
5 Reasons Why the iPad is a Magical and Revolutionary Device.

1. Battery Life
When Apple said the iPad could go 10 hours on a charge, they weren’t kidding. In a world were so many of our wireless devices can only go a few hours before requiring an outlet, its mind blowing to have a device that you can use heavily for a matter of days without needing to refuel its energy supply. I have surfed the web for hours, watched a movie, read ebooks and played with multiple apps, all without having to stop and recharge. Its funny because I will frequently find myself looking up at the battery indicator, sure that its time to plug in, but find I still have plenty of life left on the device.

2. 9.7 inch back-lit multitouch display=WOW
The screen is the life of any device, and although we have gotten used to our small touch screens in our phones and iPod touches, there is nothing to compare to the iPads screen. It may not be high def, but it certainly seems that way. I have been keeping the screens brightness at about 33% because the screen is just so vivid and honestly, my eyes are just not used to soo much bright color. The multitouch is amazing, similar to its smaller siblings, but soo much more sensitive with the 360 degree rotation, the device is simply speedy. It makes games that much more enjoyable, browsing a breeze and reading more relaxing.

3. Virtual Keyboard
Although there is a bit of a learning curve with the virtual keyboard, it truly sets the device apart from the iPhone/iPod Touch lines. Where once the virtual keyboard was an element useful only for short messages, texts, and tweets, the full size version on the iPad is a productivity tool. Although it lacks the tactile touch sensations we are all used to with a full sized computer, once you get used to the adjusted layout and begin to trust yourself and the amazing auto-correct, you will be on your way to getting things done with your iPad.

4. Portability
The iPad is certainly the most portable computing device I have ever owned. It may not cover 100% of my needs and replace a laptop or desktop computer, but it does cover a good 90% of them. It certainly covers everything I use my laptop for when I am taking it out of the house. Word processing, internet browsing, organization, entertainment, and then some, all in a lightweight, slim package that fits even in my smaller purses- and thats a place my 13″ Macbook Pro could never go.

5. Apps, Apps and More Apps
Its no secret that the key to your computing experience is in the applications you use, whether you be using an iPad, smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer, Mac, PC, or Linux, your device can only take you as far as your application will permit. Right now, I have 82 items in my applications folder on my Macbook Pro, of those items, I use about 10-15 of them on a regular basis. My iPad in comparison has maybe 50 applications that I have downloaded for it since I purchased the iPad, and I use most of them everyday. On top of that, there are a plethora of applications out their for the iPad that I haven’t even seen yet, and God knows how many more applications will be added to the App Store by the end of this year, let alone the rest of this month! There is no hiding the fact that the apps make the device, and when the sky is the limit to what developers will create for the iPad, the sky is the limit for what the iPad can become. To me, that feels like magic!

{Oh, and if those weren’t enough reasons… I blogged this from my iPad.}

For those who enjoy Twitter.

I just read this quasi-insightful article entitled “Twitter Made Me Hate You,” which pretty much sums up the reason I never got big into Twitter: people would be annoying. More so than that fact, the article illustrates how many people use Twitter as a means of promoting and satisfying their egos, which is infinitely more annoying than just reading a constant string of thoughts, or rather thoughtlessness.
Guess I can’t complain though, as I use Twitter to republish my blog posts which is just another way of self promotion. Ugh, the cycle never ends!

What home phone?

It seems now more than ever that old technologies from not too long ago are being pushed completely out of the way. One dying technology I am interested in is that of the home phone. Only 10 years ago it was the only way for personal communication with anyone instantly in the world. But then cell phones became smaller, and the internet took off, so did e-mailing, Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, texting, and I guess now- FaceTime. So many forms of instant communication we are now a forever connected society always on the go. It seems like everyone over the age of 8 now has their own cell phone and multiple social networking pages they check every minute so why bother with being tied down with a home phone?

I myself do not have a phone in my house that cannot fit in my pocket. When people ask me for a number to reach me at, I never worry that I don’t have a home phone for them to reach me at because I have a cell phone with me 24/7. Why even pay X dollars more a month for a home phone from your service provider? Is there any benefit to having a cell phone and a home phone? Just the cell phone works just fine, it has everything a home phone has – it can make and receive calls and record a voicemail. Done.

So the question we have to ask – is the home phone dead seems pretty obvious. Sure it will hold out for maybe a few more decades but eventually just as the last Pinto is rolled out, the last Cassette Tape is recorded, and the last VHS is boxed, the home phone will die out soon enough.

(Unless this is the home phone of the future – in which case, that’d be awesome.
Wait, Steve Jobs… did you travel Back to the Future to come up with FaceTime?)

In Defense of Phone Books.

The above image has been surfing its way around the internet, and I just thought I would say a few words in defense of the big yellow book that arrives on our doorsteps. Although I agree that the world be a much better place if there weren’t so many phone books sitting around without use, they do have a time and a place.

One day, about 2 years ago, I had moved into a new apartment in a new city. Like most people in the middle of a move, I needed some take out as I was not about to try to cook with a kitchen full of boxes. I walk over to my laptop, open safari, and “Webpage not found” appears. I didn’t have internet installed at the new place yet and these were the days before my blackberry and the ability to tether my phone to the computer. I sat discouraged for a long time, wondering how did people find phone numbers to take out places before the internet? Then it hit me. The PHONE BOOK!
So you see, there are still times when the use of such analog methods is still required. Not to mention, old people still need phone books, and sometimes they come in handy as step stools or doorstops!

iPad Economics.

This morning as I was driving into work, a thought suddenly hit me. Does the success of the iPad mean the recession is truly over?

After all, we are talking about a product that has sold over 2 million units in its first 60 days of life; 1 every 3 seconds as Jobs himself told us at D8 and WWDC. Now, if you factor in the 2 iPad a person limit, at the minimum, we have 1+ million individuals purchasing a machine that costs at least $500 a unit in just 2 months, and demand for the product is only rising. Apple itself cannot produce iPads quick enough to satiate consumer demand, so I beg the question, are we out of the recession yet? I think we must be at this point. It’s either that or Apple has some secret recipe for success even in bad economic times. I guess both are possible. What do you think?

European Vacation!

As I said in my Vid of the Week post last Saturday, half of the Pink Mac staff has left the office for a week-long stay in Europe! I was not in that half unfortunately and I am currently still state-side. Its okay though… Anyway, turns out that this Friday, May 28th the iPad is being release in Europe! And how perfect is it that on Friday the Pink Mac will be in London! Perhaps we could see a post, pictures, or even a video from the launch event! No promises on that yet, because they are on vacation so it isn’t a top priority but lets hope they find the time to find an Apple store! Still they were nice enough to send us some photos they took around Europe of the ads Apple has placed in the cities. Very cool.

London (left) and Paris (right) ads for the May 28th launch of the iPad

No Apple Gift Cards for the iPad.

Today, I received some disappointing news related to the iPad. I had heard on the news that a woman had gone into an Apple Store planning to purchase an iPad with cash and was turned down. According to Apple’s iPad policy, only credit or debit cards can be used to purchase the product in order to help them track their 2 iPad per person limit. Now, we know why they have this limit in place- people have been purchasing iPads and distributing them overseas for higher costs and Apple doesn’t support this illegal trading of it’s products. I get that, but then why not put a system into place where a cash customer can show ID and their name and address can be used to track them so that they do not purchase more than the limit.
Now, what was doubly disappointing was that in the news broadcast, the reporter said that gift cards to are a no no for iPad purchases, which made me raise an eyebrow. They didn’t mean Apple Gift cards, did they? I have a $100 Apple Gift card that I received for my birthday this year, which I was planning to use to buy the iPad, in the event that I decided to purchase one. I have been saving it for just this purpose, and now it’s usability was being called into question. So, I decided to ask an Apple Expert via the Live Chat feature on the Apple website. This was the conversation, my messages are in pink.
As you can read in the conversation, apparently Apple Gift cards cannot be used to purchase the iPad either, unless you are doing so online. Again, I am disappointed that Apple doesn’t have a better method in place for situations like these, especially since my $100 Apple Gift card would not be the sole payment method for an in-store transaction- I would use my credit card to cover the difference. This makes me not want to buy an iPad!

Happy Earth Day!

If you couldn’t guess from the title of this post, today is Earth Day! Perhaps some of you will let this day pass without notice, but to the few of you who may actually be interested in the planet and would like to make a small difference in your day to day lives I have something for you! Today, and today only (until Midnight) you can get FREE SHIPPING on your order from Baggu! I took advantage of this today, and it equates to $4 off your purchase ($4 is the standard flat rate delivery from the USPS). Just use the code earth10 at checkout!

Now, if you have never heard of Baggu before, you are in for a treat. Baggu is a line of handmade, reusable shopping bags made from 100% ripstop nylon and each regular sized Baggu is the equivalent of 2-3 plastic bags from the grocery store. I LOVE these bags, and actually, I am sort of obsessed with them because they are so useful in so many ways. The philosophy behind the bags is to use products that have more than one use, so you can ‘own less stuff’ as they say in their literature, and these bags do just that. I own a few sizes of the Baggu including the backpack- not only are these products well made and durable, they do function in multiple ways. I keep a Baggu with me whenever I leave the house and they are great for not only grocery shopping (where I get 2 cents off my purchase per bag I use and the bags each hold up to 25lbs so I no longer worry about them breaking on my walk home) but I have used them to carry wet clothing and shoes in my luggage, to cover my head during a rainstorm, to store linens in, as a laundry bag, as a lunch bag, and probably a few more ways I can’t remember right now. They are washable and come in a nice little carry bag that is made from the scraps of fabric left over when they make the bag itself- so these bags are really well thought out and well designed. They also come in an array of colors so I am sure you will find one you like.

Like I said, I’m obsessed, but I think this is a good obsession. These Baggu’s have taught me to look for multipurpose products helping me to reduce my consumption and, happily, my spending. For someone who lives in a tiny apartment, owning less is a philosophy I can get behind! So, seriously, check out the website. I know this isn’t a tech gadget, but I think that Baggu is a company with products that embody the promise of technology: to enlighten and simplify our lives.

On this Earth Day, go and do something good for yourself and your planet, even if it doesn’t involve online shopping!

Three Years Too Late

With the iPad coming out soon, a lot of people are lining up to get this revolutionary device that they have not touched, seen, or tested in person. Steve Jobs will do that to you. He says what an amazing and advanced product something is and people flock to go out and get it for themselves. I won’t be following you all. See, unlike all the Mac fan boys and girls I just cannot wrap my head around what the big deal is with this iPad. I cannot see myself spending over $500 dollars on a device that only kinda does what my other devices already fully do. Sure it would be easier to have an iPad on my lap while I’m in bed surfing the web… but what’s the point of surfing the web when half the content isn’t available because you don’t have Flash? Yes, it could be an amazing eReader, but if I wanted to read a book I’ll spend the $10 bucks at a store for a real actual book. And yes, the games on it could be amazing, with more surface area to swipe and tap it could lead to a wave of new and exciting games, but there is no way I’m spending $500 for a gaming system when I can get an Xbox or PS3 for under $300.

At this point my ramblings aren’t going to change your mind, because you have most likely already decided if the iPad is something you need in your life. But what fascinates me is to wonder just what would have happened if the keynote at Macworld on Jan 9th, 2007 was about the iPad instead of the iPhone. The newness of all the touch capabilities in a tablet computer would have rocked every tech geek to the core. “Whoa, did you see that thing! He is surfing the web with just his finger tips, and whoa look at that game! I’ve never seen anything like that!!!” The euphoria that would have come with seeing this whole new device would have been mind boggling and changed the way we thought of computing. Then, in January of 2010, instead of the iPad being announced, Steve comes out and gives us what looks like a mini iPad that can fit in your pocket and make phone calls!!??? You’ve got to be kidding me! Steve Jobs is a genius!

But alas, that didn’t happen. Shame too because I honestly feel that if the events had been different Apple would have had two killer procuts instead of one killer and one okay-maybe. But don’t worry Steve, when you invent a time machine (iTime?) you can go back and redo that one… or at least decide to let the iPad support Flash. I mean seriously, come on.

I like my life in 2D

3D, the wave of the future and the next generation of how we view television. Now I like so many have gone to a few 3D movies, watched those Superbowl commercials in 3D, and even gone to a few amusement park shows that had a 3D portion. So obviously it was only a matter of time before it was time for 3D to come to your living room. But the big question I have to ask myself is “Why?”

With many television companies trying to develop and market the new 3D TV’S, will they be the wave of the future? Will it revolutionize the way we watch CSI or American Idol? My guess is no. I don’t see everyone going out and replacing their flat screens for TV’s that support 3D shows. And wait, there is a bigger problem… what shows will broadcast in 3D? We have standard channels, HD channels, DVD’s, and Blu-Ray disks and now we will have to have new 3D channels and 3D movie DVD’s?? The cost of re-broadcasting a show or producing a movie for this new format seems too high and with too few of a return of customers buying them.

But beyond the novelty of seeing a tomato fly right out at your face, what else is the point? Every time I have seen a 3D show the constant thought of “is this in 3D? Oh I guess that flew out at me… What does it look like without the glasses?” and so on. 3D is a fun thing to watch as a spectacle, but not for everyday life. Sorry TV companies, I’ll pass on your new product.

Not to mention that since I wear glasses, having to put on another pair of glasses is a little hard to do.