Personal Development

How to Get Started with Personal Development ?

How to Get Started with Personal Development?

How to Get Started with Personal Development 

I would bet that at some point in your life, you began a process of personal development. Perhaps this was in order to secure an education, skills or opportunity that you were interested in. Perhaps you tried to take control of your health, schedule, or habits. Whether or not you were successful, I could guess that you started the endeavor and then either completed the task in the form of short term gratification, or slowly phased it out of your life, perhaps unknowingly! Personal development as a concept is incredibly multifaceted. There are so many options we can take to start the process of bettering ourselves in one or many aspects of our lives, but before that process even begins and in order to make the process successful, we need to start by understanding what personal development is all about.

“Strive for Progress, Not Perfection.”

What is Personal Development?

Personal development is a lifelong process people undertake to understand, improve and execute on their capacity and potential. For each person, this will mean developing different skills, setting unique goals and integrating specific techniques into their life routinely. While personal development as a pursuit never truly ends during your life, your approach towards it and your milestones may be fulfilled or ended giving you the impression of achievement.

What are the roadblocks to Personal Development?

The knowledge that personal development is a lifelong process is the biggest misunderstanding or roadblock that ultimately keeps people from fulfilling their potential. Most of us want things have a clear start and end or we feel overwhelmed, but truly our natures are geared towards ongoing progress through habit and routine, so understanding that your personal development needs to be integrated as a habit or routine increases your chances of success.

What do we need to do before we begin Personal Development?

Depending on the metaphorical level you are coming in at, we all have different needs to get started, but the one thing we all must do before we begin is to acknowledge that we want to improve and which area of our life we want to be better. This could mean enhancing an area that is already doing well or filling in an area that is empty or lacking.

What is the first step we should take towards Personal Development?

Although all our needs and goals will be different, the first thing that I find helpful to do is to do a self-audit. Think about where are are currently in life over multiple factors and how our current skills, knowledge, and habits keep us stuck in this place. Getting a big picture understanding is a great way to take the first step down the road to personal development because it can give us clarity into the direction we want to take and guide our choices in terms of how we want to spend our time developing.

I hope this post has given you an solid foundation to understanding personal development so you can get started on your journal for self improvement in the future. I’d love to create a series around this topic, so please feel free to send me your questions and issues with personal development and I would love to create some resources for you on the blog to help you find success!



100 Life Changing Actions to Turn into Habits


100 Life Changing Actions to Turn into Habits

They say if you control your habits, you control your life! So, I’ve been collecting and refining a list of actions or activities that I think are essential for us to master and turn into habits in our lives. They are broken down into ten major areas or categories of life that cover nearly every situation. I don’t expect anyone to turn all 100 into habits in life, certainly not every action applies to every person, but if you’re looking to improve your life in any of these ten areas, there will be a habit to master that I’m sure you don’t have down yet! I hope this inspires you to make little changes in your life that add up to big things!


1. Drink half you weight in ounces of water (150lbs > 75oz)

2. Serve yourself slightly smaller portions at meal time

3. Take any opportunity to walk

4. Wash your hands after you finish in the bathroom

5. Meal Plan

6. Eat home cooked meals most of the week

7. Stretch in bed before you exit

8. Never skip your annual health exams

9. Brush your teeth everyday

10. Wear seasonally appropriate clothing


11. Say please and thank you

12. Hold the door for strangers

13. Talk to members of your immediate family weekly and extended family regularly

14. Interact with your friends on social media

15. Send loved ones birthday cards in the mail

16. Send thank you cards for the gifts you receive

17. Set a regular date night with your significant other

18. Be the first to apologize and the first to forgive

19. Accept the fact that not everyone is going to like you

20. Kill ‘em with kindness

Personal Development

21. Create a simple morning routine

22. Create a simple evening routine

23. Spent time visualizing your goals while you are in the shower

24. Create your own personal empowerment Mantra

25. Spend at least one evening a week on self care

26. Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier

27. Never go to bed before removing your makeup

28. Never go to bed before removing your jewelry

29. Say YES to experiences that scare you

30. Say NO to experiences that do not serve you


31. Spend time in quiet reflection daily

32. Accept your limitations

33. Surrender your sense of control

34. Have integrity in all that you do

35. Have grace with yourself and others

36. Seek to find the activities and people that light you up

37. Be generous with others

38. Let go of your ego

39. Ask for forgiveness

40. Always believe in the impossible


41. Use a planner

42. Batch your work

43. Set your top 3 priorities each day

44. Silence your phone and notifications while you work

45. Write everything down

46. Get down to inbox zero on a weekly basis

47. Block out time for important tasks

48. Be clear on your priorities

49. Accept that you won’t always get everything done

50. Never be afraid to ask for help


51. Find a mentor

52. Find someone to mentor

53. Dress for the job you want, not the job you have

54. Accept responsibility for your mistakes immediately

55. Take criticism with grace

56. Work hard even when your boss isn’t watching

57. Turn off from work when you get home

58. Volunteer for new opportunities and challenges

59. Make your voice heard in meetings

60. Always ask for what you’re worth


61. Read one book a month

62. Keep a journal

63. Cook for pleasure

64. Find a physical hobby

65. Plan one no-tech evening a week

66. Limit your screen time

67. Spend time outside in nature often

68. Keep a list of things you’d like to try in your free time

69. Explore your city

70. Spend more time creating than consuming


71. Make your bed as soon as you wake

72. Never let a wet towel touch the floor

73. Never let dishes sit in the sink

74. Keep money organized in your wallet

75. Clean out your bag at the end of the day

76. Establish a home care routine

77. Discard damaged clothing

78. Keep your contacts up to date

79. Discard and replace expired products

80. Don’t treat your vehicle like a storage unit

Community & Charity

81. Find a charity to contribute to regularly

82. Donate your old clothing

83. Pay for the coffee of a person behind you in line

84. Follow local news

85. Be friendly towards your neighbors

86. Practice safe driving

87. Support local small businesses

88. Greet your mail carriers by name

89. Bring reusable shopping bags to the grocery store

90. Be kind to everyone you meet

Money & Finance

91. Carry cash and change with you

92. Pay off your credit card balance each month

93. Spend less than you earn

94. Save at least 10% of everything you make

95. Start a retirement account and contribute to it monthly

96. Pay your bills on time

97. Don’t open credit accounts at every store you visit

98. Set up dedicated savings accounts for major purchases

99. Put extra money towards paying down debt

100. Check your bank balances and card statements weekly

What actions on this list do you plan to work on for your own personal development? I’d love to hear about your plan in the comments!



Practical Tips for Getting Things Done

Practical Tips for Getting Things Done

Practical Tips for Getting Things Done

It’s time for another link roundup! Here are my picks for this month’s best reads around the web to help you with your Personal Development, Productivity and Business! Enjoy!

Personal Development



As always, I hope you’ve enjoyed these articles and I’d love to read anything you found informative this month, so please feel free to leave links in the comments below!



What Nobody Tells You About Self Care, and How to Start or Break a Habit

What Nobody Tells You About Self-Care, and How to Start or Break a Habit

What Nobody Tells You About Self Care, and How to Start or Break a Habit 

If you remember, my theme for the month of September has been self care and throughout this month, I shared some different topics in my blog and on YouTube to outline my experience of learning to take better care of myself and my priorities. So, I thought that for my link roundup this month, I would try to focus on self-care, habits and motivation to help you make a positive change in your life as well!

Personal Development



I hope you enjoyed these articles, and if you have anything you read and loved in the month of September, please let us know by sharing a link in the comments below!



How to Find a Mentor!

How to Find a Mentor

How to Find a Mentor

Mentorship is an essential part of life no matter what industry you work in or life path you have chosen. We all learn from watching others and following the examples laid before us. There are definitely times in our lives where this relationship is methodically practiced, for example, in school or through athletic organizations, most people have a mentor whether they call it that or not. Teachers, coaches, counselors, and parents all take on these roles as we develop into adulthood but after graduation it tends to get a little more difficult to find a mentor and because of that, I think many people tend to stumble through their lives without clear direction for a distinct period of time. If you are looking for guidance in your life, career or business, but struggle to find someone who is willing and able to give you advice and help set a positive example for you, I am going to share some tips I have learned about finding a mentor.

What is a mentor?

The dictionary defines mentor as “an experienced and trusted advisor.” Pretty straight forward. Expanding on that, I consider a mentor to be someone who has done the things you want to do or has a certain perspective that you need, and they are willing to share their experience with you. Mentorship is a simple, almost one-sided relationship that I think many people over estimate and almost romanticize. Although some mentors may be very invested in their mentee and have a close personal relationship with them, that really isn’t what the relationship is about. I know for a long time, I thought a mentor would be some high level VP who took me under their wing and showed me the ropes, spending personal time in developing my career and skills, but the truth of that matter is that not many people, if any, are going to be that invested in helping you advance. This is why I think it’s very hard for many of us to find a mentor. We might have the wrong expectations and therefore misidentify a possible mentorship opportunity. When it all boils down, finding a mentor requires you to take control of your own destiny in order to find the person or people who can help you make it a reality.

Where do you find a mentor?

For most people, a mentor may be someone at work who has their next level job and they feel comfortable going to that person for career advice or for insight into their work. It could be a co-worker who has worked at your organization for a longer period of time who may have certain skills you don’t have and may be willing to teach you. Or a mentor could be someone with a job or career you would like, who you network with and pick their brain over coffee or lunch dates. You may have one or any number of mentors right now in your life that you haven’t actually identified as such. Do you have any co-workers or professional acquaintances that fit this description?

If you don’t currently have a mentor or you want to find another, identifying your mentor depends on what end you are trying to achieve. Are you trying to find a certain skill? Trying to advance in or even change your career? Perhaps you are starting your own business enterprise and need advice? And don’t think that mentors are only for work! Even new mothers, students, and those trying to make a change in their personal lives need mentorship and advice! Step number one is to identify what you are trying to achieve that you need help or insight with!

The next step to finding a mentor is to identify a pool of individuals that you know have the experience you would like to have. This could be friends, family members, co-workers, even professional coaches or consultants! I think many people misunderstand the mentor relationship and think that you need to know the person in real life to get their help, but there are many professionals who have built their careers on giving advice on certain topics and you have to keep in mind that as mentorship is a very one-sided relationship, if you want or need consistent advice and support, your best option may be to pay someone who has experience. 

Now the third and final step to finding a mentor is to approach each of your candidates by floating a question by them. You can call them, send them an email, or visit them in person and ask a very straightforward question that you need answered to help you with your goal. Some people will be receptive and helpful to your question and others will dismiss you. This process will help you identify who is willing to help you and who is not. From their answer, I say go with your gut feeling on who you trust and want advice from and pursue the relationship that feels best to you.

How to establish a relationship with a mentor?

Once you find someone who has the knowledge, skill, or experience you are looking for and has shown that they are receptive to helping you, I think the most professional and straight forward thing to do is to schedule some time with the individual, let them know that you are looking for help with X and would they be willing to provide some insight from time to time if you have questions. You don’t need to say “will you be my mentor,” in fact, unless they use that word, I would avoid it completely, but you do need to establish how best to communicate with them regularly going forward so that you are respectful of their time. For some, this means you may take your mentor out for lunch or coffee on a monthly or quarterly basis. Or it may mean that they have an open door or email policy with you for questions. This is very important that you establish the way you will communicate with them, because if you skip this, you may become an annoyance to the mentor and they may shut you out completely. Here is a sample conversation if you are unsure how to word it.

“Hi, MENTOR NAME. I am in the process of trying to do X and I know you have some experience with this. Would you mind if we scheduled some time for us to talk about this because I have some questions and I’d appreciate your advice. I’d love to take you to lunch or meet you for coffee one day if you have the time.”

Okay, so once you have that initial meeting set up, make sure to do your due diligence and come prepared with thoughtful questions. No matter how little you already know about your goal or how much you believe your mentor knows, it’s never appropriate to ask for general advice. You need to have questions and specific topics prepared or else you will end up with useless information from your mentor, or worse, ruin your relationship with them by showing your ignorance. It’s one thing to need advice from a mentor, but quite another to expect them to teach you everything you need to know.

If you are successful with scheduling an initial meeting and you have come prepared with your questions and feel confident that you and your mentor elect are hitting it off, you will want to establish an ongoing relationship with the mentor before the end of that meeting. So, at some point at the end of your conversation you want to thank them for their advice, tell them how much you value their opinion and then ask if it is okay for you to follow up with one-off questions in the future and how best to do so. Below is a sample of what you can say if you aren’t sure how to proceed, and if for some reason you miss this step or your conversation gets cut short, make sure to reach out to your mentor as soon as possible to thank them and establish that ongoing relationship. Adjust the following according to your situation.

“Well MENTOR NAME, this conversation has been very helpful to me and I truly appreciate having your insight. I have a lot to think about and process but if I have additional questions in the future, would you mind if we stayed in touch through emails or the occasional office visit?”

Depending on your situation, your relationship to the mentor, and the goal you are trying to accomplish, play it by ear how often you may need to contact them, and of course make sure to be aware of their feelings and reactions during these conversations. Most people will understand that you are coming to them as a mentor and will play along beautifully, but others may be oblivious to the ongoing relationship you are establishing. If you see that you are getting some resistance to future communications, pull back a bit and let them have their way. You don’t want to damage any future relationship by pushing them.

Obviously, this situation will play itself out quite differently if you choose to meet with a professional coach or consultant. That type of situation is much more direct, but of course, there are things to keep in mind when working with a professional as well. Please feel free to let me know if you would like me to write a piece on choosing and working with professional coaches and consultants and I would be more than happy to share my experience and give you some insight to help you make the most of that type of relationship as well! Of course, if you have any other questions about finding a mentor, let me know in the comments and I’d be glad to help! Or if you want to work with me one-on-one, check out my Empire Building online business program which is the formal way I work with clients to help them build their online businesses!



The Essential Guide to Social Media Etiquette

The Essential Guide to Social Media Etiquette

I have been using the internet and social media for a long time now and I have seen (and made) many mistakes in terms of proper etiquette when interacting with others online. When it comes to digital decorum, there are certain rules of social order that still apply to our virtual interactions so we don’t end up with any follower faux pas or internet indecency. Today I want to share with you my Essential Guide to Social Media Etiquette where I’ll be covering the three golden rules of online etiquette and nine common situations where those rules apply. Now you have no excuse not to make the best impression possible on your online platforms!

Golden Rule #1: Treat others the way you wish to be treated

The Essential Guide to Social Media Etiquette

… When tagging people

  • If you are tagging other people, brands or businesses in your social media posts, it’s very important that you remember to treat people the way you would want to be treated. Tagging dozens of people in posts that don’t really apply to them is an annoyance, and overly tagging the same individuals over and over when you are not associated with them is just poor form. No one wants to be spammed online, so make sure you tread respectfully whenever you involve others in content.

… When leaving or responding to comments

  • Most people don’t like criticism, negativity or drama directed at them so make sure when you are leaving comments or responding to them that you are respectful to the feelings of others. Internet communication is always a little more difficult than communication in real life, so make sure to go out of your way to be very clear about your meaning in your remarks, even if you feel like your being a little ridiculous in spelling it out, it’s better to bear the brunt of that yourself than to inadvertently embarrass or upset others.

… When scrolling through your feed

  • Think about it, the whole purpose of social media is to become more social with people we may not see or know personally, so if you are scrolling through your feed and see that others are sharing news, either positive or negative, make sure to take the time to leave a comment of congratulations or empathy. If you were sharing news online, I’m sure you would be eager to get feedback. Likewise, if you have taken the time to follow someone, try to engage with their content as often as you can. Ghost followers are such a disheartening situation so make sure to reach out and be social with those you follow!

Golden Rule #2: Err on the side of grace

The Essential Guide to Social Media Etiquette

… When you see negative comments

  • I know first hand how uncomfortable it can be to see a comment from someone that seems negative, however, like I explained above, internet communication is hard and you should never make assumptions about what people really mean when they leave an unclear or uncomfortable comment. Many times people try to be helpful and engaged by leaving a comment that may not be 100% positive, but they shared because they care about you. Don’t take things personally, especially when you don’t know someone and their personality. You could end up reacting poorly in return or hurting your mental state by jumping to conclusions. If anything, make sure to respond politely and if you are unclear to their meaning, ask for clarification!

… When you suspect a copycat

  • Too often I see individuals online calling out or complaining about people copying their work and I think it creates a very uncomfortable situation on your platform for yourself and others. I firmly believe that there are really no original ideas left and that it’s common for many people to be doing and talking about the same things, especially if those people are operating in the same industry or have many interests in common. Instead of calling out a copycat that may be upsetting you, you should always reach out with grace, never accusingly, and clear the air. I bet you may find that more often than not, you have a kindred spirit you weren’t aware of!

… When you feel overwhelmed by content

  • As someone who runs an online business full time, I am often on the internet many hours a day digesting a lot of different content and that can lead to some overwhelming situations. I personally find that when I am consuming too much content, my personal style in terms of my own content will change or skew a bit, leaving me feeling lost and off message. It’s very important in those situations that I have grace with myself and take a break from consuming content in order to clear my own head. Likewise, I know another common content overload situation can occur when people begin to feel irritated or even jealous of the content of others. It’s very important that you remind yourself often that social media is only a small, curated snippet of real life and that isn’t not something you should be comparing yourself to. Having grace with yourself in this situation will lead you to a more enjoyable social media experience so that you are more likely to have grace with others.

Golden Rule #3: Establish clear boundaries

The Essential Guide to Social Media Etiquette

… When you are sharing content

  • It’s so important when interacting on social media to establish clear boundaries between yourself and others so that you or your followers don’t overstep and cause any issues or uncomfortable situations. When it comes to sharing your content, you must establish a boundary between the content you deem acceptable to share and the pieces of your life or business that you will be keeping out of the public eye. We live in an world of oversharing and I find that people who share too much of certain things end up creating an atmosphere where there followers often overstep boundaries of acceptable interaction. The best way to prevent unwelcome advice, comments or negativity is to be very clear and consistent with the content you are sharing.

… When you are following others

  • Social media really does make it so easy for people who have never met to feel a connection. I know that I personally feel like I know many people I have never met before, just because I have followed them for years online. The truth of the matter, however, is that if you have never met or had any significant interaction with people you follow, you don’t know them, you are not friends and you should keep yourself and your boundaries in check when interacting with them via social media. Not only will that prevent uncomfortable situations but it can also keep you from feeling rejection or anxiety over the actions of those you follow.

… When you are self-promoting 

  • It’s so easy when you are looking to promote yourself or your business online to blur boundaries in order to try to make a name for yourself. People often do this by going on a following spree and following lots of different people in an attempt to gain followers and then asking those people to follow you back. I also see people self-promoting by tagging their content with tons of different tags and hashtags in order to increase the chances of people following their account. This pretty much constitutes spamming people and it ends up leading to a situation where you will most likely have followers who are not interested in you and your content and may even target you for spam in the future. If you are truly interested in making a name for yourself, one that is respected and reputable, draw boundaries for your actions and activities online so that you are always putting the most professional version of yourself out into the internet!

I hope this article has taught you about the importance of internet etiquette and that you avoid your own follower faux pas in the future! Social media is such a powerful force for human interconnectivity and just because it may not be a face to face interaction, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t treat yourself and those you interact with online with respect and dignity. If you have any questions about internet etiquette or need help navigating an uncomfortable social media situation, let me know in the comments and I’ll do my best to help!



How to Improve Your Life, Sleep and Business!

How to Improve Your Life, Sleep & Business!

Hey there business and productivity besties! I know it has been a while since I’ve had a link roundup here on the blog but I’m back today with some great links to help inspire you to get your personal development, productivity and business under control just in time for fall!

Personal Development



As always, I hope you enjoyed these articles and found a new great read that was able to help you answer some questions or inspire you to live a little differently. If you have any articles you read and loved lately, please share those in the comments below so we can all check it out! And if you are looking to dive deep into personal development this year, I highly suggest you check out my Charmed Life Master Class! This self-paced ecourse is designed to help you get control of your life, career and relationships through a series of guided lectures and worksheets all for an affordable price. Don’t miss out- get started today!



Preventing Burnout, Perfecting Emails & Creating Compelling Content!

June Link Roundup!

It’s link roundup time! Check out some of these articles for some personal development, productivity and business inspiration!

Personal Development



I hope you enjoyed these articles and if you have any others that you think I would enjoy, please feel free to leave them in the comments below or tweet me the link @MissTrenchcoat!



7 Habits of a Highly Successful #GIRLBOSS

The 7 Habits of a Highly Successful #GIRLBOSS

7 Habits of a Highly Successful #GIRLBOSS

Many people ask me how I define #girlboss and although you may think that the term relates to a woman who is running her own business, that’s not my take on the term. When I think of a #girlboss, I think of a woman who is in control of her own life. She’s clear on her purpose, taking responsibility for her actions and working towards her goals. Now, this doesn’t mean she is 100% aware of her plans all of the time, but, it does mean she has a spirit of achievement and determination to make things happen for herself. Of course, although this is easily said, it’s not always easily done! It takes a lot of mental strength and the support of well rounded routines to ensure you stay focused and energized to tackle whatever life throws at you!

You really want to know what it takes to cut it as a #GIRLBOSS? Well, listen up because I’m about to give you the seven essential habits of a highly successful #GIRLBOSS!


When we evaluate the success secrets of #girlbosses, we always see one significant habit rising to the top and that is sleep. Getting enough sleep is always touted as the number one productivity AND happiness tip according to most who study how daily routines effect success. If you want to show up for your life and make things happen for yourself, it’s crucial that you prioritize rest and get your full 7-9 hours uninterrupted. In order to do this, you most likely will need to go to bed earlier and get yourself into a regular night time routine that limits screen time and snacks before bed, and I would personally recommend picking up an aromatherapy diffuser and a relaxation oil blend to diffuse by your bed. This is the diffuser and oil I use and recommend.


I’m not talking the ability to stand on one foot balanced, I mean mentally and emotionally balanced. Serious mental health issues aside, for most of us our minds get worn down and cluttered from the weight of emotion and information we carry around with us everyday. For this reason, I think its important to regularly rebalance ourselves through some sort of meditative practice. Yes, I said meditation, but don’t interpret that as me telling you to meditate everyday because I think many of us have our own ways of meditating that we need to find that’s less traditional and more personal. Your meditative time could be prayer, exercise, reading, knitting or cooking. Whatever activity it is that you feel relaxation in doing and can execute on in an autopilot like mode where your mind is able to turn off a bit- this is your meditative zen activity! Figure yours out and do it more often so that you can find a sense of peace and balance in your mind.


This one may sound simple but common knowledge is not always common practice. Hydration is super important to your mental and physical well being and its probably the easiest thing we can do for ourselves health wise. I always think I’m drinking enough water as long as I’m not thirsty but the truth is when I’m measuring it out, I’m not getting enough water for my body. So, how much water is enough for you? Take your body weight in pounds, for every pound you weigh, you need 1/2 to 1 ounce of water. So if you weigh 140lbs you need 70-140 ounces of water each day. Yes, I realize this sounds like a lot, but that’s just because you have been used to dehydrating your body for such a long time. Yes, drinking this much water can be difficult in terms of finding the time and remembering, which is why I like to keep a large water bottle and make sure I am filling it up and drinking it at regular intervals. Try to get in the habit of waking up and drinking a quart of water immediately to get it out of the way and pace yourself the rest of the day. You will see a difference in your energy levels, and perhaps even your skin!


Of course, she would need to be organized to keep on top of all her important projects and plans! I really do believe that organization is in the eye of the beholder, meaning that there is no one way to be organized and everyone needs to find the systems that work for them. It is very important, however, to find those systems and stick to them in terms of planning, home/life management, and goals. If you are currently in a state of disorganization, you could start getting your life under control with a book like the Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, or build a project plan to help you achieve specific goals!


Many people confuse working very hard with productivity, but it’s really not the same thing. Yes, if you work very hard and for long hours you will get a lot done (if you don’t, you may really have a productivity issue!) but a true #GIRLBOSS knows that it’s not about working 24/7 to get it all done, it’s about working smarter, not harder! Click here if you need to up your productivity game to read about my best strategies and advice on the subject or head on over to my shop and search for your next favorite productivity tool. I’ve got lots of courses, books, and printables to help you organize your life and get more done!


That’s right! She can work hard but she can play hard too! With everything she is juggling, a true #GIRLBOSS knows that she NEEDS to be on top of her game and ready to perform every single day in order to make things happen for herself. And how does she do that? Self-care, of course! You need a fair amount of downtime as a #GIRLBOSS if you expect to execute at a consistently high level everyday. Sleep and balance are part of that equation, but also having a plan for regularly pampering yourself is important to. I have my arsenal of go-to relaxing activities and I try to fit one in every evening if I can. Anything from listening to a book on tape, laying down with a face mask on or even just taking a quiet nap with my aromatherapy diffuser, everyday I prioritize some “me” time, even if it’s just 30 minutes!


This one may be listed last but it’s certainly not the least of the essential habits of a successful #GIRLBOSS! Gratitude is an incredibly powerful way to transform your mindset and open your mind to the bigger picture. That is why a die hard #GIRLBOSS will always strive to keep a regular practice of gratitude in her life. She may add a grateful thought or mantra to her daily meditation, keep a gratitude journal where she lists out all she is thankful for, or simply take time out of her day to say thank you, and mean it, to someone who helps her! If you would like to integrate a gratitude practice into your life, here is an insert I designed to help beginners get started with the concept and develop the regular habit!

I hope you enjoyed this post and that you learned some tips for helping you to become the #GIRLBOSS you always wanted to be! Personal development is something near and dear to my heart so I would love to hear any other tips or suggestions you have for personal success. Please leave yours in the comments below!



How to Become a Millionaire and a Morning Person!

How to Become a Millionaire and a Morning Person {Link Roundup May 2016}

Ready for another link roundup? Ready. Set. Read!


Personal Development


Hope you enjoy reading these and if you have any other great links you want to share, please leave them in the comments below!

