a page inserts as well, so if I need to map out a more detailed day, I have the space to do so, but usually working off my daily top 3, my ideal daily routine and my weekly to do list is all I need to stay on top of my tasks.

I will of course use my CEO Strategy Planner for reference if needed, but I donā€™t plan my day from my business planner, I plan it from my Master Planner.Ā 

WATCH: How I Plan and Organize My Life and Business in 2024

So, that is my complete functional planning routine that I perform on a yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily basis. I realize it may seem like a lot, but this is a complete functional planning system from start to finish, and over time as Iā€™ve used this routine, itā€™s made planning and getting things done so much easier for me because things are almost formulaic for me. As long as I show up and do these planning routines, I know Iā€™m set to take action fully knowing and trusting that what is on my to do list for a day truly is exactly what I need to do to build the life I want and create all the wonderful things I want to see in the world as part of my business.Ā 

Obviously, you know, I do a lot as a solo business owner who creates regular content across multiple platforms, who has multiple different offers and products that I market throughout the year and who hosts live classes and coaching multiple times per month, and this system is what helps me get it all done without working myself to the bone. You know Iā€™m not afraid to hustle when I need to, but thanks to this system, my days are usually very relaxed, I miss very few tasks or obligations in the year, and I make the time for so many lovely things in my life from personal self-care to spending time with friends and family and my own interests and hobbies offline.Ā 

So, if the way I manage my life sounds good to you, if you would also like to live your life more intentionally and more balanced, I welcome you to pick up some of my tools, my planners, my Goal Setting classes or even enroll in my Charmed Life Master Mind and spend a year inside my world getting classes, coaching and ready made resources to help you live your version of a Charmed Life as well.

Everything has been linked within this post, and if you have any questions, leave me a comment or feel free to email me, and Iā€™d love to help you discover my products and decide how best you can work with me moving forward into this new year so you can experience a new level of productivity, success and enjoyment from you life!


Alexis Giostra @MissTrenchcoat, Founder of Strange & Charmed

Gift Guide: Best Gifts for Female Entrepreneurs

Gift Guide: Best Gifts for Female Entrepreneurs

‘Tis the season to celebrate the female entrepreneurs who inspire us with their passion and dedication. Show your appreciation with these thoughtful and practical gifts:

1. Canvas Laptop Bag: A stylish and functional bag for her on-the-go workdays.

2. A5 Leather Notebook Cover: Elevate her note-taking experience with this luxurious leather cover.

3. Blume Matcha + Chai Starter Kit: A delightful treat for her cozy moments.

4. Anti Aging Evening Skincare Set: Luxurious skincare for her well-deserved pampering sessions.

5. 15lb Bala Beam Workout Bar: Encourage her fitness journey with this innovative workout bar.

6. iPad Keyboard Case: A functional case for seamless work and creativity on her tablet.

7. 3 in 1 Wireless Charger: Keep her devices charged and organized with this sleek charger.

8. Photography Backdrops Kit: Enhance her photography game with professional backdrops.

9. TheraGun: Soothe sore muscles and promote relaxation with this muscle treatment tool.

10. Bowers & Wilkins Px7 S2e Wireless Noise Canceling Headphones: Immerse her in music with these premium noise-canceling headphones.

11. A5 Stalogy Notebook: A high-quality notebook for her thoughts, ideas, and creative sketches.

12. Solid State External Portable Hard Drive: Keep her important files safe with this reliable external hard drive.

13. Digital CEO Strategy Planner: Boost her productivity with this digital planner designed for CEOs.

14. Chain Link Apple Watch Band: Add elegance to her Apple Watch with this stylish band.

15. Canon EOS Rebel T7 DSLR Camera: Capture life’s moments in stunning detail with this DSLR camera.

16. Leather Desk Pad: A sophisticated desk pad to add a touch of class to her workspace.

17. Casely Power Pod: Keep her smartphone charged on the move with this power pod.

18. Blue Podcast Equipment Bundle: Professional-grade audio equipment for her podcasting endeavors.

19. Collapsible Luggage: A practical and stylish piece of luggage for her travel adventures.

20. Newer 13″ LED Video Light Panel Lighting Kit: Illuminate her workspace with this LED lighting kit for video calls and content creation.

Make her holiday season brighter with these carefully curated gifts tailored to her entrepreneurial spirit.

Happy gifting!

Founder, Strange & Charmed šŸŒŸ

P.S. If youā€™re looking for more support in living your best, most organized and successful life, consider joining my inner circle private group coaching community called The Charmed Life Master Mind. Each month we meet for live classes, Q+As and monthly planning sessions, plus you have access to an on-demand resource library with dozens of classes, workbooks, planner inserts and other tools to help you craft the life you want to live. Click here to learn more and enroll today for instant access to all my best content and tools!

Festive Marketing Idea: Your Guide to Crafting a Business Advent Calendar

Festive Marketing Idea: Your Guide to Crafting a Business Advent Calendar

The holiday season is not only a time for spreading joy but also a fantastic opportunity for businesses to connect with their audience in creative and meaningful ways. One delightful marketing strategy that has captured the hearts of both businesses and customers alike is the Advent Calendar. Traditionally used to count down the days until Christmas, businesses have ingeniously adapted this concept into a powerful marketing tool.

Unwrapping the Concept: What’s a Business Advent Calendar?

A Business Advent Calendar is a marketing strategy that involves offering daily treats, deals, or content to your audience during the holiday season. Itā€™s not just a countdown; itā€™s an experience. Whether you’re selling products or aiming to boost engagement on your online platforms, an advent calendar adds a touch of excitement and anticipation, creating a buzz around your brand.

Crafting Your Business Advent Calendar: A Step-by-Step Guide

Ā 1. Define Your Goals:

Determine what you want to achieve with your advent calendar. Is it to boost sales, increase website traffic, or enhance social media engagement? Clear goals will guide your content and offers.

Ā 2. Choose Your Format:

Decide if you want to offer daily discounts, special product launches, exclusive content, or a mix of these. Tailor the format to your audienceā€™s preferences and your business objectives.

Ā 3. Plan Your Content:

Create a content calendar mapping out what youā€™ll offer each day. For product-based businesses, feature your best-selling items. For content creators, consider exclusive tutorials, behind-the-scenes content, or engaging challenges.

Ā 4. Build Anticipation:

Promote your advent calendar in advance. Tease your audience with glimpses of what’s to come. Utilize social media, email marketing, and your website to create anticipation.

Ā 5. Engage Your Audience:

Encourage active participation. Run contests, ask questions, and encourage users to share their experiences with your calendar. User-generated content can amplify your reach.

Ā 6. Deliver a Memorable Experience:

Ensure that each daily offering provides value. Whether itā€™s a discount code, a freebie, or exclusive content, make every interaction memorable to leave a lasting impression.

Ā 7. Analyze and Adapt:

Track the performance of your advent calendar. Analyze data such as website traffic, engagement rates, and sales. Use these insights to refine your future marketing strategies.

 Advent Calendar Ideas for Businesses:

1. Daily Discounts: Offer unique discounts on popular products each day.

2. Limited Edition Products: Introduce exclusive products available only during the advent period.

3. Interactive Challenges: Engage your audience with daily challenges or quizzes.

4. Behind-the-Scenes: Share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business or personal celebrations

5. Collaborations: Partner with influencers or other businesses for joint promotions.

A Business Advent Calendar is not just a marketing strategy; it’s an opportunity to create a memorable experience for your audience. By adding a touch of holiday magic to your marketing efforts, youā€™re not only boosting sales but also fostering a sense of community and excitement around your brand.

So, as the festive season approaches, consider unwrapping the potential of an advent calendar for your business. Craft it with care, engage your audience with enthusiasm, and watch as the spirit of the season transforms your marketing efforts into something truly magical.

Get a Strategic Business Planner

Running a small business is a lot! It requires a cohesive strategy for time, task and business management if you want to be successful at it. Which is why tackling and managing all this work with a simple to do list or basic planner just doesnā€™t cut it.

If you have a hard time deciding what to work on for your business, feel like youā€™re always behind on tasks and projects, constantly dealing with emergencies and have no clue if what you are spending time on is actually growing your businessā€¦ You need a better business planning system.

And I donā€™t just mean your business plan itself.

Sure thatā€™s wonderful to have, but your business plan is the overall structure for the direction of your business- itā€™s not the strategic plan for you to follow everyday to reach your business goals.

Imagine getting to work each day with a clear plan of action, prioritized tasks, ideas organized at your finger tips, and feeling confident that the work you complete is positively impacting your business growth.

If you are ready to trade overwhelm for clarity, disorganization for structure, and hustle for strategy, I have precisely the tool you need to successfully manage and grow your business!

The CEO Strategy Planner is the Ultimate Business Planning Tool to Help You Organize, Plan and Execute on Your Business Vision. Get your ideas out of your head, onto paper, and get down to business with the CEO Strategy Planner! Click here to purchase your copy now!

Happy Holidays and Happy Marketing!

Warm regards,

Founder, Strange & Charmed šŸŒŸ

How to Create a Successful Holiday Promotion for Your Business

How to Create a Successful Holiday Promotion for Your Business

With the holiday season quickly approaching, now is the perfect time to quickly arrange for a holiday promotion for your business. The Thanksgiving to Christmas time period tends to be an extremely profitable season for online shops and businesses, with many retailers seeing exponential sales and traffic in this time with the aid of some well planned and executed holiday sales.

Now, if you have never planned out a holiday promotion, or have yet to do so this season, Iā€™m here to tell you that the process is much easier than you think and doesnā€™t have to involve complicated marketing planning or lots of time and effort. You do still have plenty of time to pull off a successful holiday promotion without stress or extra long work days, but you do need to act fast to get your plan in place to maximize sales before Black Friday kicks off in a few weeks! In order to help make this process even more streamlined for you, I have also created a free DIY Holiday Promotion Planning Guide that you can use to plan and keep track of your promotion.Ā CLICK HERE to get the FREE Guide and get started today!

Step # 1: Decide the logistics of your promotion

There are many types of promotions and sales specials you can run during the holiday season to drum up excitement for your business and increase traffic and check totals in your shop. You can do something as simple as create a special coupon code for a percentage off items in your shop, you can put together bundles of popular products that coordinate, or simply discount your best sellers. You can make your sale as simple or complicated as youā€™d like and do one or more of these things, but decide what works for you and your business and of course, plan out how long you want these promotions to last. Iā€™d highly suggest running a sale on Black Friday at the very least. Personally, this year I plan to create some limited time only bundles, provide a coupon code to VIPs on my email list and social media followers, and I also plan to host a giveaway to entice sales during my promotion which will last 3 days from Black Friday to Sunday. If you donā€™t want to discount your products due to product constraints, you can also create non-sale promotions that include either a giveaway wherein customers during the time frame are opted in to win a prize. You can offer a digital freebie to drive traffic to your shop or even give a free gift with purchase. Think about what will work for your sales goals and business and outline the details of your promotion asap!

Step #2: Shoot your promotional images

If you run an online business, you know how important great product and styled shots are to driving sales. Once you know the parameters of your promotion, you can arrange for a quick photoshoot and get all your images ready for your shop, social media and any ads you may run. If you donā€™t feel confident in your photography skills or need help understanding how to take great photos that sell, definitely check out my Charmed Digital Styling Lightroom Photography Course. Itā€™s a video module based course with 3.5 hours of content that you can watch while taking notes and arranging your own photos. In the course I teach you everything you need to know to quickly get your styled photography under control and streamlined to make shooting promotional images a breeze! Iā€™d highly recommend taking the course if you need great photos for your holiday promotions, it will save you time and money in the short term if you are someone who pays for stock photos, and the course even includes photoshop tutorials that will teach you how to create promotional sales graphics and advertisements as well!

Step #3: Start spreading the news

Once you have your promotion planned and your images are ready to go, you can start sharing the news of your promotion through your various communication methods and continue to do so through the duration of your sale. Iā€™d suggest starting to actively promote your holiday sale anywhere from 2-4 days before it begins using any and all methods you use to communicate with your customers. If you have an email list, you will want to send a list to your email a few days before the sale starts and give some previews of the sales to come, and if you use social media or YouTube, make sure you tell your audience in these locations as well. If you use any methods of advertising, you also want to get those set to go for about three days out from the sale to drum up excitement and provide a call to action to get new potential customers onto your list. Finally, if you have an affiliate program or even a network of friends who can help you spread the word, make sure you coordinate with them on promotional messages and details that they can share with their audience as well. Itā€™s the holidayā€™s after all, so the more the merrier when it comes to cross promoting sales and specials!

Thatā€™s it! Three easy steps to a stress free and profitableĀ  holiday promotion. You still have time to get your promo planned and off the ground and Iā€™d highly suggest planning something rather than nothing because failing to promote during the holidays means you are leaving a lot of money on the table.Ā Make sure to grab my free DIY Promotion Planning Guide to help keep you on track!

Get a Strategic Business Planner

Running a small business is a lot! It requires a cohesive strategy for time, task and business management if you want to be successful at it. Which is why tackling and managing all this work with a simple to do list or basic planner just doesnā€™t cut it.

If you have a hard time deciding what to work on for your business, feel like youā€™re always behind on tasks and projects, constantly dealing with emergencies and have no clue if what you are spending time on is actually growing your businessā€¦ You need a better business planning system.

And I donā€™t just mean your business plan itself.

Sure thatā€™s wonderful to have, but your business plan is the overall structure for the direction of your business- itā€™s not the strategic plan for you to follow everyday to reach your business goals.

Imagine getting to work each day with a clear plan of action, prioritized tasks, ideas organized at your finger tips, and feeling confident that the work you complete is positively impacting your business growth.

If you are ready to trade overwhelm for clarity, disorganization for structure, and hustle for strategy, I have precisely the tool you need to successfully manage and grow your business!

The CEO Strategy Planner is the Ultimate Business Planning Tool to Help You Organize, Plan and Execute on Your Business Vision. Get your ideas out of your head, onto paper, and get down to business with the CEO Strategy Planner! Click here to purchase your copy now!

Wishing you a productive, successful week and holiday season ahead!


Founder, Strange & Charmed šŸ‚āœØ

Craft the Perfect Gift Guide: A Step-by-Step Blueprint for Business Owners

Hello, Savvy Business Owners!

Creating themed gift guides isn’t just a way to celebrate the spirit of giving; it’s a powerful tool to attract your ideal customers and boost your sales during the holiday season. By curating thoughtful, themed gift guides, you not only provide valuable recommendations to your audience but also showcase your products in a way that resonates deeply with potential buyers. Here’s your step-by-step guide to crafting irresistible themed gift guides that will captivate your audience and drive sales.

1. Identify Your Ideal Customer: Understand your target audience’s preferences, interests, and pain points. Knowing your ideal customer’s needs will help you curate a gift guide tailored specifically to them.

2. Choose a Theme: Select a theme that aligns with your brand and appeals to your ideal customers. It could be based on occasions (e.g., “Gifts for a Cozy Winter Evening”), interests (e.g., “Gifts for Fitness Enthusiasts”), or demographics (e.g., “Gifts for Busy Moms”). The theme should resonate with your audience’s lifestyle.

3. Curate a Variety of Products: Feature a diverse range of products from your inventory that fit the chosen theme. Include your bestsellers, unique items, and exclusive offers. Aim for a mix of price points to cater to different budgets.

4. Add Personal Touches: Share personal anecdotes or stories related to the products. Explain why each item is a fantastic choice. Creating an emotional connection with your audience enhances the appeal of your gift guide.

5. Provide Detailed Descriptions: Write detailed descriptions for each product, highlighting its features, benefits, and how it can solve a problem or enhance the recipient’s life. Clear, compelling descriptions help potential buyers understand the value of the items.

6. Include High-Quality Visuals: High-resolution images and professional-quality videos of the products are essential. Visual appeal can significantly influence purchasing decisions. Show the products from different angles and in various contexts to give a comprehensive view.

7. Add Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons: Insert clear and enticing CTA buttons or links that lead directly to the product pages on your website. Make the purchasing process as seamless as possible to encourage immediate action.

8. Promote on Social Media and Email: Share your themed gift guide across your social media platforms and email newsletters. Use engaging captions and eye-catching visuals to create excitement. Encourage your audience to share the guide with their friends and family.

9. Collaborate with Influencers or Affiliates: Partner with influencers or affiliates within your niche to promote your gift guide. Their authentic recommendations can reach a wider audience and drive traffic to your guide.

10. Monitor and Analyze: Use analytics tools to track the performance of your gift guide. Monitor the clicks, conversions, and engagement metrics. Analyze what worked well and what didn’t, and use this data to refine your future strategies.

By following these steps, you’ll not only create themed gift guides that resonate deeply with your audience but also establish your brand as a trusted curator of valuable products. Remember, the key lies in understanding your customers, offering genuine recommendations, and infusing your guide with the passion you have for your products.

Get a Strategic Business Planner

Running a small business is a lot! It requires a cohesive strategy for time, task and business management if you want to be successful at it. Which is why tackling and managing all this work with a simple to do list or basic planner just doesnā€™t cut it.

If you have a hard time deciding what to work on for your business, feel like youā€™re always behind on tasks and projects, constantly dealing with emergencies and have no clue if what you are spending time on is actually growing your businessā€¦ You need a better business planning system.

And I donā€™t just mean your business plan itself.

Sure thatā€™s wonderful to have, but your business plan is the overall structure for the direction of your business- itā€™s not the strategic plan for you to follow everyday to reach your business goals.

Imagine getting to work each day with a clear plan of action, prioritized tasks, ideas organized at your finger tips, and feeling confident that the work you complete is positively impacting your business growth.

If you are ready to trade overwhelm for clarity, disorganization for structure, and hustle for strategy, I have precisely the tool you need to successfully manage and grow your business!

The CEO Strategy Planner is the Ultimate Business Planning Tool to Help You Organize, Plan and Execute on Your Business Vision. Get your ideas out of your head, onto paper, and get down to business with the CEO Strategy Planner! Click here to purchase your copy now!

Wishing you a holiday season filled with successful gift guides and delighted customers!

Warmest Regards,

Founder, Strange & Charmed šŸŒŸ

Spark Your Social Media Presence: 30 Engaging Prompts for Q4 & the Holiday Season!

Hello, Visionary Business Owners!

The holiday season is the perfect time to infuse your social media with festive energy and connect deeply with your audience. To help you shine brightly in the digital sphere, here are 30 engaging social media prompts tailored specifically for Q4 and the joyous holiday season. Letā€™s elevate your brand’s visibility and make this season unforgettable for your audience!

1. Share Your Holiday Traditions: Invite your audience into your world by sharing your favorite holiday traditions. It could be a family recipe, a cherished ritual, or a heartwarming memory.

2. Spotlight Your Team: Introduce your team members, their roles, and their favorite holiday traditions. Humanize your brand by showing the faces behind your business.

3. Holiday Giveaway: Host a festive giveaway. Encourage participation by asking your audience to share their favorite holiday quotes or memories. Reward them with your products or exclusive discounts.

4. Customer Spotlight: Feature a loyal customer and their experience with your products. Encourage them to share their holiday-themed photos or testimonials.

5. Flashback Friday: Share throwback photos from your past holiday seasons. Show your audience how your brand has evolved and grown over the years.

6. Product Showcase: Highlight your best-selling or newly launched products as perfect holiday gifts. Explain why each product makes a thoughtful present.

7. Warm-up with a Recipe: Share a cozy holiday recipe or a special drink. Encourage your audience to try it out and share their results with you.

8. DIY Decor Ideas: Offer DIY holiday decoration ideas that align with your brand. It could be handmade ornaments, festive wreaths, or creative table settings.

9. Gratitude Posts: Express your gratitude for your customers, followers, or supporters. Acknowledge their role in your business journey and thank them sincerely.

10. Holiday-themed Polls: Host polls related to holiday preferences. Ask questions like, “Real tree or artificial tree?” or “Favorite holiday movie?” to encourage engagement.

11. Charity Spotlight: Shine a light on a charity or cause that your brand supports. Encourage your audience to contribute or participate in charitable activities.

12. Festive Workspace: Share glimpses of your workspace decked out in holiday decorations. Show your creative process and the holiday spirit in your workplace.

13. Fun Facts: Share interesting holiday-related facts or trivia. Educate your audience while keeping them entertained.

14. Book Recommendations: Recommend books related to personal growth, inspiration, or holiday themes. Encourage your audience to share their favorite reads too.

15. Holiday-themed Quotes: Post inspirational holiday quotes that align with your brand values. Encourage your audience to share the quotes that resonate with them.

16. Caption This: Post a fun or festive image and ask your audience to come up with creative captions. Reward the best ones with small prizes or shoutouts.

17. Spotlight Local Businesses: Feature local businesses or artisans in your area. Promote the spirit of community and encourage your audience to support local during the holidays.

18. Winter Wellness Tips: Share tips for staying healthy and balanced during the winter months. Offer advice on boosting immunity, staying active, and maintaining mental well-being.

19. Year-in-Review: Recap the highlights and milestones of your business throughout the year. Express gratitude for the support you’ve received.

20. Travel Dreams: Encourage your audience to share their dream holiday destinations. Facilitate a conversation about travel aspirations.

21. Gift Wrapping Ideas: Showcase creative gift wrapping techniques or offer printable gift tags. Help your audience add a personalized touch to their presents.

22. Inspirational Success Stories: Share inspirational stories of entrepreneurs or individuals who overcame challenges. Spread positivity and motivate your audience.

23. Pet-friendly Holidays: Share tips on making the holidays enjoyable for pets. Encourage your followers to share pictures of their furry friends celebrating.

24. Music Playlist: Create a holiday-themed Spotify or YouTube playlist. Share the songs that inspire you and invite your audience to add their favorites.

25. New Yearā€™s Resolutions: Start a discussion about goals and resolutions for the upcoming year. Encourage your audience to share their aspirations and plans.

26. Creative Crafts: Share easy and festive DIY craft ideas. Provide step-by-step instructions for creating holiday-themed crafts.

27. Holiday Humor: Share lighthearted holiday jokes or memes. Laughter is a great way to connect with your audience.

28. Product Tips and Tricks: Offer creative ways to use your products during the holiday season. Provide tips for getting the most out of what you offer.

29. Virtual Event Announcements: If you’re hosting virtual events, workshops, or webinars, announce them on social media. Create excitement around your upcoming events.

30. Goals and Dreams for 2024: Share your business goals and personal aspirations for the coming year. Encourage your audience to share theirs too, creating a sense of community and anticipation for the future.

Get a Strategic Business Planner

Running a small business is a lot! It requires a cohesive strategy for time, task and business management if you want to be successful at it. Which is why tackling and managing all this work with a simple to do list or basic planner just doesnā€™t cut it.

If you have a hard time deciding what to work on for your business, feel like youā€™re always behind on tasks and projects, constantly dealing with emergencies and have no clue if what you are spending time on is actually growing your businessā€¦ You need a better business planning system.

And I donā€™t just mean your business plan itself.

Sure thatā€™s wonderful to have, but your business plan is the overall structure for the direction of your business- itā€™s not the strategic plan for you to follow everyday to reach your business goals.

Imagine getting to work each day with a clear plan of action, prioritized tasks, ideas organized at your finger tips, and feeling confident that the work you complete is positively impacting your business growth.

If you are ready to trade overwhelm for clarity, disorganization for structure, and hustle for strategy, I have precisely the tool you need to successfully manage and grow your business!

The CEO Strategy Planner is the Ultimate Business Planning Tool to Help You Organize, Plan and Execute on Your Business Vision. Get your ideas out of your head, onto paper, and get down to business with the CEO Strategy Planner! Click here to purchase your copy now!

Remember, social media is all about genuine connection and engagement. Tailor these prompts to your brand’s voice, and watch your social media platforms light up with festive interactions and positive energy.

Wishing you a season filled with meaningful connections and thriving engagement!

Warmest Regards,

Founder, Strange & Charmed šŸŒŸ

Ignite Your Audience: Captivating Content Ideas for a Thriving Q4 and Festive Holidays!Ā 

Hello, Visionary Business Owners!

As we gear up for the most enchanting time of the year, it’s essential to infuse your content with the holiday spirit, warmth, and joy. Engaging your audience during Q4 requires creativity and a deep understanding of what resonates with your customers. Here’s a curated list of popular content topics tailored specifically to the holiday season, designed to captivate your audience and fuel your business growth.

1. Festive Product Showcases: Introduce your holiday-themed products or services through visually appealing showcases. Highlight their unique features, benefits, and how they can bring joy to your customers’ celebrations.

2. Gift Guides and Recommendations: Craft comprehensive gift guides catering to different interests, age groups, or budgets. Help your audience find the perfect gifts for their loved ones. Include your products or services in the guide, offering solutions for various gifting needs.

3. Behind-the-Scenes Festivities: Invite your audience into your world by sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses of your holiday preparations. Whether it’s decorating your workspace, organizing a team celebration, or packaging orders with care, these moments humanize your brand.

4. Customer Stories and Testimonials: Share heartwarming customer stories and testimonials. Let your satisfied customers narrate their experiences with your products or services, emphasizing how your offerings added value to their holiday season.

5. DIY and Craft Tutorials: Create engaging DIY tutorials related to the holidays. This could range from handmade gift ideas and festive home decor to easy-to-cook holiday recipes. Share step-by-step guides or video tutorials to inspire your audience’s creativity.

6. Countdowns and Advent Calendars: Build anticipation with countdown posts or create an online advent calendar. Each day, unveil a special offer, a holiday tip, or an inspirational quote. Encourage your audience to check in daily for delightful surprises.

7. Interactive Quizzes and Polls: Increase engagement with fun quizzes and polls related to the holidays. Ask about favorite holiday traditions, preferences, or gift ideas. Interactive content encourages participation and generates buzz around your brand.

8. Charitable Initiatives and Giving Back: Share your philanthropic efforts during the holiday season. Whether it’s supporting a local charity, organizing a donation drive, or pledging a percentage of your sales to a cause, transparently communicate your commitment to making a positive impact.

9. Holiday-Themed Blog Posts and Infographics: Write informative blog posts or create visually appealing infographics related to holiday trends, traditions, or tips. Share valuable content that your audience finds useful and shareable, establishing your expertise in the field.

10. Live Q&A Sessions and Webinars: Host live Q&A sessions or webinars addressing common holiday-related challenges. Offer expert advice, share insider tips, and interact directly with your audience, building trust and credibility.

Get a Strategic Business Planner

Running a small business is a lot! It requires a cohesive strategy for time, task and business management if you want to be successful at it. Which is why tackling and managing all this work with a simple to do list or basic planner just doesnā€™t cut it.

If you have a hard time deciding what to work on for your business, feel like youā€™re always behind on tasks and projects, constantly dealing with emergencies and have no clue if what you are spending time on is actually growing your businessā€¦ You need a better business planning system.

And I donā€™t just mean your business plan itself.

Sure thatā€™s wonderful to have, but your business plan is the overall structure for the direction of your business- itā€™s not the strategic plan for you to follow everyday to reach your business goals.

Imagine getting to work each day with a clear plan of action, prioritized tasks, ideas organized at your finger tips, and feeling confident that the work you complete is positively impacting your business growth.

If you are ready to trade overwhelm for clarity, disorganization for structure, and hustle for strategy, I have precisely the tool you need to successfully manage and grow your business!

The CEO Strategy Planner is the Ultimate Business Planning Tool to Help You Organize, Plan and Execute on Your Business Vision. Get your ideas out of your head, onto paper, and get down to business with the CEO Strategy Planner! Click here to purchase your copy now!

Remember, authenticity is the key to meaningful engagement. Tailor these content ideas to align with your brand’s voice and values. Embrace the spirit of the season, and let your passion illuminate your content, fostering genuine connections with your audience.

Here’s to a season of inspired content creation and flourishing connections!

Warmest Wishes,

Founder, Strange & Charmed šŸŒŸ

Elevate Your Business: Strategies to Boost Sales and Brand Visibility in Q4!Ā 

Hello, Ambitious Entrepreneurs!

With the holiday season shimmering on the horizon, it’s the perfect time to infuse your business with festive energy and unstoppable momentum. Aspiring business owners, this is your moment to shine, captivate your audience, and skyrocket your sales. Here are some tried-and-true tips and tricks to make the most of Q4 and promote your brand with finesse!

1. Craft Irresistible Holiday Offers

   The holidays are the season of giving, and your customers love a good deal. Create enticing holiday-themed offers, bundles, or exclusive discounts. Consider limited-time promotions to create a sense of urgency and drive sales.

2. Optimize Your Online Presence

   Your website and social media profiles are your digital storefronts. Ensure they are visually appealing, user-friendly, and optimized for mobile devices. Use holiday-themed graphics and captivating content to engage visitors.

3. Leverage the Power of Social Media

   Engage your audience with holiday-themed posts, giveaways, and interactive content. Encourage user-generated content by running contests or challenges related to your products or services. Social media platforms are excellent tools for building a community around your brand.

4. Create Engaging Email Campaigns

   Craft personalized email campaigns for your subscribers. Send out holiday greetings, exclusive offers, and behind-the-scenes sneak peeks. Utilize eye-catching visuals and compelling storytelling to make your emails stand out in busy inboxes.

5. Collaborate with Influencers

   Partner with influencers or micro-influencers in your niche. Their authentic recommendations can introduce your brand to a wider audience. Ensure the influencers align with your brand values for genuine endorsements.

6. Enhance Customer Experience

   Exceptional customer service can turn one-time buyers into loyal customers. Provide outstanding support, fast shipping, and hassle-free returns. Consider adding a personal touch, such as handwritten thank-you notes, to create a memorable shopping experience.

7. Launch a Holiday-Themed Product

   Introduce a limited-edition holiday product that resonates with the festive spirit. It could be a special version of your existing product or a completely new creation. Unique offerings can attract customers looking for exclusive items.

8. Participate in Holiday Markets and Pop-Ups

   If feasible, consider participating in local holiday markets, craft fairs, or pop-up shops. These events provide an excellent opportunity to showcase your products to a captive audience and make face-to-face connections.

9. Optimize Your Website for Conversions

   Ensure your website is optimized for conversions. Streamline the checkout process, add trust badges, and offer multiple payment options. A seamless online shopping experience encourages visitors to complete their purchase.

10. Express Gratitude and Stay Genuine

Ā Ā  Lastly, express genuine gratitude to your customers. A heartfelt thank-you message can create a lasting impression. Show your appreciation through social media posts, emails, or even surprise gifts for loyal patrons.

Get a Strategic Business Planner

Running a small business is a lot! It requires a cohesive strategy for time, task and business management if you want to be successful at it. Which is why tackling and managing all this work with a simple to do list or basic planner just doesnā€™t cut it.

If you have a hard time deciding what to work on for your business, feel like youā€™re always behind on tasks and projects, constantly dealing with emergencies and have no clue if what you are spending time on is actually growing your businessā€¦ You need a better business planning system.

And I donā€™t just mean your business plan itself.

Sure thatā€™s wonderful to have, but your business plan is the overall structure for the direction of your business- itā€™s not the strategic plan for you to follow everyday to reach your business goals.

Imagine getting to work each day with a clear plan of action, prioritized tasks, ideas organized at your finger tips, and feeling confident that the work you complete is positively impacting your business growth.

If you are ready to trade overwhelm for clarity, disorganization for structure, and hustle for strategy, I have precisely the tool you need to successfully manage and grow your business!

The CEO Strategy Planner is the Ultimate Business Planning Tool to Help You Organize, Plan and Execute on Your Business Vision. Get your ideas out of your head, onto paper, and get down to business with the CEO Strategy Planner! Click here to purchase your copy now!

Remember, the holiday season is not just about sales; it’s about connecting with your audience and spreading joy. Stay authentic, stay passionate, and let your enthusiasm for your products or services shine through. Here’s to a Q4 filled with prosperity, creativity, and endless possibilities for your budding business!

Wishing you a season of success and abundance,

Founder, Strange & Charmed šŸŒŸ