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30 Ways to Enjoy June, New Dashboard and Wallpapers {Freebies!}

30 Ways to Enjoy June {Free Filofax Printable}

So, yea, it’s June! How about that?!? I literally can’t believe that nearly half the year is over already! It’s also that time of the month for me to share with you my latest freebies. This month I have a lovely little list of 30 Ways to Enjoy June to go along with your June Dashboard. Now, I know that June may mark the start of summer in the US, but that isn’t how it is across the globe, so I made sure to incorporate activities and simple tasks for this list that aren’t region specific! Since June is the start of my summer, however, I really wanted to focus on little things that I could do each and everyday to put me in a good mood and help me to enjoy the summer, instead of stressing over plans and tasks and whatever other nonsense usually plagues my mind during this time of year. I don’t know about you, but I always feel a great deal of pressure at the start of summer around making plans and enjoying the warmer weather since summer is stereotypically the time of year that everyone waits for. This printable is an attempt to be more mindful and take summer slowly and with purpose. I sincerely hope you enjoy it!


If you would like to download your own FREE copy of this insert in both A5 and personal sized Filofax equivalents, click here to be redirected to my shop to access the files! 


Along with your planner freebies, I also have your new tech wallpapers! This month I went with a gradient turquoise chevron that reminds me of ocean waves! Make sure to download your new wallpapers here and enjoy the spirit of the summer wherever you may be in the world!

If you do download these free inserts and wallpapers, please let me know about it by taking a picture and tagging me on Instagram with the hashtag #CharmedGTD so I can see how you are making use of these inserts in your own planners. I love seeing your pictures, and I can’t wait to like them and interact with you on IG! Make sure you’re following me @MissTrenchcoat!!



The Essential Business Planning Inserts that Keep Me Productive, Organized & Stress Free!

Get Your Business Ready for 2016

The Essential Business Planning Inserts that Keep Me Productive, Organized & Stress Free!

I get a lot of questions from people in my community about the best planners and inserts to use, especially from current or aspiring business owners who are looking to streamline their planning system, so today I want to share with you the inserts I use in my planner, why I like them and why they may be a good option for you if the standard planner insert options aren’t cutting it for you!

My Business Planning Inserts

The Charmed Life Planner: A Complete Printable Planning Solution

The calendar inserts that I use in my (self-made) planner are the A5 Charmed Life Planner Inserts from They are printable planner inserts that combine month on two pages, week on two pages, monthly task and expense sheets in a continuous monthly format. These inserts work well for me for a number of reasons:

1. The inserts are a complete, all-in-one system that work together beautifully with a dedicated place for everything that’s important to me. I can track my business goals/marketing/editorial calendar on the monthly calendar, keep track of my project tasks on the monthly task list, track income and expenses on the financial log, and plan my day to day in the weekly spreads.

2. The weekly spreads are vertical list style, which works best with my list loving brain! The weekly pages include a dedicated top 3 space, a good sized ruled center column for lists/schedules/notes/etc and a open lower flex section to be used as I see fit! The clear planning hierarchy built into the weekly spreads almost forces you to prioritize your day and “work smarter, not harder” as I like to say!

3. Because the inserts are so well designed and utilize space seamlessly, I find that I don’t feel the need to dress them up with decorations, but there is room to do so if I choose! Obviously, adding stickers and washi tape don’t make your planner more useful, however, there is something to be said for the fact that it does help you feel more motivated when you are looking at a well designed “pretty” planner spread. Well, these inserts are beautiful with or without added decor which is a major plus for me!

My Project Planning Essential Inserts

Now, other than my calendar pages, I also have a section in my planner that contains my business projects. In this section, I use inserts from the project planning bundle also found at Specifically, I use the Yearly Goal Planning Tracker and the Project Planning Pages. On the Yearly Goal Planner, I map out my business and marketing goals and outline promotions, projects, and areas of focus for different periods of the year. So, it’s essentially a year at a glance business plan! Then, on the Project Planning Pages, I break out each promotion, project and initiative into the manageable tasks that I will need to perform in order to see the project through to completion. Using these project planning pages is excellent because it gives me enough space to outline a full project which I would not have the space to do in my calendar pages, and then I can transfer individual items from my project planning pages to my monthly task lists in the calendar section so I know what items I need to focus on for the month!

Will these inserts work for you?

When it comes to finding the best inserts that work for each of us, the struggle is certainly real! There are so many options out there when it comes to planner inserts, and options can be good or they can be paralyzing to some. For obvious reasons, its impossible for me to determine whether the inserts I use will work for you, however, if you identify with any of the situations below, I think these inserts may work for your life as they do for mine!

1. If you find that your current inserts don’t keep you organized because they lack structure, the Charmed Life Planner inserts may be a welcome change for you!

2. If you find that your current inserts don’t seem to work together, perhaps you have created your own system by curating inserts for a variety of places but they don’t feel like they interact with each other properly, the Charmed Life Planner inserts may be a solution that will work for you!

3. If you have a hard time prioritizing within your planner and find that although you make a list of tasks each day, that few of the important tasks get completed, the Charmed Life Planner inserts should solve that problem for you!

Do you need a Business Planning Bundle?

A5 Printable Business Planning Bundle

One of the reasons I feel so confident and successful with my business is that I have confidence in my business planning system! Not only does my calendar system, the Charmed Life Planner, work seamlessly to ensure I am able to prioritize and focus on my business activities, but having a dedicated project planning section gives me the space I need to break down key business activities into a clear plan of action! So, I thought to myself, why don’t I put together a Business Planning Bundle that includes the Charmed Life Planner AND my essential Project Planning Inserts?

So, I did!

I’m pleased to introduce you to my two NEW Business Planning Bundles, one in A5 equivalent size and the other in Filofax Personal equivalent! These bundles are a $48 value and include, not just my Charmed Life Planner Inserts and projecting planning inserts, but also an EXCLUSIVE Printable Business Planning Sticker Set design that I personally use to help me organize key business activities in my planner as well!

If you are looking for a complete business planning solution, pick up your Business Planning Bundle for just $35 today and you can get started immediately printing out your inserts and getting them organized into your planner!



How to Get Started with Intentional Planning | The Happiness Planner, Gratitude Inserts & Freebies!

Filofax Weekly Gratitude Insert

As you already know, I love planners, and although I normally share my tips and tricks for getting the most out of your planner through scheduling, project management and task lists, I know there is more to planners than just productivity! Many people turn to planners to achieve a sense of peace in how they spend their time, but unless you actively and intentionally use your planner to more fulfilling ends, you probably find you’re coming up short. If you would like to get more out of your planner and achieve a sense of fulfillment that your days, tasks and choices are making an impact on your life and the lives of those around you, the concept of Intentional Planning will interest you!

In order to explain my concept of Intentional Planning, I have put together a whole video on the subject that outlines my five tips for getting started with Intentional Planning. The video covers my tips, the basis for the concept and a few methods for implementation. This video features two great Intentional Planning resources, the Happiness Planner, which I review and explain within the video, and also my new Weekly Gratitude Insert to help anyone with a six ring binder system begin gratitude journaling for increased happiness and contentment. The team over at Brandmentalist, creators of the Happiness Planner, were generous enough to offer a few planners as part of a giveaway, so if you are interested in winning your own Happiness Planner, watch the video for details on how to enter to win one of two planners that I will be giving away!

Happiness Planner Giveaway & Freebies
Download Your Free Happiness Planner Bookmarks Here!

Finally, to celebrate the Happiness Planner and the concept of Intentional Planning, I have designed a freebie for my subscribers and followers; a set of 6 colorful bookmarks that are based off of the Happiness Planner! You can use these bookmarks in your own Happiness Planner, or any other way you see fit. This is just a little gift from me to you!

Let me know what you think of my concept of Intentional Planning! I’d love to hear if this topic interests you and if I can be of service to provide any additional information and support. If you utilize any of my tips from the video and care to share a picture of your solutions in your own planners, feel free to use the hashtag #IntentionalPlanning so I can find your pictures on Twitter or Instagram and give them a like! Also, feel free to check out my latest printable inserts if you would like to get started with Gratitude Journaling!



2018 Holiday Sale Preview!

Hey Productivity Buddy!


Thanksgiving Day is tomorrow and The Charmed Shop’s BIGGEST ANNUAL SALE is about to begin.


NOW IS THE TIME to start making your holiday shopping list for the special friends and family in your life that you will be gifting to this year AND don’t forget #1, YOURSELF!

While you are out shopping this weekend and over the next few weeks generously thinking of others, you don’t want to forget about picking up a few essentials for yourself. The end of the year is always a stress-filled, action-packed season, and it’s so easy to loose track of time and your own priorities when you are feeling the weight of a never ending to-do list on your back. Commit to Working Smarter, Not Harder this season and give yourself the GIFT OF PRODUCTIVITY with some of these planning essentials!

Here is a Special Preview of what you can expect from The Charmed Shop’s Annual Holiday Sale that starts Thursday November 22nd and ends Monday November 26th! Make sure to read this email all the way through because I have a special Freebie for you at the bottom!


The Master Planner

The Charmed Life Master Planner is a 3-in-1 Functional Planning System that includes all the inserts you need to generate ideas, formulate plans and schedule the time to execute successfully on it all!

The Print on Demand Charmed Life Master Planner now comes in 3 different size options:

Each planner includes:
  • Creating Your Master Plan (How to Use the Planner
  • 5 Functional Planning Worksheets
  • 12 Month on 2 Pages Calendars
  • 12 Monthly Master Task Lists
  • 12 Monthly Tracker
  • Vertical Week on Two Page Planning Pages for each week of the month
  • Yearly Project Tracker
  • 40 Project Planning Spreads
  • 20 Braindump Spreads
  • 20 Brainstorm Spreads
  • 30 Notes Pages
  • 8 Index Sheets
Build Your Own Planner Inserts

If you already have a calendar system you use and love but would like to add the functional planning inserts necessary to properly plan an execute on everything in your life, then the Build Your Own Planner Insert options are for you!

Choose from the following options, that come bundled with all 3 insert sizes for your convenience:


Master Planning Master Class

The Master Planning Master Class is a Digital Video Lecture intended to accompany The Charmed Life Master Planner. If you are struggling to with one (or more!) of the 3 Most Common Planning Mistakes and would like to Learn the Complete Strategy for Using your Charmed Life Master Planner Effectively, this class will teach you exactly what you need to know to overcome:

#1: Overplanning OR Underplanning!

If you are struggling to understand exactly WHAT TO PLAN in your Charmed Life Master Planner, this Master Class will help you identify the key priorities you should be planning around to find success in your life.

#2: Focusing on Daily Tasks but Ignoring the Big Picture

If you are someone who focuses their productivity on their daily task list, but doesn’t spend enough time mapping out their plans for the week, month, quarter, or year, the Master Planning Master Class will show you how you should be approaching your planning so that you can do it all in due time!

#3: Following Thru with Essential Planning Processes

If you are not currently executing on essential planning processes for the day, week, month, etc you are ultimately going to fail to complete the major objects you have for your year. The Master Planning Master Class will teach you the essential planning processes you should be using to make sure you have a line of sight to your most important tasks each day!

What You Get with The Master Planning Master Class:

  • 2 hour video lecture with slides & notes handout to follow along with the class* (digital printable)
  • BONUS What to Plan Worksheet (digital printable)
  • BONUS Monthly Habit Tracker Sheet (digital printable)
  • BONUS Resource Guide (digital links on master class page)
You Got This Workbook + Video Series

For 2019, The Charmed Shop’s Bestselling You Got This Workbook is getting a MAJOR upgrade! You Got This is a Strategic Goal Setting and Planning Guide to Help You Achieve Your Goals and Organize Your Life that is going from 30+ pages to over 100! With more lessons, activities and worksheets for you to complete you’ll dig deep to identify your goals and get practical strategies for achieving them!

The You Got This Workbook is current on Pre-Order for just $29, so don’t miss out and make sure to snag your copy during Holiday Sale!

New Year Goal Setting Workshop

You are not going to want to miss out on securing your ticket to my New Year Goal Setting Workshop! Scheduled for Saturday December 29th at 11am Eastern Time, this workshop is expected to be a 3 hour event where I am going to walk you through my New Year Goal Setting and Planning Process. Complete with activities, strategies and worksheets to help you get organized for the New Year, this is one Live event you won’t want to miss, but don’t worry, you will also get the replay as well, so if you can’t make it live, you will have the replay to enjoy!


Productivity & Planning Master Mind

The Productivity & Planning Master Mind is a 6 Module On Demand Video Course designed to help you finally overcome your productivity issues and learn a complete skill set for life-long productivity!

What You Will Learn:

• MODULE #1 GOAL SETTING FOR SUCCESS: ID your goals and convert them into actionable projects so you are working towards what matters to you
• MODULE #2 FUNCTIONAL PLANNING PROCESSES: A streamlined method for planning accurately and with time to spare
• MODULE #3 PRODUCTIVE EXECUTION TECHNIQUES: Understand your work style and which productivity techniques will help you Work Smarter, Not Harder
• MODULE #4 MASTERING HABITS AND ROUTINES: Overcome bad habits and replace them with routines for a successful life
• MODULE #5 INSPIRATION THROUGH INTERFERENCE: Learn how to overcome set backs and push through daily issues and interference through inspired action
• MODULE #6 THE PERSONAL GROWTH MINDSET: Continue your personal growth and skill set building for a long lasting positive change to your quality of life

What is included in The Productivity & Planning Master Mind:

  • 6 Video Modules
  • 6 On Demand Discussion Lectures
  • Private Facebook Group
  • Printable course materials, activities and workbooks
  • Access to the program and support for 365 days!
During the Sale, the Master Mind is going to be only $149- it’s LOWEST PRICE EVER! So, if you are ready to up level your productivity by focusing on the essential skills and strategies that will turn productivity into a habitual practice in your life, definitely take advantage of this excellent price while it lasts!

Empire Building Online Business Program

Are you ready to get started building your own online business using the marketing strategies I used to grow my brand and business from 0 to 100,000+? If so, Empire Building is your all-in-one on-demand solution! Empire Building is a 5 Pillar Method for Building a Business Online using tried and true methods and principles that I have learned as I have built my own media business over the past 10 years. Whether you are looking to start a Blog or YouTube channel to earn an extra income, or want to start your own Online Shop that gives you the flexibility of working from home, Empire Building is your guide to setting up and maintaining a successful business online!

During the Sale, Empire Building is going to be just one easy payment of $199, an amazing value for a limited time to help you get a jump on your Online Business Goals for the New Year! Empire Building rarely goes on sale, so if you are interested in securing your access to the program, private course website, all 6 video modules, bonus workbooks and so much much, take advantage of the special pricing during the sale!


As a subscriber to my Charmed eMail list, you will also get EXCLUSIVE insider discount codes for additional savings on the products in the The Charmed Shop! Those codes will be emailed out to you on Thursday morning and each day of the sale, I’ll email you a little reminder with the codes so you don’t misplace them!


The Sale is still a few days away, but I don’t want you to miss out on these great discounts because they are seriously a once a year occurrence. So, to help you prepare for your busy week ahead, I have some helpful tips for getting yourself prepared, plus a FREE Printable Bonus for you.
  1. Make a note about the sale in your planner, it starts 11.22.18!
  2. Check out this video, My Seasonal Stress Survival Guide, to get some great tips and strategies for finding peace during the busy holiday season
  3. Print out this FREE Holiday Shopping Check List to keep track of everything you need to purchase for yourself and others this holiday season!

I hope you have enjoyed this Holiday Sale Preview! Don’t forget to print out your FREE Holiday Shopping Check List and start making your list of must-have items to snag during this once a year sale!


The Best of Strange & Charmed 2016 | Blog Posts, YouTube Videos & Productivity Tools

The Best of Strange & Charmed 2016 | Blog Posts, YouTube Videos & Productivity Tools

The Best of Strange & Charmed 2016

Now that we have reached the final weeks of the year, I am spending a lot of time in reflection. I’ve been calculating my results for the year and reviewing my content, products and platforms to understand what I’ve done right and wrong over the year to help me build my brand and business. So, I thought I would recap here on the blog my top 5 blog posts, youtube videos and products from the year.

Blog Posts

These are the top 5 performing blog posts from 2016 that were also written in 2016! I have a lot of content accumulated in my site, and many of my older posts still drive their fair share of traffic to Strange & Charmed, but I really wanted to understand which newer posts had the best traffic as well. Since you can read each of these for yourself, I won’t recap each, but overall planning and productivity win the day on the blog. I’m glad to see a business post sitting pretty at the top of the list, but I think I would have liked to see more, so I will probably dig deep into #1 to understand how I can replicate it’s success for future posts or optimize current business posts to drive more traffic to the site.

1. How I Made $1,000 From 1 Instagram Photo and the Strategies You Can Use to Repeat My Success

2. 5 Simple Planner Tips that Helped Me Gain Control of My Schedule

3. The 7 Items to Track In Your Planner for Less Stress and More Productivity

4. How I Use My Planner to Automate My Life

5. How to Plan Your Day like a #GIRLBOSS


These are the top 5 performing YouTube videos from 2016 that were also posted in 2016! As with the blog posts above, I won’t go into each because you can watch them if you are not familiar with the content, and like my blog, my YouTube channel has many videos posted before 2016 that also do extremely well over the years. Again, I’m pleased to see a business video at the top of this list, but after that, it’s all planning content. Two are specifically Functional Planning related which is a good sign to me that the concept of functional planning is really well understood by my community and a topic I need to create more content around in 2017.

1. How to Use Instagram to Promote Your Business in 2016

2. Intro to Functional Planning: 5 Reasons You’re Not Finding Planner Peace

3. 2016 This is Your Year | New Free Printables + Planner Updates

4. Plan with Me | Weekly Functional Planning

5. Inside My Planner September 2016 | Discbound, Notebook and Agenda Cover

Top 5 Best Selling Items from The Charmed Shop

When it comes to the products in my shop, I tend to have a good understanding of what items are doing best throughout the year in terms of revenue, but looking back over the majority of 2016, it was interesting for me to see the number of individual purchases. Some of these items are not a shock to me, but others were and I’ve even included a BONUS #6 on this list because when I ran the numbers I was shocked at how many sales this product had over the year.

1.  You Got This
It is no surprise to me that the You Got This workbook was the best selling item in my shop in terms of number of individual sales. It’s not even close to any other products, it has sold hundreds of copies this year alone and because of this, I really think I need to decide how I can either make this product even better in 2017 or how I can add another ebook type product to my lineup. I think the ebook format was very popular and with the lower price point on this item, it’s almost a no-brainer type purchase for any of my audience members who are interested in the topic of goal setting.

2. Charmed Life Planner
I guess the Charmed Life Planner being #2 shouldn’t have been a surprise to me. All of my Charmed Life Planners added up do incredibly well, mostly because they are the system I use and prefer, which that means something to my audience. The real shock to me, however, was that not only did the category of the Charmed Life Planner reach the number 2 spot, but the A5/Half Letter version that I use was also #2 in individual product sales. Again, I think this shouldn’t have been a surprise to me, but seeing that the specific size was #2 was pretty interesting.

3. The Digital Styling Lightroom
The fact that any of my higher priced courses or offerings made it to this top 5 list seems pretty incredible to me, and really gives me insight into the fact that my promotional efforts for the course AND my content marketing for my brand overall are working well. I also think this means I shouldn’t be afraid of higher priced products because the market exists for those with in my community and within the ideal audience I am attracting.

4. Planning for Success Master Class
No surprise here with my Master Class. My master class product line in general is a value packed and practical educational experience. This was the first product I created this year after my summer hiatus and it signified my return to normalcy and routine, but it also proved to me that the master class format I had introduced in 2015 was a winner for my audience and business. The feedback I received on this class was phenomenal and I’m so thankful that this relatively new product has done so well over the past few months.

5. Productivity and Planning Master Class
Again, my first master class sitting at #5 is no surprise to me. It had a great year last year at it’s launch and really opened me up to a new product line and way to educate and inform my audience. I absolutely LOVE the master class format and I am excited to create more in 2017!

BONUS 6. Empire Building
Okay- so I had to include this major shocker on the list! In terms of revenue, nothing in my shop touches Empire Building, however, when I ran the numbers and found that it was so close to hitting the top 5, I was shocked. In fact, had I included purchases of the program from within the Online Business Bundle into the overall number of purchases, it would be sitting in at spot #4. It’s amazing to me that this product, my brain child that represents 6 years of research and took me at least 6 months of work to create, is not just a revenue driver, but a sales leader in the shop!

What content and products of mine did you enjoy most in 2016? I’d love to hear from you on what you’d like to see more of from me in the new year!



Entrepreneurial: Half Way There!

My Monthly Entrepreneurial Journal for June 2016
iPhone Case via Amazon

Welcome back for another installment of Entrepreneurial, my monthly journal entry chronicling my experience as an entrepreneur, my victories and failures each month, and the lessons learned along the way.

Half Way There!

It’s official Mid-Year and as an Entrepreneur or fellow business owner, we have a few housekeeping things to get in order! I find that now is the best time to take a moment to reflect on your business, projects and progress so far this year and make any necessary adjustments. In life and in business, I think too few of us try to push on and finish what we have started, even when its not working for us, and it takes a lot of courage to really stop and evaluate your progress to make sure you are still on the right track. For this installment of Entrepreneurial, I want to focus on getting your life and business tidy for the second half of the year!

The Mid-Year To Do List!

  1. The first thing you need to do right now as a business owner is go ahead and perform a Quarterly Business Review. If you forget the process, I have a whole video on the subject you can watch and follow along with your own review here!
  2. Take time to do a massive brain dump! I know you have too much on your mind right now, so give yourself a mental break and do a brain dump. If you aren’t sure of the process, here is a video I made on the subject for you to watch, and here is a link to a freebie in my shop- my Business Incompletion Triggers List! It’s great for helping you unload all those thoughts and plans that are leaving a permanent mark on your brain!
  3. Take time to Refresh and Review your life as well as your business! I recently announced my July free printable task list which is a Mid-Year Refresh and Review with 31 things to do in July to get your life in order and on track now that we are half way through the year. Go through this list and make sure to get yourself reset for the second half of 2016!

My June Highlight Reel!

  • If you haven’t heard yet, my husband and I are closing on our first home! It’s a very exciting time for us and I am looking forward to all the changes this summer is going to bring to our life.
  • I recently announced that I am taking a break from YouTube for the next few weeks to prepare for those major life changes that come with home ownership. If you want to hear more about it- watch this video.
  • I finally signed up for Edgar! If you haven’t heard about this wonderful content promotion tool, definitely check it out because it’s making my job and my assistant’s job, so much easier!
  • I’ve changed my planner up a bit and am moving away from my spiral planner that I DIY’d last year and back into a fully discbound system. What can I say? I’m digging the discs. I hope to be able to share the new set up upon my return to YouTube.

Okay, well, that is my update for June! If you are feeling blue about my YouTube break, don’t forget to follow me on SnapChat, my handle there is MissTrenchcoat and I try to snap most days sharing bits of my life and behind the scenes. I’d love for you to follow along with me there for my summer adventures!



It’s Time to Organize Your Filofax for 2016!

How to Organize Your Filofax for 2016

November is right around the corner and we only have a few precious weeks left in 2015 before our new year begins, so now is the time to start thinking about your Filofax or planner set up for 2016! My favorite thing about using a Filofax or other customizable planner system is that I have control over the inserts I use and how my planner is organized. If something isn’t working in my planner, I don’t have to trash it or live with it, I can course correct with new inserts until I find what works for me! Personally, my planner journey has been a long, but fun road! I’ve been lucky enough to get my hands on some great systems and beautiful binders and if you have been following my planner journey for some time, you know I have tried nearly every type of system under the sun, but ultimately, the systems I end up sticking to are customizable ones! I need to have control over the way I view and plan my days, especially as a multi-passionate entrepreneur! This is why, from day one, I have created my own printable planner inserts that are unlike anything I have seen available before, and I’m very excited to announce that I have a whole collection of new and updated inserts now available for 2016. Let me show you what’s new!

The Charmed Life Planner + Charmed Life Personal Planner

New for 2016 are two complete continuous planner systems! What I mean when I say continuous is that these planner inserts are a mix of monthly, weekly and organization pages that cycle through on a monthly basis. So, instead of having a section with all your monthly spreads, and then a section with all your weekly spreads, in these continuous inserts, the month begins with a monthly view, then goes into some organizational inserts for the month and then the weeks of that month follow, until you get to the new month and the cycle of continuous inserts begins again. It’s a much more streamlined way to organize your planner inserts, and a request my customers have made for some time.

The Charmed Life Planner Vertical Week on Two Pages Insert

Now, the two systems are respectively known as The Charmed Life Planner and The Charmed Life Personal Planner, the former being a half -letter (A5 equivalent) and the latter being a Filofax equivalent personal sized insert. Now the A5 Charmed Life Planner was released as a 17 Month printable planner system back in August, and includes my unique vertical week on two pages layout. This layout has proven to be an amazing planning resource for my business and from the businesses of friends and fellow entrepreneurs that I know who have been using and loving The Charmed Life Planner! With room for you to zero in on your top three priorities for the day, a ruled section that can be used for taking notes, making a list, or setting a schedule, and finally an open area that is flexible enough to fill a variety of uses- this printable planner is a complete business building solution! Other inserts within this planner include month on two pages calendars, monthly master task lists, and an expense tracker for each month to help you keep your plans and your money in order!

The Charmed Life Personal Planner, Filofax Personal Sized Daily Business Planner

Now, The Charmed Life Personal Planner is the real new kid on the block! Following in the footsteps of its big brother, this personal sized planner insert set is just as ready to help you get down to business with my streamlined day per page design! Let’s be honest, as a business entrepreneur, most personal sized planner inserts just don’t provide enough room for you to plan and think, so to solve this problem for myself, I created another versatile business planning insert that provides the answers. A day per page with a lightly printed hourly schedule gives you the ability to schedule a full day of meetings, take copius amounts of notes, and make lists and plans to your hearts content. Of course this printable insert set also includes the built in month on two pages layouts, monthly task list and expense sheet as well, but this pint sized planner also has something extra- inspirational artwork acting as dividers between each of the months! So, don’t fret if you can’t keep the whole year of inserts inside your personal planner, these divider pages make splitting your inserts into months or quarters for easy storage very elegant!

2016 Calendars, Planning Supplies & Freebies!

2016 Monthly Journaling Cards. Perfect for your Planner or Project Life!

Of course, over in my shop you can also find my complete collection of individual dated printable planner inserts to fill a variety of planning needs, all updated with 2016 dates! You also won’t want to miss this beautiful set of printable monthly journaling cards for 2016 that is a perfect accompaniment to any planner, and new to the shop for 2016, I have also created a set of monthly printable stickers for you to use to keep a month at a glance view wherever you need it most in your planning system!

2016 Monthly Calendar Stickers!

Last but certainly not least, I of course have a variety of new 2016 free printables in the shop to help you add some simple organizational elegance to your planner system!

FREE Printable 2016 Year at a Glance Filofax Insert for Personal & A5

First, I have a lovely 2016 Year at a Glance Insert! The perfect date reference for your planner.

FREE PRINTABLE 2016 Yearly Tracker for Filofax Planners

Second, a 2016 Yearly Tracker tri-fold! Perfect for tracking time, health and other repeating events or activities!

FREE PLANNER PRINTABLE November Dashboard & 30 Days of Thankfulness

And finally, don’t forget to stop by the shop each month for my free monthly bundle! Each month I put out a Monthly Dashboard and seasonally inspired task list to help you add inspiration to your planner! November’s inserts are now ready!

I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to get started organizing my planners for 2016! I hope this overview helped introduce you to a new planner insert that will bring you closer to planner peace! Let me know what you think of the new designs and new freebies down in the comments!



How to Personalize Your Planner On a Budget!

How to personalize your planner on a budget

Let’s be honest, loving and playing with planners isn’t always the most affordable hobby! Luckily, there are a number of free or low cost planner supplies that you can DIY or print yourself at home to help keep your planner organized and beautiful at the same time. I love planner printables because once you have a file, you can use it over and over again, saving you tons of money on repeat purchases, which are especially helpful if you love to decorate with stickers or washi!

Suggested Supplies

Personalize Your Planner On a Budget

Step 1: Customize your planner cover and dividers

Making a custom cover or dividers for your planner are super easy. I recently released a set of free planner covers that you can use for your own planner or you can follow this tutorial and design your own. If you’re not sure how to make your own dividers, this should help you get started!

Step 2: Find a printable planner dashboard and calendar inserts

I release a monthly dashboard in my shop for free that you can use to organize your month at a glance and while you’re there check out my many printable planner inserts. You can pick and choose the inserts that work for you or purchase my Charmed Life Planner, a continuous planner that includes month at a glance, week at a glance, monthly master task lists and monthly expense sheets all bundled together!

Step 3: DIY some planner accessories

I love a good planner DIY! Two of my favorite things to make for my planner are custom paper clips, including these beautiful bow clips and extra file folders to store away my stickers and extra planner goodies.

Step 4: Keep inspired with printable stickers

So now we’re getting to some serious money saving techniques! Stickers are one of those simple planner decoration items that seem innocuous but end up costing us hundreds of dollars on repeat purchases! If you love using stickers to decorate for their simplicity, but hate waiting for Etsy orders to arrive and stress out over running out of a cute set, I have a solution for you: print your own! I have a whole DIY on how to make your own printable stickers! I love stickers because they can be decoration, inspiration or add extra organization. Check out this free printable sticker set I made if you want to give printable stickers a try or feel free to browse my collection of printable designs that you buy once and can print hundreds of times over! It’s like having a never ending supply of stickers!

Step 5: Wrangle your tasks with printable PDFs

At the end of the day, using your planner isn’t just a hobby, but also a method of organizing your life, tasks and priorities! Never forget that when you strip away the stickers, washi and colorful inks, your planner is just a simple tool that you can choose to use however you see fit. If task management is a priority in your planner, you have plenty of options for organizing the information that matters to you. Plan your projects, build a meal plan and manage your social media all with printable inserts and yes, stickers! Of course, I have another great freebie for you to break down and organize your planner that is an editable PDF that you can use to create custom labels and task items for your planner! Enjoy!

Which of these steps to personalization do you enjoy most? Let me know in the comments!



Letter from the Editor: Welcome to Spring

Starting a #sidehustle

Hello my Strange & Charmed Ones! April is here which means the first quarter of the year has come to a close. I’m not sure about you, but I had a wonderful start to the year and I am feeling energized for the Spring. The weather in the Northeast of the U.S. where I live has been slowly starting to turn from blistering winter to a much calmer spring like season, which I’m looking forward to! I can’t wait to go on daily walks with Starbuck around our neighborhood and finally leave the house without my winter coat and lots of layers. Although this winter was pretty brutal, I would say that it was still very productive for me. I was able to accomplish many of the goals I laid out for myself at the start of the year, which makes me proud! I hope you as well were able to make some headway on your goals as well, and if your start wasn’t as successful as mine, I hope you are able to regroup with the change of season and get down to work!

In case you haven’t seen it yet, my April free printable is up over on my shop. It is a Spring Cleaning Essentials Checklist with 30 commonly overlooked tasks to help get your home clean and in order this season! Tackle one task per day or spread it out over the next few months to get a fresh start feeling in your home!

Another piece of fun news I wanted to let you all know about is that today actually, an interview is going live with me on the Fearless Launching Show Podcast with Anne Samoilov! Anne is a business launching guru whom I have been getting to know very well this year, and she had me on her show to discuss how I was able to successfully launch my business using my social media community and no email list- which is something of an online marketing faux pas! I would love it if you would check out the episode of the podcast and let me know what you thought! I’m still getting used to doing live interviews so your feedback would be awesome for me!

Also speaking of live interviews, in case you missed it, you definitely need to check out the hour and a half long Google Hangout that Lisamarie from Paper & Glam and I had last night. We have started a series called “Glampire Chat” where we talk about building a business and firing it all in with a busy life, and last night was the first episode where we discussed starting your #sidehustle. If you are not familiar, the #sidehustle is a term for a side business that you may start as a passion project or with the hopes of building it up into your main job one day, but in the meantime you still have a traditional 9-5 or other full time job that is your main source of income. Both Lisamarie and myself started our businesses as a side hustle and while I was able to take my business full time, Lisamarie is currently rocking the side hustle as she works by day for a Fortune 500 company. If you are interested in starting a business and would like our advice, definitely check out the video!

So, I think that is everything new with me! Now I want to hear what has been going on with you! How did Q1 of 2015 pan out for you? Did you feel productive and energized or did you fall short on some of your goals? How can I help you to achieve your goals through blog posts and content in the future? I would love to know so leave me a comment down below!



Letter From the Editor: In Like a Lion


In like a Lion…

As I sit in my living room writing this post to you all, I’m all bundled up in layers of pajamas, blankets, and a warm little puppy on my lap, also trying to fight the cold and snow that’s roaring outside. Like they say, March is in like a lion, and I hope it goes out like a lamb sooner rather than later! But it doesn’t matter how cold and icy it is outside because March is here and it’s one of my favorite months of the year. Why? Because my birthday is in March, which I am looking forward to. Friday the 13th this year, which would perhaps be a bad omen for some people, except for me, 13 has always been my lucky number, and I consider Friday the 13th an auspicious day! I think I may throw myself some sort of horror movie themed birthday party or at least dress up like Wednesday Addams that day! Feel free to leave me some good party ideas down in the comments, they would be appreciated!


This month I also have a few important projects going on, like my #CharmedGTD photo challenge on Instagram that you still have time to get in on! I was blown away to find that by the first day, there was already over 120 pictures using the hashtag and so many more added every hour! I’m blown away by the support of my friends in the planner community, so thank you all if you are participating. I honestly can’t thank you enough for helping me celebrate this month in such a fantastic and inspirational way!


Also, if you missed it, I already announced my March Free Printable entitled “Make Your Own Luck” which you can check out here. And of course, I also recently announced a new addition to my online shop, Printable Inspirational Wall Art. If you are looking to add some positive motivation to your office or home, check these out and start your own gallery wall!


Since March is such an important month for me, I have planned a lot of great content for you all on my blog and YouTube channel. If you haven’t already seen it, I recently started a series on YouTube called Plan Like an Entrepreneur, where I show you how I plan for my week and then answer your questions about business and entrepreneurship! On the blog this month, I have some great productivity tips coming your way, including tips on how to be a better photographer, books you need to read, and my take on staying inspired as a creative! This month is going to be packed with great content, so I hope you stop by regularly to see what I have created for you!

