A Guided Meditation to help you boost your productivity

I decided to do a little something different today for my Productivity Playlist! Last week I learned about this hysterical new video that was making it’s way through YouTube. It’s a guided meditation for people who perhaps don’t normally find guided meditations to be useful! Seriously, if you have not listened to this video yet, you absolutely have to stop what you’re doing right now, put on headphones and spend a few minutes listening.

I happen to be a big fan of guided meditation. I’ve shared numerous resources on the topic of meditation and using music to help you boost your productivity and brain power, check some of those resources out here if you missed them! I do believe that these sorts of resources can be pretty helpful for you if you use them regularly. For example, whenever I start getting a headache while I’m working, I take a short break, pop on my eye mask and listen to some easy listening tunes or use one of my many meditation and brainwave boosting apps!

Just a warning this guided meditation isn’t safe for work or children, but I still hope you find some clarity from it or at least get a good chuckle!

Let me know how you enjoyed this video and if you’d like me to share more meditation resources in the future!

