Post brought to you by Cousy the Boyfriend.
Well it didn’t take long but Apple rumors are swarming the internet all over again. After months of iPad fever it was nice to have a little break of the constant barrage of theories. But like all good things, it must come to an end and new rumors have started again. So what is the buzz on the internet now? Well it turns out people are gravitating their focus towards the iPhone. Part of the fever is because the iPhone 4G could be coming out…. soon…sometime…maybe. A lot of features are being speculated like it will be made of titanium, have a removable battery, have GPS, and will cook you bacon anytime you want (a guy can dream). Let’s be honest, like all Apple rumors most of them will probably be dead wrong so I’m not trying to get my hopes up too much. But what fascinates me is what people think will “solve” all of the iPhone’s problems. And what I find odd is that many are saying that it is all about the Benjamin’s baby. Yes people are saying that the $99 price point is just too great of a commitment to make and is the big turnoff for them. In face a recent survey by Morgan Stanley Research says that people are focused on this most of all.
But I have to wonder about this, since to me $99 isn’t a horrible price to pay for a phone with a camera, internet service, and games. Sure the prices of the phone, plan, and contract length aren’t the best things in the world for the iPhone… but why is the service provider ranked as 6th on the chart? People are more concerned by a battery than the service? No offense to AT&T, but their service hasn’t been getting a lot of great reviews both for quality and price, and I’m not switching from my very good carrier to that just for a phone. If Apple really wants to expand their market they need to not renew their exclusivity contract with AT&T and let more carriers in. Besides if they did that that might bring down the 2nd and 4th items on the list with more options for service plan costs and lengths.
I know this plea that the iPhone should open up to more carriers has been said a hundred times before and will be said a hundred more times, but to claim that the price is a bigger problem than the carrier just seems stupid to me. So what about you? What do you think is the biggest problem for the iPhone that needs to be solved? Leave a comment below and let us know!

2 Comments on iPhone’s Dilemma

  1. The spotty-ness of AT&T. Where my parents live in GA there is no signal for AT&T until you get 45 min away from their house, Verizon rules all there. By that same token, where my Grandmother is in PA, Verizon doesn’t work until you get an hour and half from her house, my iPhone saves the day there.

    Honestly, all companies have their drawback depending on who you are/where you live. I live with Mickey next door so I have little problems with AT&T. I just happened to ready to dump Alltel when the first iPhone came out so it wasn’t a major decision for me to get it.

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