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How to Stand Out at Work: Make your Boss’ Priorities Your Priorities


With half of the work year behind us and mid year performance reviews to look forward to shortly, now is the perfect time to discuss how to stand out at work. Whether you are hoping for a raise or a promotion in the upcoming year, learning to stand out from your coworkers is an important step to bigger and better things in your professional life. How to Stand Out at Work will be a 5 week series where we discuss different ways to improve your image to set yourself up for success.

Make your boss’ priorities your priorities

One very common gripe that workers often have is that they work so hard and yet their boss does not seem to acknowledge everything they are doing. Perhaps you have taken on some extra work or been working overtime on certain projects, but still no acknowledgement from your boss to let you know your extra efforts are appreciated. This issue may be caused from the fact that your extra work isn’t exactly helping your boss and his priorities. It may be helping you, or other team members, or just be work that needed to get done as part of your job, but unless your boss feels like your efforts are helping them specifically, they aren’t likely to bend over backwards to applaud your efforts.

It is a very strange fact, one that took me a long time to realize, but all your work does not necessarily align with your boss and his priorities. We all have a multitude of tasks and projects that we perform each day and taken on at certain times, but that is just part of our jobs. For most of us, our boss is at a higher level, perhaps overseeing dozens of people who each do a multitude of tasks each day, so its hard for them to be impressed with one particular employee and the minutiae of their tasks. But what a boss will be impressed with is an employee whose work is directly impacting the progress of certain larger goals that are the responsibility of their manager.

For example, in sales, it may be your job to sell new products or services to your customer, grow their business, close distribution gaps, etc. That could be your day-to-day function as a sales person. Your boss, however, may be focused against finding new business and clients in order to grow his overall business, especially during times when the economy is stagnant and existing customers aren’t growing at a sufficient rate. So, you could be working very hard doing your job, making small wins at the customer level, but if your coworker with the same job is winning new accounts left and right, expect them to be the one getting attention from your boss.

With everything in business, it’s about what you can do for others. Your boss may not expect you to be executing against his particular set of priorities, but you can bet that they are going to be very appreciative to the employees that end up progressing their plans and goals for the year. So, if you want to stand out to your boss and position yourself as a hard-working member of your team, you need to get with your boss and figure out his priorities. You may already know what he is focused against, but perhaps haven’t paid attention to it because you have your own work to do. Either way, you need to align with your boss on what they are trying to achieve and make it happen for them. Only good things will follow!

Read the rest of this series by clicking a link below!

Developing a Consistently Professional Demeanor

Volunteer for More Work or New Projects

Mentor Others

Give Praise to Others

How to Stand Out at Work: Give Praise to Others


With half of the work year behind us and mid year performance reviews to look forward to shortly, now is the perfect time to discuss how to stand out at work. Whether you are hoping for a raise or a promotion in the upcoming year, learning to stand out from your coworkers is an important step to bigger and better things in your professional life. How to Stand Out at Work will be a 5 week series where we discuss different ways to improve your image to set yourself up for success.

Give Praise to Others

If you are trying to get ahead at work, it may seem counterproductive to share praise with others, especially when you are trying to stand out yourself, but it will actually help you to cultivate yourself as a leader. Don’t get me wrong, it is very important that you be seeking out ways to get praise from your superiors in order to show that you are a good worker and worthy of advancement, but being a team player means sharing the spotlight. No one wants to promote someone who is always looking out for themselves and for their own self-interest. Of course, everyone is doing those things as they are expected, but team players and leaders are more likely to advance and be seen in a positive light.

Think about it, although you may be very good at your job and getting work done and projects accomplished, you most likely needed the help and support of others to get you there, and acknowledging that is a very important thing. In the workplace, a staggering number of employees claim that they are under appreciated, you yourself may feel that same way. How would you feel about a coworker who took the time to thank you for doing your job and perhaps even went so far as to acknowledge your help and sing your praises to others? You would most likely feel indebted to that individual and perhaps be motivated to continue assisting them in the future. And that’s the magical connection! When you praise others, others want to help you and support you more!

So, I challenge you to think about the people around you at work who support you in getting your job and your tasks done. Next time you see them, make sure to thank them for what they have done for you and give them positive praise when speaking to others. You may think that if you don’t praise them in their presence they won’t hear about it, but don’t worry they will! One of the great things about praise is that it spreads like wildfire and will certainly get back to the ear of your subject! Of course, public praise is also a great way to acknowledge people, although we don’t often get many opportunities to do this. So, if you do have the opportunity to praise someone in a meeting or in a large gathering of coworkers, by all means go for it! Just don’t let the lack of a public stage for your praise stand in the way of you giving it! Even private conversations with supervisors or coworkers are great times to give praise to others and help you stand out as a leader and a team player!

How to Stand Out at Work: Mentor Others


With half of the work year behind us and mid year performance reviews to look forward to shortly, now is the perfect time to discuss how to stand out at work. Whether you are hoping for a raise or a promotion in the upcoming year, learning to stand out from your coworkers is an important step to bigger and better things in your professional life. How to Stand Out at Work will be a 5 week series where we discuss different ways to improve your image to set yourself up for success.

Mentor Others

Once you’ve gotten your feet wet within your organization, a great way to stand out to both your supervisors and to your peers is through mentoring. You may think that mentoring is something for upper level management or those who have been with your organization for a long time, however, it really is never too soon to start mentoring others and there are two ways you can do this.

First would be through informal mentoring where you find a colleague at work and “take them under your wing” so to speak. You can give them information and guidance; be that single point of contact that they know they can reach out to for help; or simply be their for them by lending them your ear every now and again. Informal mentorships are like a professional friendship that stays within work and are about developing trust between colleagues. Rank within the organization doesn’t matter soo much in this relationship because its informal so you can act as a mentor to older or more seasoned colleagues as long as you have something (knowledge, ability, time) that they need from you to make the relationship work.

The second type of mentorship would be a more formal relationship in which your supervisor and perhaps even HR know that you are actively mentoring an individual. In these scenario’s it is normal for the mentor to be someone of higher rank or experience in order to make the formal relationship a beneficial one to all parties involved. Some organizations encourage experienced employees to take on mentorships as a way to help develop their own career and assist in the development of others. Generally, as long as you are not the lowest member in your organization, you can actively mentor others.

Mentoring is one of those activities that shows your supervisors and upper level management that you are willing to share your time with others and pass on your knowledge and/or skills. Both formal and informal mentorships are a great way to stand out at work because they establish you as a peer resource. Your team and your boss will know that you are someone that others can go to for help and that makes you more valuable as an employee. Once your peers see that you have demonstrated the ability to assist others with problems or issues and give sound advice, more of them will begin to approach you with questions of their own. Be prepared for this as it is not feasible for you to act as a mentor to everyone who comes to you for help, but you also want to be sure you do not turn people away looking for help. This is one of those faucets thats hard to shut off, so try to be reasonable with expectations for yourself and others. If you don’t think you can help everyone, let them know kindly and as quickly as possible. The more your boss sees others coming to you for direction and assistance, the more you will be worth to your organization when it comes time for raises and promotions!

How to Stand Out at Work: Volunteer for More Work or New Projects


With half of the work year behind us and mid year performance reviews to look forward to shortly, now is the perfect time to discuss how to stand out at work. Whether you are hoping for a raise or a promotion in the upcoming year, learning to stand out from your coworkers is an important step to bigger and better things in your professional life. How to Stand Out at Work will be a 5 week series where we discuss different ways to improve your image to set yourself up for success.

Volunteer for more work or new projects

If you are interested in getting ahead at work and standing out as a shining star on your team or within your organization, one of the most important things you will have to do consistently is do good work and always be on the lookout for more projects and more responsibilities. With our economy still on the mend after the recession, employers are often slow to bring on more help or create additional positions until they see their business beginning to return steadily. For many companies, business is not back to where it once was, so upping their headcount is out of the question. So, who is going to take on that additional work that needs to be done with fewer heads available to do that work? The answer needs to consistently be you!

Now, I am not saying that you need to take on each and every new project and bulk on extra work all the time, but if you are seen as the team member that is able to get their own work done while also offering to take on new tasks and new responsibilities, when it comes time for a discussion about a raise or a promotion, you are going to be golden in the mind of your manager. Before you begin asking for more work, make sure you are completing your current work to the satisfaction of your managers or supervisors. Although you may be able to get your work done quickly, it doesn’t always mean you are up to par on the level of work you are producing. Speak to your boss and ask about your performance and how they view the quality of your work. You do not need to wait for a performance review to have that discussion with your manager, it should be an ongoing discussion that you return to whenever you take on new tasks, or complete new projects.

Once you are certain that your manager is pleased with the level of your work, you can then approach them about taking on new responsibilities. I would always suggest that when you go to your supervisor you have examples of the types of projects or responsibilities you are looking to take on. Perhaps you know that there is a new client project coming up and it requires a great deal of writing. If you believe yourself to be a strong writer, you will want to bring that to the attention of your manager when asking for that responsibility. Explain the skills you believe you are confident in and ask for the opportunity to take on that new challenge. Your boss will be impressed with your initiative and after a while, once you have a handle on your new task, you can ask for more work again if you are able to fit it into your day. Be careful not to take on too much new work, however, because if you take on a new task and it becomes too much for you, that is not going to help your cause. Always try to be deliberate with the new roles and responsibilities you are willing to take on so that they are serving your goals in the end.

Just be prepared to get an answer that you are not thrilled with. If your boss does not think you are prepared for the task you suggest, they may offer another less desirable responsibility. If this happens, don’t panic. Continue the conversation with your manager and try to understand why they think this different role or responsibility would be helpful for you to take on. Remember, you will want to make it clear to your boss that you are not simply looking for more work, but rather you are looking for new challenges and opportunities to help you grow and learn in order to prepare yourself for future roles. If they think a different task will help you along in your career more, take their advice and take on the new task. Even if it’s not what you originally intended to do, your boss will see that you have taken the initiative and when it comes time for conversations about raises or promotions, you will have a good leg to stand on!

How to Stand Out at Work: Developing a Consistently Professional Demeanor


With half of the work year behind us and mid year performance reviews to look forward to shortly, now is the perfect time to discuss how to stand out at work. Whether you are hoping for a raise or a promotion in the upcoming year, learning to stand out from your coworkers is an important step to bigger and better things in your professional life. How to Stand Out at Work will be a 5 week series where we discuss different ways to improve your image to set yourself up for success.

Developing a consistently professional demeanor

In each and every one of our professional lives, a varying amount of professional demeanor is expected. Some people may come from more relaxed work settings and others a stricter business world, but developing your own consistent level of professionalism is important. You always want to be a few steps higher than the norm in order to stand out in a business setting. A few ways you can do this is by dressing professionally, refraining from office gossip and remaining positive.

Obviously, a certain level of professional dress is required at most jobs, but you can stand out by keeping your work wardrobe slightly more business professional than your coworkers. As they say, dress for the job you want, not the job you have. So if your job expects business casual, aim to be dressier at the business formal level. It speaks volumes to others when you are the only woman at a team meeting in a dress or pants suit while others are in khakis and polos. If you already come from a business formal environment, make sure your look is on point with items that will help you stand out. Jewelry, scarves and a stand out work bag or briefcase are great ways to look more polished and put together than your coworkers. Also, don’t forget makeup. Makeup can be a make it or break it to a business look, so make sure your not too heavy on your makeup look and not too light. If you are not sure, ask friends and family if they think your work makeup looks professional or not, or take it a step further and visit a makeup counter at your local department store and ask their opinion or have them develop you a custom day time look for work!

Office gossip is one of those things that so many women and men get caught up with, but it can carry a heavy negative connotation. Even if all your coworkers are in on the gossip, keep yourself out of it, or at least, listen but do not add input when others are discussing it around you. You never want your name associated with any piece of gossip, so make a point to stay out of it. Even if you are known to your coworkers as a goodie two shoes, its better for you if your boss hears that you stay out of the gossip than in the thick of it!

Remaining positive is one of those small efforts that will have a profoundly positive impact on your career. So many workers get into the habit of complaining about their jobs, other coworkers, or their boss and it really shows in their demeanor. If you refuse to partake in the negativity and keep up a positive attitude about your job, supervisors and upper level management are bound to notice. When your boss announces a new project or throws a last minute heap of work on you or your team, take the information in stride, smile and act eager for the new challenge. While everyone else is complaining or groaning you will be happily smiling all the way to a promotion!

Monthly Functional Planning Routine

Monthly Functional Planning Routine

We are currently in the transition period between two months, and so this is the time I like to perform my monthly planning routine. Today, I thought we could plan together and I could guide you through my step my step monthly planning routine.

Why You Should Use a Monthly Planning Routine

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, scattered, and constantly chasing after tasks. However, there’s a powerful tool that can transform the way you approach your days and help you reclaim control of your time: the monthly planning routine. By dedicating time each month to organize, prioritize, and strategize, you can unlock a host of benefits that will not only boost your productivity but also enhance your overall well-being.

1. Organize and Manage Your Task Load

A monthly planning routine allows you to take stock of all your commitments, deadlines, and projects. By laying out everything in one place, whether it’s a digital calendar or a trusty planner, you can gain a clear understanding of what needs to be done and when. This organization is key to preventing important tasks from slipping through the cracks and ensures that you can approach each day with intentionality and purpose.

2. Focus on Your Priorities and Goals

A monthly planning routine provides you with the space to reflect on your long-term objectives and break them down into actionable steps. By identifying your top priorities for the month ahead, you can align your daily activities with your overarching goals, making progress towards them with each passing day. This sense of purpose and direction is invaluable in helping you stay motivated and on track, even when faced with distractions or obstacles.

3. Balance Your Workload to Avoid Overwhelm

One of the biggest challenges in today’s fast-paced world is finding balance. A monthly planning routine empowers you to take control of your workload and distribute tasks in a way that prevents overwhelm. By strategically allocating your time and resources, you can ensure that you’re not putting too much pressure on yourself at any given moment. This balanced approach not only reduces stress but also allows you to maintain a sustainable level of productivity over the long term, preventing burnout and exhaustion.

4. Enjoy the Month Without Missing Important Dates or Feeling Stressed

Finally, a monthly planning routine affords you the opportunity to fully enjoy each month without the constant worry of what you might be forgetting or missing out on. By proactively scheduling events, appointments, and deadlines, you can free up mental space to be present in the moment and savor life’s experiences. Whether it’s a family gathering, a weekend getaway, or simply some well-deserved downtime, knowing that your responsibilities are accounted for allows you to fully engage with whatever the month has in store.

Creating Your Monthly Functional Planning Routine

If you are interested in creating productive and functional planning routines in your life, I do have a monthly planning workbook you can download and use to following along with this process. I use this workbook to help me create the outline of my monthly plan before transferring the final information into my Charmed Life Master Planner. I find that using a workbook like this helps me to get my ideas out of my head and onto paper more easily without worrying that I might make a mistake in my planner. This is especially helpful if you use a paper planner and it’s not easy to move things around, or if you use a planner that doesn’t have a lot of different inserts for planning and organizing your ideas- this workbook has some different spreads you can use and then transfer the final information into a simpler planner if that is what you use.

Get the Monthly Planning Workbook to make the most of this process!

Preparing for Your Monthly Planning Session

First, make sure you have 30-45 minutes blocked off to complete this process. If you are new to monthly planning, it might take you a little more time to complete, but over time as you perform this routine, you will find that you become quicker and the process gets easier.

Set the vibe. For best results I recommend working in a clutter free area, grabbing a drink, lighting a candle and/or put on a relaxing playlist.

Grab your planner, writing utensils and any other bits you like to use to plan and let’s begin.

The Step-by-Step Monthly Functional Planning Routine

Step One: Monthly Review | In this step we will review the month that is ending for patterns that can help you to plan better moving forward. There are four prompts in this section:

1. What in the last month worked?

  • Wins
  • Healthy choices you made
  • Major tasks you accomplished
  • Boundaries you set
  • A new skill you developed
  • Decisions you faced and made
  • Obstacles you overcame
  • Self-care you made time for
  • Mindset work
  • Objectives or Goals you hit
  • New Habits or Routines You Integrate
  • Successful Planning and Execution of Plan

2. What didn’t work?

  • Tasks you avoided
  • Habits you didn’t stick to
  • Plans that didn’t work out
  • Routines that didn’t work
  • Things that overwhelmed you
  • Perfectionism that creeped in
  • Procrastination

3. Which incomplete tasks from the month need to be migrated to the new month?

  • Tasks you planned to do in the prior month, but didn’t accomplish and now need to be completed in the following month. Not all tasks will need to be migrated to this new month. You can defer tasks to a future month where it makes more sense to complete the task, or you might just need to delete the task all together because the opportunity has passed.

4. What have you learned overall to help you become a better planner?

  • How to plan better
  • How to motivate yourself
  • Tasks you enjoy
  • Tasks you don’t enjoy
  • What needs to be shifted or reworked in your life or plans

Step Two Brain Dump | Use the following prompts to help you get your thoughts, plans, dreams and ideas out of your head and onto paper with a brain dump. These four questions will help you pinpoint priority tasks that should have your primary focus in the month ahead and help you set boundaries so that you avoid unnecessary obstacles and make time for actions that will bring you in alignment with your best self.

Q1: What do you need to get done in the next month

Q2: What would make next month feel productive and successful

Q3: What drains on my time and energy do I want to watch out for and avoid in the upcoming month? What is my plan for dealing with them?

Q4: How do I plan to show up as my highest and best version of self this new month?

Step Three: The Monthly Calendar | Populate key dates into your monthly calendar. Consider holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, events, due dates, appointments and any other days of significance that you need to be aware of this month.

Step Four: Monthly Tracker | Use the Monthly Tracker to outline all your goal related tasks for the month in one place. Each month you can plan for 3 projects, 5 weekly action items or systems and 6 daily action items or habits. 

Step Five: The Monthly Master Task List | Populate the Monthly Master Task List with any additional tasks due this month that are independent of your goals and objectives.

Step Six: Task Allocation | Review your monthly tracker and master task list to choose three priority tasks to allocate to each week of the month. This ensures that you have split up your work across the weeks of the month so that you have enough time to complete your work. If you find that you have too many priorities this month to properly allocate tasks, you may want to consider cutting down your objectives for the month so that you do not overwhelm yourself.

Step Seven: Monthly Manifestation Journaling | Use the following set of prompts to journal out what you would like to happen in your life this month. Think of this process as though you are creating a wishlist of all the ways you would love to be surprised and delighted by life this month!

Prompt 1: What outcomes would you love to manifest this month?

Prompt 2: What unknowns, questions or worries can you surrender to God/Spirit/The Universe, knowing trusting and believing that they will act on your behalf and ensure you have a path ready to your goals?

Prompt 3: Write a list of affirmations to support you in believing that these outcomes are already yours. 

Create a Monthly Plan With Me

If you need more motivation to complete your monthly functional planning routine, feel free to use this video as encouragement. It walks you through the complete process provides additional insight on some of the more complicated prompts and gives you time to complete each activity in the planning routine.

Creating a Consistent Monthly Planning Routine

Once you complete these steps you will have not only a functional and efficient plan for the tasks you will accomplish this month, but you also will have shifted your mindset and opened yourself up to believing that you will get the things you want from life this month. Moving forward you will use this monthly plan to guide the tasks you work on each week, using the monthly tracker to move forward your goals and your monthly master task list to act as a focused to do list that you can plan your days around. Don’t forget to come back to those affirmations you wrote out frequently. Rereading those affirmations aloud a few times a day will help you to continue to shift your mindset in ways that will make it easier for you to take action and accomplish your goals!

Make sure to bookmark this post and come back to it each month to plan, and of course, grab the workbook to help you make the most of this process. As you use this process month over month you will see how the consistency compounds and helps you find more balance and focus in your life.

If you are looking for more planning strategies, I have one more thing that may interest you. I have a free On-demand workshop called How to Plan for a Balanced and Successful Life that will teach you more about planning and executing on your plan successfully.

So if you want to learn more about how to set up a planner to help you get organized, how to establish a regular planning routine, and how to get more done in less time- this free workshop is precisely what you need!

Click here to access the free on-demand training!


Transform Your Finances: The Journey to Abundance Begins with the Money Manifestation Techniques Activity Workbook

Transform Your Finances: The Journey to Abundance Begins with the Money Manifestation Techniques Activity Workbook

Do you find yourself trapped in a cycle of living paycheck to paycheck, with a nagging feeling that your relationship with money is holding you back from the abundance you desire? If you resonate with the struggles of financial limitations and negative stereotypes surrounding money, it’s time for a mindset upgrade. The signs are clear, but the good news is that change can happen swiftly when you embark on a journey of specific mindset work practices.

Signs You Need a Money Mindset Upgrade: Breaking Free from Financial Limitations

  1. Living Paycheck to Paycheck:
    • If the end of the month brings more stress than relief, and you constantly find yourself counting down the days until your next payday, it’s a sign that your current money mindset needs a shift.
  2. Inherited Money Beliefs:
    • Growing up in an environment where money was tight might have instilled beliefs that earning a living requires constant struggle. Recognizing and challenging these inherited beliefs is the first step to transforming your financial reality.
  3. Negative Stereotypes About Money:
    • Associating money with negative stereotypes such as greed, corruption, or a lack of values can create subconscious barriers to abundance. Identifying and reframing these associations is crucial for fostering a healthier relationship with wealth.

Change Can Happen Quickly with Mindset Work Practices

The good news is that your current financial situation and mindset are not permanent. With specific mindset work practices, you can break free from limiting beliefs, redefine your relationship with money, and start manifesting more abundance into your life.

Introducing the Money Manifestation Techniques Activity Workbook: Your Path to Financial Freedom

The Money Manifestation Techniques Activity Workbook is a transformative tool designed to guide you through a four-step manifestation process. This 32-page PDF includes 20 worksheet pages, offering a comprehensive guide to upgrading your money mindset and manifesting abundance. Here’s a glimpse of what the workbook entails:

Step One: Decide What You Want – Abundance Budgeting

  • Learn the art of abundance budgeting to align your financial goals with your desires. This activity sets the foundation for a mindset shift towards prosperity.

Step Two: Identify and Replace Limiting Beliefs – Raising My Energetic Income Level

  • Dive deep into identifying and replacing limiting beliefs around money. The accompanying activity, “Raising My Energetic Income Level,” empowers you to elevate your energy and attract higher financial vibrations.

Step Three: Raise Your Vibration to Feel Abundant – Manifestation Journaling

  • Elevate your vibrational frequency with manifestation journaling. This activity helps you tap into the emotions of abundance, aligning your thoughts and feelings with your financial desires.

Step Four: Hold Space for the Manifestation to Arrive – Checkbook from the Universe

  • Embrace the power of holding space for your manifestations. The “Checkbook from the Universe” activity acts as a symbolic gesture, allowing you to welcome the abundance you’ve attracted.

Bonus Tools and Activities to Accelerate Your Transformation:

  • 50 Powerful Money Affirmations:
    • Reprogram your mind with affirmations that overcome limiting beliefs and attract abundance.
  • Daily Income Tracker:
    • Monitor your daily income to witness the progress in overcoming money boundaries.
  • Manifestation Resource Guide:
    • Dive deeper into money manifestation with recommended books, tools, and apps to enhance your journey.

Why You Need the Money Manifestation Techniques Workbook: A Call to Transform Your Reality

The Money Manifestation Techniques Workbook isn’t just a set of activities; it’s your roadmap to financial freedom. It provides you with:

  • A simple, four-step manifestation process for continuous financial growth.
  • Techniques to manifest money and abundance on-demand.
  • Powerful affirmations to reprogram your money mindset.
  • Daily trackers to monitor your progress and celebrate victories.
  • A resource guide to further your understanding and mastery of money manifestation.

Ready to transform your finances and manifest the abundance you deserve? The Money Manifestation Techniques Activity Workbook is your key to unlocking a wealthier, more abundant future. This digital gem, optimized for printing, is your tangible guide to a year of money manifestation. Embrace the journey – your charmed financial life awaits!

Click here to embark on your transformative journey with the Money Manifestation Techniques Workbook! 🌟💸


Alexis Giostra @MissTrenchcoat, Founder of Strange & Charmed

7 Retro Chic Wireless Keyboards for Your Desk #WorkFromHome

Hello My Charmed Ones!

I absolutely love the look of a retro style keyboard. There is something about the mix of the digital and analog worlds that lights me up inside. It’s such a vibe!

You know I love to mix digital and analog, there is something so romantic and sentimental about it. It’s the reason I love to use a paper planner despite living in a digital world and running a business online. It just adds a more visceral, tactile experience to your life when you have those analog style tools. There is nothing more unexpected than when you see a chic modern office with a few whimsical analog pieces styled.

So, I’ve been shopping around for some retro chic typewriter style keyboards and found a few wireless bluetooth versions that would be the perfect compliment to your home office!

Here’s what I’ve found:

#1: Blue and White Retro Style Round Keycap Keyboard and Mouse 

The turquoise blue of this keyboard and mouse set is such a lovely summer desk vibe!

#2: Black and White Colorful Compact Retro Typewriter Design Keyboard

You know I love my staple black and white and I love the way the black keys stand out on this retro style keyboard.

#3: Retro Vintage 104- Key Mechanical Wireless Keyboard with White LED Backlit 

This mechanical wireless keyboard is such a vintage inspired throwback. I love the silver metal accents on the keys, you know they would feel so good to type on.

#4: Pink Wireless Gaming Keyboard and Mouse Combo

This vintage pink keyboard is a throwback to 80s and 90s style computers. I will never forget the sound and feel of typing on these square little blocks.

#5: Retro Typewriter Mechanical Wireless Keyboard with Tablet Stand

Let’s be honest, this Retro Pink Typewriter style keyboard is definitely one of the showstoppers of this bunch! I’ve always loved the look of a typewriter, but they just aren’t a practical tool for my life. This keyboard, however, could fit in quite well!

#6: Retro Vintage Mechanical Electric Bluetooth Keyboard

I have to say, I think this retro mechanical style keyboard is probably my runner up from this selection of keyboards. I like that it looks the part of a vintage typewriter, but it also has a lower profile which I appreciate for my desk.

#7: Colorful Pink Wireless Retro Typewriter Style Keyboard with Mouse

I had to include this colorful pink keyboard in the roundup! I’ve been more drawn to the color pink this summer and I love the variety of tones in the keys.

I hope this roundup of Retro Chic Keyboards inspires you to restyle your home office desk to add a little more whimsy into your day while you work from home! Let me know which keyboard is your favorite in the comments.


7 Productive Habits to Establish if you Work From Home

When you work from home, the line between work and home begins to blur very quickly, and with it go many of our productive work habits that we had in place when we worked outside of the home. 

There are plenty of different productive habits I hear about that are suggested for people who work from home, but much of the usual advice you hear is a lot of extra fluff that really just wastes our time. Sure, in a perfect world were we all have unlimited time, energy and willpower, we could all wake up early, go for a run, shower, cook all our meals from scratch, clean our homes, do it all and of course be super productive at the same time.

But the reality of the situation is that most of us need to prioritize and make hard choices throughout the day for how we will spend our time. It’s not that most of us don’t want to do it all, but it’s that we just don’t have the time and energy to get it all done.

Working from home presents a unique challenge to productivity because being at home gives you the illusion that you have more time or have the ability to do more for your personal and home life while you are at work than you might be able to do if you worked outside the home. But this mindset can get us into trouble with our time and energy management, stealing time from our work, and keeping us from truly feeling finished with our work at the same time. 

So, I have landed on 7 Productive Habits that truly do make an impact on your work and quality of life when you are working from home. 

  1. Set a reasonable wake up time: Notice I didn’t say, set an early wake up time. Look, you work from home and you have no commute, so you can spend an adequate amount of time sleeping so that your energy is as high as it needs to be for the day. Don’t skimp on sleep, it’s one of the most productive things you do in a day.
  1. Give yourself more time to get ready in the morning: If you work from home I think it’s even more important for you to ritualize your morning. Slow it down, get intentional and enjoy your morning at home before you have to turn your home into your office space. I wrote a blog post all about how to create a High Vibe Morning Ritual that will help you get into the right mindset about this habit.
  1. Plan your day in the morning: Research shows that you make better plans when you plan in the morning rather than at the end of your workday for the following day. It’s because those who plan at the end of their days often have a lot of decision fatigue and they aren’t the best judge of their plans. So, make your plans in the morning before you get to work, set aside 15 minutes at about the same time each day (set an alarm if need be) and start establishing this productive habit.
  1. Set a consistent work schedule: One of the major struggles of working from home is having a clear boundary around work time and home time. So, set a consistent work schedule for when you will begin working each day, when you will take breaks and when you will stop working each day.
  1. Take regular breaks where you relax and recharge: Your work breaks should be focused on your rest and giving you a chance to recharge your energy so you can continue to do consistent work throughout your day. Don’t take your breaks to do personal tasks, your breaks need to be for you.
  1. Set boundaries to limit the personal tasks you work on during your workday: Now, I understand that the convenience of working from home means you have the ability to work on some personal tasks throughout your day, but you need to keep these tasks to an essential minimum and plan them into your schedule separate from your breaks. 
  1. Organize your workspace at the end of your day: For those of us who work from home, it’s often hard for us to stop our work for the day even if we have a set end time. In order to trigger us to actually close up our work for the day, I like to use a cue like organizing my workspace and preparing it for the next days work to help me shift out of work mind and into home mind. 

I hope you find these 7 Productive Habits to Establish if You Work From Home helpful!

There is ONE MORE THING I think you will find helpful if you are an at-home worker that isn’t a habit, but a resource!

If you work from home and you are missing the company and socialization of co-workers, I highly recommend joining an accountability group to act as your virtual work family. I know for some of us, we work solo without co-workers, but even if you work with a team virtually, it still isn’t always clear that these co-workers are available for socialization the same way they might be within an office setting.

So, for that reason, having a group of virtual on-demand accountabilities buddies is a guaranteed way to get the support and socialization you need during your workday and beyond!


It’s not easy being an ambitious working woman in today’s society. Women have more responsibilities on their shoulders now then they ever have, which is why goal getters like you and I need to stick together!

If you would like more guidance, support and inspiration for living your best life, I welcome you to join the Productivity + Planning Mastermind!

This is what I created the Mastermind for:

To be a safe space for women like you and I who see beyond the surface of our societal expectations, challenge the accepted norms, and know there is a better way to live.

It’s a place for support, encouragement, accountability and ongoing personal development for us to continue challenging accepted norms and choosing our own unique path to success.

→ The Mastermind includes so many resources to help you on your journey, from multiple live calls each month, to on-demand strategies, tools, and even a complete course on productivity!

→ We have our own private chat forum where we connect and discuss topics ranging from planning, metaphysics, mindset, and wellness.

→ We have a monthly book club to help nurture a growth mindset and continue to learn.

→ We even have a dedicated group for small business CEOs to learn and connect as well!

→ The best part is, when you join the Mastermind, you get immediate access to the entire library of resources, masterclasses and bonus materials that I have been creating since it’s launch.

→ There is no waiting, content isn’t dripped to you, it’s all there for you to explore and access on-demand as you please.

→ And of course I am there as well for guidance and to answer your questions along the way.

When you know better, you do better.

Are you ready to do better for yourself, your family and your future by committing to your personal development to become the best woman, mother, spouse, sister, daughter, aunt and friend that you can be?

Click here to learn more about the Productivity + Planning Mastermind and enroll now for just $22/month and a valuable bonus when you choose the annual payment option.

This could be the best investment you make in yourself in 2021!

Hope to see you inside!


ENTREPRENEURIAL: Doing the work!

Hello My Charmed Ones and Happy May!

I don’t have to tell you that there is a lot of work that goes into running your own online business, but what you may not realize is that there are two types of work to do.

One type of work you are already familiar with. It’s the practical strategy and management of setting objectives, making plans, creating the offers, doing the marketing, managing customer service, balancing the financials, etc. Essentially, it’s the tasks that make up most of your day to day work as a business owner.

The second type of work you may be less familiar with. It’s the mindset and personal development strategy of feeling into your desires, stepping into your purpose, identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs, trusting your intuition and facing down your deepest fears. It’s the metaphysical work of running a successful business. The faith and prayer and belief. And out of the two types of work you can do as an entrepreneur, it’s the more important work.

I know you might be thinking, mindset work couldn’t possibly be more important than the practical strategy of running your business. I thought that way too for a long time. But there is a point where doing all the things for your business isn’t enough. There is a point where strategy itself fails you and you need to surrender yourself to greater possibility.

You mindset will always be your upper limit.

You cannot out work or out strategize a poor mindset.

And when I reached a breaking point where I was willing to try anything to solve the stagnancy in my business, I committed to trying mindset strategies, despite my skepticism, if for no other purpose than to say I tried it all.

That’s when everything turned around for me.

I can’t say for certain what it was exactly that caused the shift, but I can say that as soon as I started implementing a regular mindset practice that included daily manifestation journaling, my business broke through to another level. Where I had been stuck for years practicing all the strategy I knew and believed in, strategy that had grown my business from the start, I was suddenly at a new level of income and of ease with my business.

Because the most interesting thing about the mindset strategies I used was not simply that my revenue started increasing, but it was that I was able to pair down my strategy to do less and it was still growing. I was truly able to do less, make my business easier to run and it was working better than it had been before.

And I am confident that it is the mindset work that made the difference, because when I got into periods where I stopped it for some reason, things began to get tough again. But like clockwork, as soon as I turned to the mindset work again, the flow of ease and money came flooding back in.

There is no substitution for doing the work

Mindset work, of course. Because even in times when I have fallen short of completing the practical work of my business, if I had kept up the mindset work, it didn’t matter that I skipped content or removed systems I had been using for years to generate income. The mindset work filled in the gaps for me.

Now I understand why so many people in the mindset, personal development and law of attraction space say that you need to show up everyday to do the work on yourself. It’s the most important work you can do for your life and business success. The work they are talking about is the mindset and belief. The claiming what it is you want and believing you can have it. It’s showing up with open arms ready to receive what you ask for, and although the strategies may be very simple to execute, I know first hand how challenging it is to do this work everyday. Because you will get distracted by the practical and put aside the mindset work, just for today, and then it turns into a week and a month and then suddenly things stop working in your business.

You have to show up to do the mindset work everyday, or most days at least, to keep a consistent rhythm and build upon new levels of success.

Monthly Manifestation Journaling for Business

Today, I want to teach you a little more about my regular mindset work that helps me to keep my business growing at its new level consistently. Specifically, I want to guide you through the Monthly Manifestation Journaling I do at the start of a new month to get into alignment with my business goals and objectives. Grab a pen and paper and write this out:

What I am achieving in my business for May

This month I am receiving…

This month I am creating…

This month I am attracting…

This month I am doing work on…

This month I am releasing…

This month I am showing up to…

This month I am honoring myself by…

This month I am valuing myself by…

This month I am resting…

For each line, fill in as many items as you would like. Feel free to make it a complete wish list of everything you desire to happen in the month. But try your best to fill in something for each line. I find that these prompts are a very powerful combination, and I don’t even have to write very much, I just bullet point my desires and that is enough to get into alignment with them.

I know it seems simple, but writing out your intentions this way can bring about a very powerful shift and you really don’t have much to loose except for perhaps 10-15 minutes of your day just by trying it.

Give it a try and let me know how it goes. Of course, for best results you will want to journal your intentions everyday. Perhaps not all of these monthly plans at once, but choose a handful to focus on each day to get into alignment with them.


Do you every feel overwhelmed by all the tasks you have to manage for your business and personal life?

If you’re like me, you started your own business in order to live a different lifestyle than the norm. You wanted the flexibility of time and location freedom, being able to work when you wanted, where you wanted, so you would have time to prioritize other areas of your life. Breaking free of the 9-5 life was freeing until I realized without a solid time management strategy and strong prioritization skills I could easily work on my business 16 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Does simply looking at your to-do list give you anxiety? Like tasks are multiplying faster than you can complete them and you are continually sacrificing time with your family, self-care or sleep in order to simply tread water in your business. With so many tasks to finish, how do you what you should be working on each day?

Has the overwhelm of managing your business caused you to slow or completely stall progress on your business goals? You are afraid to take action on your projects because nothing works out the way you expected it would and all you see are problems that you don’t feel capable to address.

Are you constantly stuck on what types of content marketing you should be doing to grow your audience? Your content calendar is usually empty, you wait until the last minute to write your posts but come up blank or you completely skip out on content creation all together because the process is just too time consuming.

What if there was an easier way to run your business?

Imagine waking up in the morning after a full nights sleep, rested and ready to take on the day. You are excited to start work on your business because you are clear on your priorities and have systems in place that make your work much more manageable (and, dare I say, even fun?)

Imagine waking up to a business reality where you feel in control and in charge of your business, like the inspired and aligned CEO you always intended to be.

Your business is thriving, you have time to take your work slow and get the results you are looking for. Your home life is well-managed and your personal relationships are thriving.

At the end of the day, your head hits the pillow grateful and content, knowing that you created this reality and that you can create whatever else you desire tomorrow!

If you are struggling to plan and manage a balanced life and business, I have the solution for you!

Introducing the CEO Strategy Bundle: Learn the time management, mindset, and marketing strategies that will streamline your business so you can finally live a balanced life!

The CEO Strategy Bundle will teach you how to manage your time, energy and expectations as a business owner so you can work less and earn more without sacrificing your personal life, family or sleep!

Here’s what you’ll get:

CEO Strategy Masterclass: Learn how to manage your time, energy and expectations as a business owner so you can lead a balanced life.

CEO Mindset Masterclass: Become a master of your own mindset, overcome and reprogram limiting beliefs holding you back from taking action on your desired life + business.

CEO Content Calendar Masterclass: Streamline your content to keep your audience and revenue growing without overwhelming your schedule or spending money on ads.


Take Charge of Your Time: As the saying goes, either you run the day or the day runs you! But, you don’t have to hustle and grind 24/7 to balance your life + business, in fact, doing less often helps you to achieve more!

Master Your Mindset: Your mind creates your reality, so if what you see around you isn’t pleasing to you, the first place to look is inside yourself to your thought patterns and beliefs, and start intentionally choosing better thoughts that will lead you to better results.

Expand Your Marketing: Content creation may seem daunting with multiple platforms and posts to create, but as someone who built their business on content marketing, I have the strategies to share with you that will save you time, energy and ensure you always have the right content to post to drive sales.


Take back control of your life + business with proven strategies that will keep you balanced, focused and on track!

Stop choosing between your business and your personal life, and start embracing the strategies that can keep you balanced and successful in all areas of your life!

CLICK HERE TO ENROLL NOW in the CEO Strategy Bundle because you deserve BOTH a successful life and business!
