7 Reasons Your Business is Not Making Sales

Hey there small business boss lady!

Does this sound like you?

→ Are you struggling to find paying customers for your products or services?

Do you have a hard time selling and promoting your work because the idea of sales makes you feel uncomfortable and you wish you could focus on simply doing your work and not having to actively sell your work?

→ Are you struggling to create content and grow a following of potential customers through your platforms?

Do you believe it’s too late to gain a following online, like platforms are oversaturated and you struggle to attract your ideal customer so you don’t even bother posting or engaging much on your accounts?

→ Have you been questioning the best way to promote your products or services?

Do you believe digital marketing and online business just isn’t profitable for you and wish you had a simple, turn key strategy you could use to market your business on auto-pilot without having to spend thousands of dollars a month on ads or paid promotion?

7 Reasons Your Business Is Not Making Sales

From my 8 years of experience working full time on my business, I know there are 7 very common reasons your business isn’t making money. Let’s discuss them to identify what issues may be causing trouble for your business revenue generation.

#1: You don’t have much of an audience yet

When we are first getting started, even if you are doing everything right, there is going to be a period of time where you just don’t have enough of an audience yet to expect to see sales, or to even really learn what you are doing wrong so that you can correct it. If you are still in those beginning stages with less than a thousand followers, you may be in this grey area. It doesn’t mean you should give up, it just means that you need to let enough people see your offer before you will make sales. Think about it this way- even if you have 1,000 followers, and are creating great content marketing to sell your offer, you can’t guarantee that all 1,000 of those people have seen it, and taken the time to learn about it. I believe that is actually takes someone 3 interactions with any offer before they really truly consider it. The first time they see it, it may not register in their mind much. The second time, they may recognize they have seen it before. The third time, they may actually stop and consider the offer and make a purchase. So, if you have a smaller audience, you need to simply keep at it and let your audience grow while you continue to make the same offer over and over over time.

#2: Your audience isn’t the ideal customer for your offer

Now, let’s say you do have an audience online built up, and then you begin making offers for things they can purchase. If that audience isn’t the ideal customer for the offer, it doesn’t matter how many people are following you or seeing the offer, the wrong person is just never going to buy. I see this situation happen often with influencer type businesses who have been creating content for fun and building an audience on their specific interests, and then suddenly decide they want to start a business since they have a following. You need to be very careful of what you decide to offer because you can’t just sell your audience anything. If your platform was filled with food inspiration and shopping trips to Target, and then you turn around and start a business reselling designer handbags, there might not be much interest from your audience. There could be some overlap for sure, but it’s more likely that the audience you have built follows you because they want to see what you’re cooking and what you bought. So, you might have better luck with selling them a recipe eBook or becoming a member of an affiliate network that works with Target so you can earn a commission from the things you buy and show off to your customers.

#3: You haven’t proven yourself to your audience yet

It’s been well established through business research that customers prefer to buy from businesses they know, like and trust, so if your business hasn’t done enough of the legwork to spread the word about who you are, what you are doing and why, it’s very likely few people will want to take you up on any offer you make. This is especially true if your presence online has been inconsistent. If you are someone who doesn’t post high value content or posts infrequently, you are sending the message to your audience that you aren’t reliable or knowledgeable. No one wants to buy from a business they aren’t sure knows what it is doing or can follow through with any claims their offer makes.

#4: You aren’t selling consistently

Sales is without a doubt one of the biggest issues women face in their businesses because we have so many weird, untrue and negative stories whirling around in our minds about what it means to be salesy and self-promoting. But none of those stories are true. You are not a scammy or pushy person for sharing about your offer and your business online, and if you keep choosing to believe that and continue to feel bad about selling, it is going to stop you from talking about your offers and making sales. I know selling and marketing seems hard and time consuming, and it absolutely can be if you aren’t following a strategy. For example, did you know that using the marketing strategy of a sales funnel can bring you three to four figures of sales for your offers in a single month. And they can be put on auto-pilot so you don’t have to spend as much time actively selling. However you choose to do it, you need to sell consistently in order to make sales.

#5: Your offer is unclear, confusing or incomplete 

Your business could sell a variety of different offers. Those offers could be for specific products, either digital or physical. They could be for services you perform for others. They could even be affiliate offers where you receive a commission from products you refer customers to. In order for people to really understand your offer, however, and determine if they need what it is that you are selling, the offer needs to be clear. If it’s not clear, or if people are confused about what it is, how to use it, what problem it solves and why they need it, they will not buy. Talking to your followers and ensuring they understand the offer is a great way to troubleshoot this situation. This is why you want to be consistently selling and creating content that shares your message with your audience so you have ample opportunity for feedback.

#6: Your sales page sucks

There is nothing worse than going to make a purchase from a sales page that sucks. Your sales page is the page on your e-commerce platform that shows and explains the offer. Sales pages require clear images of your products, explainations of what people can expect to receive and answer frequently asked questions. You’d be surprised at how often I visit the websites for small businesses and they have little to no information about their offer on a sales page. So, ultimately I and I’m sure others who visit that page, walk away without making a purchase. If the sales page is lacking or looks terrible, why would anyone buy that offer? It’s just an omen of the quality they can expect from the product itself and a major turn off to buyers.

#7: Your expectations are too high

The digital market place is a wonderful place to build a business, but too many new business owners approach the task from a “If you build it, they will come” mentality. Unfortunately, that isn’t exactly how it works. You can set up a business online with a beautiful website showcasing your products and/or services, but that is not enough to convert sales. You need the following and the business assets working together to convert, and you need to set reasonable expectations for conversions. So many business owners get confused because they may have a few hundred followers online but not a few hundred sales. But, it’s not logical or realistic to expect that everyone who follows you is going to make a purchase. Even if you knew each of those followers have seen your offer, not everyone is ready to buy. In fact, this might come as a shock to you, but a good conversion rate online is 3%. Meaning if you make your offer to a group of 100 people, if that offer is made well and you are talking to a group of ideal customers, you can still only expect 3 people to purchase and that would be good. This is why we need to make offers continually, to share high value content consistently and ensure we are always focused on our ideal customer.


I’ve been in that situation before and it does not feel good to invest your time and energy into work that isn’t paying off.

It really sucks and is majorly discouraging.

But it doesn’t mean that you should close your business or that your offer isn’t right, in fact, most of the time, the problem is that you either aren’t marketing enough or you are marketing your offer in the wrong way.

I know for female entrepreneurs, selling is something of a sore spot. We don’t want to feel like we are being too pushy or annoying when we do our marketing, and so many of us start adopting inconsistent, low-impact sales strategies that fail to properly market our work.

You’re probably thinking that sales and marketing looks so easy and effortless for everyone else, but why doesn’t it work that way for your business?

Well, it can!

You can develop an easy, streamlined marketing funnel that attracts your perfect ideal customer right to your sales pages and puts instant income into your pocket!

You can do it without a ton of expensive, complicated technology, software, or even ads. And you can do it on any platform you prefer to use.

Consumers today are so much more savvy and they choose to buy through authentic, value-rich content and social media funnels as opposed to blatantly salesy ads, endless click funnels and hard line marketing pitches. Value rich content is the key to selling without guilt or shame. Your followers and customers will love you for it and keep coming back for more!

Let me help you build your first profitable social sales funnel that will put your marketing and income on auto-pilot!

I’m not talking about old school digital marketing click funnels, the ones that require you to use a ton of technology and spend tons of money on ads.

I am talking about sales funnels 2.0!

Funnels that rely on great high value content, not gimmicks and false promises.

Funnels that authentically grow your community and build you a following of loyal fans who can’t wait to buy your offers and keep coming back for more.

I know I do sales and my funnels a little differently than others do- it’s something that many people have commented on.

People tell me all the time that they love my sales style that is very relaxed, honest, and never pushy, and I truly appreciate that feedback because it has taken me a lot of mindset work to get myself to a place where my vibe around sales is relaxed and confident and never pushy.

And, so, I think it’s time I share my secrets with the rest of the awesome female entrepreneurs in my community.

Because this strategy and mindset that I use around sales is so aligned with the needs of the modern small business owner.

I know you need a strategy that is simple and turn-key, that you can use over and over again with success.

I know you need a strategy that integrates seamlessly with the content and platforms you are already using (or want to be using) to spread your message with the world.

I know you need a strategy that supports an elevated mindset around sales. One where we don’t need to feel ashamed about promoting our businesses because we feel good about the work we are doing and the integrity of the business we are creating.

It’s about magnetizing the right customers to us, rather than pushing, convincing or guilting our followers into buying.

I think you know what I mean!

If this is something you’d like to learn, I welcome you to join me for a new business course and group coaching experience I have recently opened for enrollment.

Join me for #INSTAINCOME Sales Funnels

It’s called #INSTAINCOME and it’s the path to easy income building online.

Build a profitable online sales funnel, start to finish, using content marketing, social media and email in just six weeks. Zero ad spend required!

INSTAINCOME is a 6-Week Live Course including six video modules, six live co-working sessions, and six weeks of group coaching support to build your first content marketing sales funnel starting June 1st!

If you are curious, or perhaps you know you really need a sales strategy that works for your business…


See you inside and can’t wait to help you build your first content and social sales funnel!


Why you need a sales funnel that gets you leads, followers and daily sales on autopilot!

Why you need a sales funnel that gets you leads, followers and daily sales on autopilot!

Hey there small business babe!

I have an important question to ask you about your business.

Do you have a sales funnel created to market your business, yet?

If you are not familiar with what a sales funnel is, it is a marketing strategy that helps you automate your sales process by building an audience of potential customers, helping them get to know you and your business and then serving them offers for your products and/or services without you needing to get directly involved with one to one selling.

When we think of a traditional sales model, we have one business owner making a sales pitch directly to one client- helping them understand the offer, why the customer needs it and helping to overcome the objections that may hold the customer back from wanting to say yes to an offer they definitely need.

But talking directly to one potential buyer at a time is a time consuming task for a business owner.

So, marketers eventually shifted this model so that one business owner could make their pitch to a group of potential buyers at one time. Think of live product demonstrations or seminars where a marketer can pitch their offer to a room full of people. From a time, energy and effort perspective, this situation is definitely more effective, but it still requires the business owner to make the time to find and invite the potential customers to their presentation, and then even more time and effort to present their offer to the group live. Not to mention the time spent on processing transactions. If the sales pitch is effective, a business owner could have a long checkout line of customers to process orders for that adds more time and effort to the system.

What if you could take this model and automate it so that the business owner simply sets up the system once to communicate with their customers and then the system runs itself on auto-pilot, educating the customer and making offers so that the business owner doesn’t have to be present for the interaction at all?

That’s what a sales funnel does!

And if you are already busy enough with running your business, creating your products or performing your services, a sales funnel is the best marketing strategy to use to automate your sales and minimize the amount of time you actually need to spend engaged with directly selling to potential customers.

Now, perhaps you already had a sense of what sales funnels were, but you didn’t want to have anything to do with them in the past because you heard how complicated they can be to set up.

And you’re right! The traditional way that digital marketers structure and build sales funnels is nothing short of a confusing mess of parts, technology and webpages that need to be intricately woven together like a 1,000 piece puzzle!

That’s precisely what ended up turning me off from wanting to create my first funnel, because from all the research I had done on the topic and from what all the world biggest and best digital marketers were teaching- these things were complicated, loaded with confusing tech and very finicky!

So, I too wanted nothing to do with them.

That was, until I decided there had to be a simpler way.

After all, I had a background in sales and marketing working for a Fortune 50 company- I knew what the direct sales process was like, how to engage a customer, how to make an offer and ultimately how to secure a sale.

So, I took my traditional marketing knowledge and paired it with my knowledge of content marketing, social media and influencer marketing to create my own simply system for what I call content and social sales funnels!

Unlike the traditional digital marketing sales funnel with it’s many upsells and down sells, squeeze pages, webinar forms, tripwires, sales letters and more- my system involves just a few key pieces that keep things really simple for you and even simpler for your customer.

And if I know anything about sales, it is this- the simpler you make it for your customer to purchase your offer, the more sales you are going to get, period.

After using my content and social sales funnel concept for myself over the past 6 years to earn literally hundreds of thousands of dollars, I have finally decided to take my process and teach it to the business owners in my community!

I call this course #InstaIncome!

Because this strategy is going to help you quickly and easily market your offers online, and it’s going to start to feel like income is just instantly generating for your business once your first funnel is put in place.

InstaIncome is a 6 week live course including 6 video modules, 6 live co-working sessions and 6 weeks of group coaching with me to help you build your first content and social sales funnel, start to finish, starting on June 1st!

This is one of the rare times I host a new course live and offer group coaching, so you do not want to miss out on this opportunity to have me help you master this key marketing strategy!

I sincerely hope to see you inside our private group container soon, and I can’t wait to teach you all I know about this awesome sales strategy.

CLICK HERE to learn more about #InstaIncome and enroll today!

Let me know if you have any questions about this course and I’d be glad to help answer them for you to make sure this is the right program for you!

Talk soon!


8 Business Managment Tips I Learned in 8 Years in Business

8 Business Managment Tips I Learned in 8 Years in Business

Hello My Charmed Ones!

If you are reading this post, you likely desire to run a successful online business, and I want to help you in all the ways that I can to do it. After all, this month is my 8th year running my business full time by myself- so I think I have some valuable insight to share with those of you who are just starting out or are having a hard time getting your effort to pay off.

1. Set annual goals for your business: Yes, your business needs goals and I don’t just mean setting the vague goal of starting your own business. In order to see progress with anything in life you need clear expectations for what you are trying to accomplish and reliable measures you can use to track your progress. So, get specific about what you want to achieve in your business this year and break out those goals into quarterly milestones and monthly objectives. It doesn’t matter that we are like a third of the way through the year, you can set your goals at any time and either map out the next 12 months of plans or the rest of the year. Trust me when I say, what you track you improve, this applies to business in a major way.

2. Learn how to do everything in your business before you hire it out: I know online business owners are often encouraged to outsource work on their business and that is a valid strategy to use, however, I believe you need to know how to do everything first and you should have the experience of doing it yourself so that you are a more capable judge of who would do that work better than you if and when you begin hiring it out. Something that is very prevalent online is small business owners who are just getting started are targeting businesses like yours to help you- however, sometimes it’s hard to know who has experience and can get your results vs someone who just started their business as well. The best way to prevent yourself from hiring someone who isn’t qualified is to get yourself knowledge and experience yourself so you have a general understanding of what the process is for whatever you are trying to hire out.

3. Build multiple streams of income: I know the concept of multiple streams of income may overwhelm some of you, but you need to at least begin to think about, plan for and implement multiple income streams as soon as you can. Of course, focus on one income stream at a time, but don’t put all your eggs in one basket in your business because it’s very common for businesses to have a seasonality and you could do really well one month and then see a stream of income dry down to a trickle the next. So think about how you can diversity your products, your services and alternate streams of revenue, like affiliate, ad income or sponsorships to future proof your business.

4. Understand that there is a lot of great business advice out there but you can’t follow it all or you will get overwhelmed and give up: First of all, I want to be clear that I believe no matter what your business idea is, there is a unique strategy out there for you to use and find success, but the same thing goes for every other business in the world as well. So, you need to be very discerning when you research and choose to use business advice because not all advice works for all businesses, and it’s important that you commit to using a strategy for a good period of time before judging if it works. I know we would all love a get rich quick strategy for marketing our business, but it just doesn’t exist. And if you keep chasing information to find what is better, you will be on that hamster wheel of trying new strategies for a long time, never seeing results for all the work you do. When it comes to building anything, if you change the strategy in the middle of doing the work you are going to have to start from square one each time you change, so get clear on your direction and stick to a strategy that makes sense to you and works to your skills, needs and desires.

5. Create a typical weekly and daily default schedule: Nothing is a bigger waste of time for your business than showing up to work each day and having to decide what you need to work on in the moment. Instead, you can save yourself so much time and effort if you create a typical weekly and daily default schedule for yourself. Map out the business activities you do on a regular basis, determine a schedule for when you will work on them across the week, or even month, and stick to it. This tip goes hand in hand with theming your workdays and block scheduling time to complete work on your business. When you already know what you will be working on each day, you can organize your materials for work and get down to tasks so much quicker.

6. Work on your mindset by practicing positive affirmations and self-talk: Mindset is one of the single greatest determining factors of success for any business owner, and I know first hand how challenging business can be if your mindset is not in the right place. Evaluate the way you talk to yourself about your business dream and vision to decide if your own self-talk is sabotaging your success and use affirmations to change the way you talk to yourself. There is a quote I love that sums this up that goes “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” Essentially, if you keep telling yourself you can’t run your business or a strategy won’t work, or tell yourself you are stupid or lazy- you are going to embody those negative words. But if you talk to yourself like someone you love, tell yourself you believe in what you are doing and become a cheerleader for yourself in your own head, then you are going to succeed beyond expectation. So, what do you choose? Tearing yourself down, or building yourself up?

7. Simplify other areas of your life: Running your own business is one of those objectives that just takes a lot of time, energy and focus to make happen. It’s not that running a business is hard per se, I believe the fundamentals of business are actually quite simple once you understand them, but its an effort that requires a level of focus and organization most of us has never experienced before. So, if you want to have the time and energy to build your business swiftly and successfully, it would be prudent to simplify other areas of your life to the greatest extent that you can to conserve resources for your business. The action steps on this are going to look different for each of us, but think about how you can eliminate things in your life that aren’t serving you, and how you can get help from people in your life so you have less obligations that would take energy away from your business.

8. Understand you will never know it all, but you do know enough to figure out how to succeed: So many aspiring business owners hold themselves back from making real substantial progress on their business idea because they believe they don’t know enough to really get started. So they get stuck in the research cycle, learning as much as they can, waiting for the moment they feel ready to execute. Let me tell you this right now, you will never know it all, and you will never know enough that you feel ready to start. You are going to have to take action before you are ready because you will never be ready. Trust that you know enough to get started and then let real life experience guide you. I would take real experience doing work in my business over learning based on research any day because there is a major difference between learning the theory and putting that theory into practice. You will never know it all, but that’s okay because you can’t do it all in your business anyway. As long as you know enough to know a specific action to take, you know enough to figure out how to succeed.

So, how are you feeling now? I hope you feel a lot more inspired and encouraged to start going after the business you desire to create so like me, you can build a career doing the work you love and know is needed in this world.

And if you are ready to take action, I have a free PDF workbook called the Start Your Money Making Business

Start Your Money Making Business!

Hey Small Business Owner!

Everyday hundreds of great, creative, and innovative new online businesses are formed around the world, and then close their doors after a matter of weeks or months due to a lack of clear purpose or profit.

That does NOT have to be your business story!

After 8 years running an online business myself and working with hundreds of women in my community to get their business visions off the ground, I know first hand what it takes to lay the right foundation for a business that reflects your passions and fills your bank account.

Let me guide you through some simple activities that will help clarify your business vision and work you through early stage market research so you can move forward with confidence knowing that you have laid the foundation for a Money Making Business!

Click This Image to Get Your Free Copy of the Money Making Business Booklet!

Watch the Video on YouTube

Let me know in the comments which of these tips was the most impactful for you to hear, I’d love to know what you gained from this article so please do share.


Why Each Zodiac Sign Starts a Business

Why each Zodiac Sign Starts a Business

Hello My Charmed Ones!

As you may already know, I consider myself to be something of a part time astrologer and full time mystic in addition to running my own business. I love digging into astrological placements to find patterns that can help give me a deeper understanding of myself and others.

One of the topics I’ve been very deep intro researching lately has been astrology and business. There are absolutely placements in your birth chart that can indicate entrepreneurial interest and skills, and although there are specific zodiac signs that are often associated with entrepreneurship, the truth is every sign has the ability to start their own business.

Each zodiac sign has their own motivations for starting a business, and the placement of specific signs in your chart can give you clues as to what your skills would be as a business owner.

So, without further ado, let’s jump into the 12 Zodiac Signs to Understand Why Each Sign Starts a Business and the areas they naturally excel at.

The 12 Zodiac Signs in Business

Aries: So they can be the center of attention, number one and no one can hold them back. They can be great innovators who are quick to bring ideas to market.

Taurus: For the stability of work and reward. The more they work, the more they receive keeps them motivated to build the business and life they desire.

Gemini: For the creativity and communication that comes from entrepreneurship. They excel at brand storytelling and sales as natural marketers.

Cancer: To be able to work from home and establish that nurturing safe space for themselves and their family. They love the work from home vibe and may run businesses that really lean into that lifestyle.

Leo: They love the idea of being an entrepreneur and how it makes them look and feel. Marketing themselves as an influencer is role of the lifetime for them.

Virgo: To get complete control over their schedule, routines and work. They are great planners and system builders.

Libra: For balance in their personal and work life and to cultivate the ultimate boss aesthetic for themselves. They can be meticulous with product details and design.

Scorpio: For the power and control. They want to be their own boss and they aren’t afraid to show up and do the work, which may include assuming a leadership position over others.

Sagittarius: For the expansion, skill development, travel, breadth and depth of knowledge. They desire to be seen as a thought leader and can create amazing content.

Capricorn: For the entrepreneurial status and the comfort that comes from the money and position of being a business owner. They are great with managing assets.

Aquarius: For the impact they are able to make on the world through their brand and work. Their business is also their greatest philanthropy.

Pisces: To be able to live and work through the complete expression of their souls purpose. They love holding the vision of the business they are manifesting.

How to use this information to Discover Your Unique Astrological Business Acumen

Reviewing this list, you may have naturally paused to take note of the zodiac sign that is associated with your Sun placement. When we normally discuss our zodiac signs with others, we often refer to our Sun sign which has to do with the placement of the Sun on the day we were born. I was born on March 13th, so I am a Pisces Sun. However, you have more than just one zodiac sign- in fact, based on your precise time and location of birth, you have many more zodiac signs and astrological placements that are incredibly unique to you.

So, the first thing I recommend you do to use this information properly, is to get a copy of your birth chart, also known as a natal chart. If you know the date, time, and location of your birth, you can create your birth chart for free online by clicking here.

Once you have your birth chart, there are three specific placements I recommend you check to understand your natural entrepreneurial gifts and motivations. Reviewing all three placements will help you get a more complete picture of your unique situation.

1: Check your Mercury sign as Mercury is the planet that corresponds to commerce and business

Your Mercury sign may give you excellent insight into your business strengths and particularly the energy you need when creating branding and marketing materials for your business.

2: Check your midheaven or 10th house cusp, this is your place in the world and what you bring to it

Your 10th house is really going to tap into your reputation and natural ability as a business owner as this placement is known for reflecting how you are meant to be viewed by the world.

3: Check the sign for your Moon

In astrology the Moon represents your passions and can give you insight into your motivations for creating your own business.

Start Your Money Making Business!

Hey Small Business Owner!

Everyday hundreds of great, creative, and innovative new online businesses are formed around the world, and then close their doors after a matter of weeks or months due to a lack of clear purpose or profit.

That does NOT have to be your business story!

After 8 years running an online business myself and working with hundreds of women in my community to get their business visions off the ground, I know first hand what it takes to lay the right foundation for a business that reflects your passions and fills your bank account.

Let me guide you through some simple activities that will help clarify your business vision and work you through early stage market research so you can move forward with confidence knowing that you have laid the foundation for a Money Making Business!

Click This Image to Get Your Free Copy of the Money Making Business Booklet!

I hope you enjoyed this mini Astrology lesson and that the insight you glean from digging into your own astrological and zodiac placements helps give you an additional boost of motivation and clarity to get your business started!

Let me know if you’d like more content like this and I’d be glad to chat more with you about Astrology!


10 Small Business Productivity Time Savers

10 Small Business Productivity Time Savers

Hello My Charmed Ones!

As someone who has been running their business online for almost 8 years full time as a solopreneur- I know a thing or two about setting up systems in your business to help save your time and energy. It’s what I’ve relied on for nearly a decade to keep my business consistent, growing and converting sales.

Implementing any one of these hacks is going to make running your business so much easier, but if you can get to a place where you have all ten of these tips in place in your business, you’re going to start realizing how easy business can be when things are well organized into systems.

So, review this list, decide what you may need to put in place first, and then work your way through this to bring your business to the next level!

#1: Save Links to Your Products, Sales Pages & Opt-ins

This will help you keep your links organized so you can easily access them, even from a mobile device, making selling and sharing about your work easier!

Save links into folders in your web browser, a Google Doc and/or a notes app that syncs across your devices.

The syncing aspect is key because you want to be able to access this information quickly from any device, instead of having to search for links or log-into the back end of websites or applications to find this information.

#2: Create an FAQ Page

An FAQ, or frequently asked questions, page will help cut down on inquiries and drive potential followers and customers to the information they are looking for!

Set up a page on your website, blog, shop, or if you don’t have a website, you could collect this information in a Google Doc to share with followers.

Collect the questions you are repeatedly asked about and lay them out with their answers on the page. 

When you are first getting started and don’t have many questions yet, I recommend researching similar business’ and seeing the the types of information they have on their FAQ pages to help you craft your first page.

Your FAQ Page is a living document that you will want to keep updated often and the better the answers on the page are, the more engagement and sales you will have, while minimizing unnecessary emails, DMs and comments.

#3: Set Up an Email Autoresponder

An email Auto-Responder is an automatic message that is sent to anyone who emails your business email, and can be a great customer service tool that sets expectations with your customers while also helping them at the same time.

All major email platforms allow for auto-responders (think out of office email reply) so you can likely find a set of directions for setting yours up quickly by doing a google search.

The email auto-responder should be a welcoming message that helps your customer understand when they can reasonably expect to hear back from you, and provides them some insight to help direct them in the meantime.

Example: Thank you so much for your email! Please know that your email has been received and your inquiry is important to us! Due to the volume of messages we receive, you can expect a response within 48 hours outside of weekends. We do monitor for and prioritize more urgent customer service requests, but your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated. In the meantime, the answer to your inquiry may be one of our frequently asked questions, so we encourage you to click here to review our FAQ page for a more immediate resolution.

#4: Use Canned Responses

Canned responses are pre-written emails or message templates that can be used to quickly compose a reply to a customer email or message. They are usually based on frequently asked questions, but are great for making sales when a customer needs a recommendation, guiding an assistant who may be helping with emails and messages, and can help prevent PR nightmares when you are asked triggering questions or dealing with a particularly unhappy customer.

Populating answers onto your FAQ page is a great way to help minimize customer emails and messages, however, when you do receive a message from a customer, it is not always appropriate to send them a link to the FAQ page and send them on their way (not if you want to do good customer service) and it dismisses a key point of contact where you could be making a sale or driving engagement to a platform/content/opt-in.

As you reply to customers messages, get into the habit of saving your good responses to their questions and organizing them in a Google Doc, or a notes app- again, something that syncs across devices is preferable.

Adjust your original message into a template by removing customer specific information and giving the message a more general but clearly actionable response. That way you can easily copy and paste the message for a future customer message.

#5: Use an Editorial Calendar

An editorial calendar is plan for what content is to be published on specific days by platform. It helps take the guess work out of what to post when, and helps you easily bulk create content.

To create your editorial calendar, first choose the duration of time you want to plan for. One month to one quarter at a time is pretty standard, but you could plan as far in advance as a year if that works for you.

Next, define the schedule you will be working on per platform: so what days/times will you be posting content across a week.

Then brainstorm your content ideas and assign them to the schedule so you have a clear publishing plan created.
Finally, schedule specific time to bulk create content on a regular basis. This could be one day a week where you create all your content and set it to publish on schedule for the next week.

#6: Use Social Media Scheduling Software

Social media scheduling software like Meet Edgar, Hootsuite, and Planoly help you to schedule and promote your content across platforms.

One of the biggest mistakes business owners make with their content marketing is that they don’t continue to promote content once it’s been published to a platform- and then they wonder why the content isn’t getting much engagement and continue to create more and more content in an attempt to drive traffic.

It’s much easier to create one piece of content and push it out to other platforms to increase the reach and impact of the content.

Social Media Scheduling Software helps you to automate this process by uploading the content once and then setting the content to publish across various platforms, and can even continue to promote the content on a recurring basis so it’s not getting lost in a stagnant feed.

#7: Use a Marketing Calendar

If an editorial calendar is the plan for what content will be published at what time, your marketing calendar is the plan for what promotions, launches and sales you will be marketing across your year.

A business that isn’t continually marketing itself in some form or another is one that isn’t generating much revenue!
At the start of the year (or right now!) it’s a good idea to map out the different promotions and marketing you will do across the year so you always know what you are selling at any given time and can better organize your efforts to get the maximum results.

This doesn’t have to be complicated, simply choose how often you feel comfortable running marketing campaigns, and start filling in your calendar with marketing ideas that make sense. Make sure you give yourself enough time between campaigns to prepare for the next one.

#8: Theme Your Work Days

Theming your work days means that you will set aside specific days or blocks of time on certain days to do specific work for your business.

Themed work days help you to work more efficiently by remaining focused on specific tasks, and helps you to fit all your tasks and obligations into your schedule across the week so you know you have time to get everything done.

In order to effectively theme your work days, I recommend keeping track of all the different activities you do for your business on a recurring basis over the period of a few weeks to a month, and then grouping like items together and creating daily themes or work blocks on a specific schedule to ensure you have the time set aside to complete those tasks.

#9: Systematize Everything!

A system is a codified process for how you reach an end result so that you have an easy to follow list of tasks to help you achieve a similar result every time you go to complete that objective. For example, a recipe is a great example of a system. It’s a specific process for how you get a specific result, a meal you are trying to prepare and the steps to follow to make it.

All of the recurring work you do for your business should be turned into a system to help you take the guess work out of planning how you will complete a specific action in the future and creating the system gives you the opportunity to perfect exactly what your process is so you spend less time and effort but get a greater result each time.

So, every time you do a task in your business, start tracking the steps on a project page. When the task is complete, review your steps and what you learned from that recent experience to create the ideal step by step plan for completing that activity in the future. Write the final draft of the plan on a project or system planning page and refer to it every time you need to do that task so you don’t have to waste mental time and energy thinking about how to do it.

#10: Get Help

Getting help so that you can more effectively run your business can take many forms, some of which don’t require you to spend money, hire an employee or to delegate business related to tasks to others.

The first level at which you can get help is within your own family. If you have a partner or children old enough to delegate home life tasks to, reach out to them first to ease your daily work burden so that you have more time to focus on your business tasks.

The second level at which you can get help is to hire out home related tasks in the form of a cleaning service, baby sitter, meal prep service, dog walker, task rabbit etc- again to take home burdens off your plate so that you have more time available for business work.

Next, consider how you may be able to use your network of other small business professionals to do a service swap where you take on work that you are skilled at for another business owner, and that business owner takes care of some work for you that they are more skilled at.

The final level at which you can get help is to hire virtual assistants, contractors or employees to complete specific work for your business.

Start Your Money Making Business!

Hey Small Business Owner!

Everyday hundreds of great, creative, and innovative new online businesses are formed around the world, and then close their doors after a matter of weeks or months due to a lack of clear purpose or profit.

That does NOT have to be your business story!

After 8 years running an online business myself and working with hundreds of women in my community to get their business visions off the ground, I know first hand what it takes to lay the right foundation for a business that reflects your passions and fills your bank account.

Let me guide you through some simple activities that will help clarify your business vision and work you through early stage market research so you can move forward with confidence knowing that you have laid the foundation for a Money Making Business!

Click This Image to Get Your Free Copy of the Money Making Business Booklet!

Watch the Video on YouTube

I hope these 10 tips help save you time and energy in starting, building and growing your own online business!


Copy My Daily Mindset Work

Copy My Daily Mindset Work

Hello My Charmed Ones!

I’ve been feeling really good lately.

I mean like mentally, emotionally, spiritually!

I’ve just been feeling so good and positive and like life has been pretty effortless.

And I attribute this feeling to getting back into the habit of daily journaling.

Over the years I fall into and out of my daily journaling practice, and at the start of April I designed some new daily mindset work for myself and it really just clicked that daily habit back into place for me.

I think we all have those things, those habits we know are good for us and make a difference but sometimes we have a hard time sticking to it.

Well one of those habits for me is journaling daily, and what often makes daily journaling a hard habit for me to stick to is that I feel a lot of pressure to having something to write when I sit down to do the journaling itself.

When it comes to journaling, a blank page can have me stumped, but at the same time I know it’s so good to do it everyday.

So, having a framework for what I’ll be journaling really helps.

That is were my current daily mindset work comes in.

Don’t worry- I’m going to link it for you below because I give you full permission to copy it and use it for yourself!

This structure has worked so well for me because I am not just building that daily writing habit and getting my thoughts out of my head and onto paper, but also because this journaling structure is really great for identifying goals and rewriting limiting beliefs.

So, let me walk you through the structure and explain how to use it.

Top 3: This is were you will list out three goals you are currently focused on achieving. Even if you don’t think you can achieve them in the near future, write them out here. These should be your three highest priority goals.

Beliefs & Self-Talk: In this prompt I want you to think about each goal and identify what you would need to believe to be true of the world and/or yourself in order to attain the goal. Often our own beliefs of what is realistically possible end up limiting us. So, forget about being logical or realistic about your goals and decide what you need to simply believe and trust is possible for you in order to make your goal a reality.

Inspired Actions: Thinking about each goal as though it has already happened, what is the next action you feel inspired to take knowing you can’t mess things up because your goal is guaranteed. It might take you a moment to sit in the feeling of knowing, believing and trusting that your goal will be attained before the inspiration strikes. And the inspiration could be anything directly related to your goal or not. But if you get a sudden burst of inspiration to do something- that is the action you need to follow from your intuition in order to move towards your goal.

Now, that is the basic framework for the Daily Mindset Work and journaling I have been doing, but I also have been adding a few affirmations at the end of my practice as well.

Affirmations: Usually these are a clearer restatement of the beliefs and self-talk I wrote out earlier, but they could also be encouraging or inspirational words I feel like I need to hear.

You can’t mess this up, just try not to judge yourself as your journal and follow the lead of your instincts or intuition.

One more thing I want to remind you about this daily mindset journaling is that although it would be great for you to start your day with this work, the morning is not the only time you can do it.

I often do this work in the later part of the morning before starting my work tasks, or even in the middle of my day. And if I have a busy or distracting day that prevents me from being as present or intentional as I’d like- I will even break out my journal in the evening while watching tv, eating dinner, or even in bed before I go to sleep.

The thing about having a daily habit is that you do it every day, even if you can’t do it at the same time every day.

Getting it done is the most important part.

AND if you are curious, the notebook I have been using to do this Daily Mindset Work in has been the CEO Journal.

It’s a notebook I designed with a date selection grid at top and a squared page layout that is perfect for journaling, note taking and even bullet journaling if you want to plan with it.

The pages are numbered too!

You can get your copy on Amazon for what I believe is a very reasonable price.

I sincerely hope this Daily Mindset Work helps you to establish the habit of journaling in your day, and helps you to feel that same sense of ease, flow and happiness I’ve been experiencing for the last month.

Let me know how your practice goes!


May Monthly Plan With Me

May Monthly Plan With Me

Since May is officially in full bloom, I thought it would be helpful for me to do a monthly plan with me video to give you some planning inspiration and instead of just talking about the tasks and plans I am writing down, I thought it would be much more motivational if I gave you a little pep talk on an important topic about planning.

So, grab your planner, your pens, highlighters and a beverage of your choice and let’s settle in to to do our May monthly planning together and discuss the topic of What it takes to make lasting changes to your productivity?

Pep Talk | What it takes to make lasting changes to your productivity?

As many of you may already know, last week I went live on my youtube channel for a productivity check up where I walked you through my Productivity Assessment. If you haven’t done the assessment yet, as we are planning today, schedule some time this week to complete the assessment because it is something I’ve been working on for a long time, and it’s essentially a self-reporting test to help you identify what you’re specific productivity and planning issues are and it gives you the framework for actually making lasting changes that will cause a ripple effect into so many areas of your life.

Identifying and improving skillsets related to planning and productivity are what will actually cause real visible changes to your life and the results you get from your life.

For years, on Youtube, my blog and even on Instagram, I have been teaching what I know is really good, actionable information on various planning and productivity topics, but something I noticed very often was that the same people in my community would continue to come to me asking how to solve the same productivity issues over and over, even though I had shared tons of content showing how to solve those issues. I began realize that although many people were watching my videos, many of them were not practicing what I was teaching, or they would give is a shot once immediately after learning it, but then failed to follow through over time to see real measurable changes.

They were getting the information, but not implementing. And that implementation is the thing that makes the difference if you want to change your life through planning and productivity.

Once I really realized that was the issue for most people, I became focused on how I could not only provide great information and strategy, but also how I could create a framework to ensure the women in my community were using the information to improve their skills and make long term changes.

And that was my major motivation for creating the Charmed Life Master Mind. To help women learn and do so they could finally experience true changes in their lives.

The work we do in the Charmed Life Master Mind truly matters to me because I know how impactful and empowering it is.

Women join this Master Mind feeling behind in life, overwhelmed by their to do list, and completely goal-less, but then shift into a state of clarity, empowerment and confidence.

That shift is the deliberate result of the way I have structured the Master Mind through information, resources and accountability, that create a very strong process you can follow to change your mindset and behavior.

→ The information you learn through this experience will give you a fresh perspective on your life and what you need to do to make change.

→ The resources I’ve intentionally designed based on research backed strategy will give you practical actions to take to build new skillsets to put that change in place.

→ The accountability the group provides keeps you on your path by providing check in points to motivate you to show up and do the work, even if you fall off course for a bit.

For those who truly desire a shift and transformation in their productivity and lives, this structure works if you show up to do the work.

And I make it as easy as possible for you to follow along, with live classes, on-demand replays for everything we do together, digital/print-at-home resources and a private community were we can remain in constant contact with one another!

Yes, there is a lot of value inside the Charmed Life Master Mind in terms of the content and resources that far exceed the membership price.

But the most valuable part of the experience is the structure and framework intended to help you quickly implement change that would otherwise take you months if not years to achieve on your own.

So, now I want to think- what is truly holding you back from joining me in this master mind experience and making true change in your life?

I have heard from master mind sisters in the past that they were hesitant to join because they were worried that the paid content would be the same as my free content, would be repetitive, or that I wouldn’t be as present in the private group as I claimed. It sounds like those are issues that people have commonly experienced in joining other memberships groups for creators they follow, but let me assure you the Charmed Life Master Mind is different.

If you already enjoy my free content, you are going to love the content in the master mind because although I talk about some similar topics, we go much broader and deeper than I ever do in YouTube videos, blog posts or on Instagram. There is no duplicated content, my free content is completely separate from the content I produce in the master mind. And I understand that perhaps in some other membership groups, the figurehead may only check in once in a while, or go MIA for periods of time- but that is not me and that is not what happens in the Charmed Life Master Mind. I post prompts every day Monday through Friday. I have never missed or even rescheduled a live class- we have always run completely on schedule, and I check the master mind group every single day to answer questions and do coaching with my master mind sisters. So if you join and you post questions, get ready for me to give you direct attention and coaching because I am extremely active in the group!

Now, as for other reasons why you may not have enrolled yet, I also personally question how comfortable people feel with the idea paying for additional content, and now that the number of creators who have started memberships or patreons has grown, it likely feels as though you are being asked so often to join a membership to support a creator you like to “support their work”.

Something that makes the Charmed Life Master Mind different than those other situations, is that this membership isn’t simply about buying more content from me- it’s about learning and doing together. Taking what I teach and creating practical tools and resources so you are implementing what you learn. Then of course having a structure for accountability with the monthly live calls, the Slack posts and the opportunity to bring your questions and issues directly to me for one-on-one coaching and strategy.

If you truly desire change in your life,

If you want to know what it feels like to experience clarity and confidence in your actions,

And if you want to start seeing the new results that can only come from true change,

I welcome you to join me in the Charmed Life Master Mind!


Watch the May Plan With Me Video

Feng Shui Your Planner for Positive Productivity Energy

Planner Feng Shui Tips!

Hello My Charmed Ones!

Today I am sharing more on Planner Alchemy- tips for using your planner to manifest productivity and success in your life. Specifically, I want to share some tips for how to Feng Shui your planner to attract positive productivity energy.

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice of using and directing universal life force energy or qi into areas of your life to achieve balance, harmony and improvement.

When we hear about Feng Shui, we often hear the practice used in terms of organizing and decorating our homes, but we can also apply Feng Shui principles to our planner and so I want to share five such tips with you today.

Tip 1. Keep your planner open whenever possible: If you are working at your desk, keep your planner open, even if you are not actively using it or referring to it, because this helps to clear the air around your planner and attract positive chi as part of the Feng Shui Philosophy.

Tip 2. Clear out clutter: a main principle of Feng Shui is to keep your spaces clean and neat. One of the tenants of Feng Shui is that positive energy or qi can’t flow in a hoarded room. So, good qi also can’t flow into a hoarded or messy planner. I regularly remove unnecessary pages from my planner and either discard them if they are not needed or save them in an archive or storage binder for future reference, as this will help clear the energy of my planner for positive qi!

Tip 3. Fill your planner with beauty and happiness: In Feng Shui, the way an area looks and feels has a major impact on the type of energy that is attracted to it. So, make sure you leave inspirational images and quotes in your planner so that positive energy is attracted to it. Keep some tokens of happy memories tucked inside extra pockets or punched inside your planner. I’d also recommend taking notes of achievements and positive events on your agenda pages as this will also help to make your planner a destination for positive energy.

Tip 4. Choose your ink color purposefully: In Feng Shui color is a powerful quality meant to strategically attract energy into your life. Consider choosing the ink colors that you use inside your planner, in terms of your pen and highlighters, strategically to correspond to what energy you are looking to attract more of in your life.

Here are the Feng Shui Color Correspondences:

Black: Career + Life Path
White: Children and creativity
Grey: Helpful people and travel
Blue: Knowledge and personal development
Turquoise: New beginnings and confidence
Green: Growth, family and health
Brown: Stability and security
Purple: Spirituality, adventure and prosperity
Pink: Relationships, partnership and romance
Red: Fame and reputation
Yellow: Power, health and patience
Orange: Health and happiness

Tip 5. Store your planner in a clean and well lit space: Don’t keep your planner shoved in your bag or in a drawer for hours on end, leave it in a place of respect out in the open where it will not get damaged and will be like an ornament in your life. If you have respect for your planner and treat it with respect, positive energy will also continue to flow to it, attracting success, abundance and productivity into your life.

Watch the Video on How to Feng Shui Your Planner

So, those are my top five tips to apply the principles of Feng Shui to your planner to start attracting positive productivity energy into your life. I hope this gives you some new inspiration for using your planner to attract more abundance, productivity and success in your life.


I WROTE A BOOK | The Functional Planning Handbook

Introducing the Functional Planning Handbook

Yes, it is true!

I have finally written and published my book on planning and productivity called the Functional Planning Handbook and it is available right now for sale on Amazon.com.

Click here to purchase your copy and support my book launch!

Those of you who have been following me for a while know that this book is something I’ve been talking about writing for years, and I’m so excited to finally launch it publicly to the world!

As you can surmise from the title, this book is my official guide to functional planning, and it was truly written to be a companion to your planner as you can see from it’s petite 4 x 6 inch size!

It’s a book you can learn from by reading through it, sure, but it’s really meant to be a reference guide for you as well because if you have been planning for any period of time, you know that it’s not about learning the strategies once and you suddenly know exactly how to plan and organize your life.

Functional planning is truly a skill and a practice that you develop over time and I wanted this book to be your pocket reference guide and handbook that you could reach for when you had a question about how to perform your daily planning routine, but also to be a source of inspiration and motivation for you to get things done. That’s why several chapters of this book are dedicated to discussing time, task and energy management strategies you can implement quickly and easily in your life.

This book, like much of my content, is direct strategy- no fluff or filler- that is actionable and practical for the variety of women and lifestyles in my community. If you are an ambitious woman in my community who desires a more organized, intentional and successful life, and knows planning and personal organization are strategies that can help you achieve more with less time, stress and effort, then the functional planning handbook is for you!

And, of course, for those of you who support the launch and purchase your copy this month, I have a special bonus gift for you- A Functional Planning Routines planner insert with 21 prompts that you can use to support your daily, weekly and monthly planning routine so that you make better, more complete plans that you feel confident executing on to make your ideal life a reality!

Click here to validate your Amazon purchase and receive your FREE Bonus!

I sincerely hope you love the book, the bonus and will consider leaving me a positive review for the book on Amazon so we can get this essential functional planning information in the hands of more amazing women who need it!

Thank you all so much for your ongoing support and encouragement, this won’t be the last you hear of the book- we will certainly be discussing it more in the coming weeks, so you can understand more of the behind the scenes of what finishing this major goal looked like for me!

Thanks for joining me on this journey and we will talk soon!


FREE TRAINING: How to Plan for a Balanced + Successful Life

Hello My Charmed Ones!

→ Have you been struggling with your planning and personal organization?

→ Do you question how to best set up your planner for the year?

→ What inserts to include?

→ How to establish a regular planning routine?

→ And how to ensure you actually use your planner to get more done with less time and effort?

Learning how to properly set up and use your planner is the first step to ensuring you have the systems in place to confidently plan a balanced and successful life.

One where you have visibility to all the important tasks in your day, the time set aside to get them done, and still have room each day to care for yourself, your family and the other priorities in your life.

Whether you work for yourself, another company, are a stay at home mom, student or even retiree, having a reliable planning system at your fingertips is the difference between a balanced, intentional and fulfilling life and one where you feel completely disorganized and out of control.

That’s why I have created a NEW FREE TRAINING Class called:

How to Plan for a Balanced and Successful Life!

Im hosting this new training live on Saturday, January 22nd at 2pm EST and you are invited to be part of the inaugural class.

In this FREE Training, I am going to teach you:

✔︎ How to set up a functional planning system, one with the inserts you need to ensure you are capturing all of lifes tasks, and then how to establish a simple routine to ensure you are utilizing your planner to get things done on a daily basis.

✔︎ I am going to teach you how to use your planner to create a system to ensure you are able to quantify and track your work to make your planning process easier, and also to make organizing your tasks and scheduling them into your life a seamless process so that there is a time for everything and everything gets done.

✔︎ Finally, I am going to teach you ten time, task and energy management strategies to help you complete a long to-do list. These are simple, practical strategies you can implement immediately in your life for a greater sense of productivity and satisfaction with your work.

You are going to walk away from this training armed with knowledge that you can put to use immediately to finally commit to a planner system that works for you, to help you get all your tasks organized and to ensure you know fundamental productivity strategy to work smarter not harder.

Greatest of all though, you are going to walk away from this training with a sense of confidence and clarity that you know how to handle the endless stream of tasks that life brings to you!

Embodying that sort of confidence will immediately bring you more ease, intention and balance to your life because you will begin to recognize that you don’t need to hustle to get it all done. You don’t have to sacrifice your personal goals, time with your family, your wellbeing and even your sleep just to complete a to-do list.

As Elton John sings in the Circle of Life, “there is more to do than can ever be done” in this life! The to do list is always going to grow no matter how much we check off each day, so utilizing systems to manage the work is the best way to bring yourself a sense of peace and trust that you are in control of your life and it’s direction!


And I’m here to help!

→ Hope to see you live in class on Saturday!

I’ll be emailing you reminders and the link over the next few days so you don’t miss out, but make sure to mark your planner and set an alarm on your phone now so you have the time blocked off!

In the meantime, let me know your biggest planning and productivity struggles. Leave me a comment and let me know what specific questions or issues you have and I’d be glad to help. 
