
I was talking to my blogging buddy Kristin a few weeks ago about wanting to do a blog post about some of my favorites movies from the childhood. Of course, all of these movies fall into that 80’s children’s fantasy genre that was clearly a strong force at the time. Seriously, what was it about the 80’s that produced so many epic movies, the likes of which we really haven’t seen since. There was something about these movies that was just different from the way they make children’s movies today. They were much darker and often times more adult than movies today tend to be today and even though these movies were my favorites back when I was a kid, I still have an obsessive need to watch and rematch them even till this day. I know its not unusual for children’s movies to include moments of humor for adults, and really the best children’s films (and books as well) are the ones that blur the lines between entertainment for children and entertainment for adults. These movies do just that, and although I fell in love with them as a child, they are even more enjoyable for me as an adult.

So, I’m sure you’re on the edge of your seat wondering which films I have chosen as my Top 5. This was a really difficult task for me to pick 5 out of the many, many more that I watched and loved throughout the years. But, I have chosen to limit this to 5 and so here is what I came up with!

5. The Neverending Story

4. The Last Unicorn

3. Legend

2. Labyrinth

1. Willow

Now, if you would like a little more backstory and explanation behind this list, go ahead and check out my YouTube video below where I talk more about each film!

So, how did you feel about the movies on this list? Are these some of your favorites as well or do you think have a different set of favorites? I would love to know which movies from the 80’s are your favorites and which ones you still enjoy until this day! Feel free to leave a comment, or better yet, send me a Tweet and we can chat about it!

5 Comments on My Top 5 Children’s Fantasy Movies from the 80s!

  1. Yes, yes, yes! This is my list for favorite movies of all time only I have Legend at number 1, Labyrinth at 2 and three honorable mentions Time Bandits, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen and The Dark Crystal. I’m at work now but can’t wait to watch your video when I get home!

  2. I just made my husband watch The Last Unicorn with me about a week ago! He had never seen it and was quite impressed! I hadn’t seen it in about 10 years, but as soon as the introduction song started I was singing along with a huge grin on my face. I LOVE that movie!

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