Healthy RAW Cookie Dough

Confession time. I really love eating raw cookie dough! I know, I know, although it may be delicious, its not always a wise choice because cookie dough it intended to be baked for a reason, but it’s just so delicious I have to admit, it has been one of my guilty pleasures in life. That is, until I came across this awesome recipe for RAW Cookie Dough that is 100% safe to eat and actually a very healthy and nutritious alternative! Oh, and did I mention, when I saw RAW, I mean made with natural ingredients, no sugar, eggs, flour- basically, none of the bad things that real cookie dough contains! Although I absolutely love the original recipe as I discovered it a few years ago on Pinterest, every now and again I like to switch up the recipe and play around with it, and I think I have uncovered the perfect blend for me, so I thought I would share it. Now, just a quick warning, this is one of those weird “healthy” recipes where you pretty much have to ignore the ingredients that you are using so that you can really enjoy and appreciate the end result! Yes, the base of this recipe is weird, but once everything is mixed together, the flavor is so good that you will question your grip on reality! Okay, so let’s just jump into this, shall we?!?

For this recipe, as adapted from Chocolate Covered Katie, you will need more or less of the following items:

  • 1 Can of White Beans, drained (I use cannellini beans, but you can also use Chickpeas!)
  • 1/8 tsp of baking soda
  • 1/8 tsp of salt
  • 1 Tbsp Vanilla extract (I use the artificial stuff but pure is also good)
  • 1/4 cup of vegetable oil (I use canola, and I highly suggest NOT using Olive Oil, but palm oil may work!)
  • 1 Cup of Pitted Dates (You can use fresh or dried, find them packaged or in the bulk section of your grocery store)
  • 1/2 Cup Chocolate Chips (the more the merrier, feel free to up this quantity if you wish!)
  • 2 Tbsp Quaker Oaks
  • 1 Tsp Stevia or another alternate sweetener in granular form (sugar is also an option, but use sparingly)


This recipe is all about blending your two main ingredients, the dates and the beans so that they are smooth without turning to mush. In order to soften the dates for a smooth finish, soak them overnight in about 1/2 cup of water. I suggest blending the dates and their liquid in a food processor first to make sure there are no large pieces of date before adding the rest of the ingredients on the day of preparation. Once the dates are blended down, I then add the beans (drained) and blend the two together briefly before adding all the rest of the ingredients except the chocolate chips and the stevia. Blend so that all the ingredients are well mixed and semi smooth, but they still retain a bit of shape and texture! Once this is achieved, move the mixture to a separate bowl and add the granulated sweetener of your choice with the chocolate chips and mix those in with a spatula. At this point, I suggest tasting the flavor of the mixture to check for sweetness, and adding more sweetener as needed. At this point the mix will not have a fully developed flavor, but you can get a general sense of it. In order to let the final flavor develop, leave the mixture in a bowl in your refrigerator for a few hours so that it can sit and chill. The mixture will slightly harden, but will still be easily spooned out.

Ready to eat raw cookie dough

I literally eat this cookie dough with a spoon, maybe a half cup serving at a time! It’s delicious and makes the perfect guilt free dessert! You can also use this as a dip and eat it with sweet biscuits or fruit as you desire. Seriously though, I’m old fashioned and something of a raw cookie dough purist, so a spoon is all I need!

I hope you enjoy this recipe as it really is one of my favorite guilt free treats! Just make sure you drink a good amount of water when you eat this because this recipe is loaded with fiber which is a good thing if you’re trying to watch what you’re eating! Okay, so let me know what you think in the comments! I know the ingredients are a little untraditional, but in the end, the flavor and texture actually works really well for my sweet tooth! Make sure to check out the original recipe as well that I developed my variation from, because you may find it works better for you and your tastes, but mine is perfect for me.



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