Use this Periscope Script + $5 Tool to gain more followers!

Use this Periscope Script to gain more followers + My $5 Must Have Periscope TOOL

Since July I have been doing weekly broadcasts on the up and coming social broadcasting platform Periscope. I’ve even done a YouTube tutorial on how to use the app with suggestions and tips for growing your following. Today I have over 1,500 and being active and growing on this community building platform, I’ve seen a lot of scopes. Pretty early on I adopted a script for using the platform, which has served me well as I broadcast because sharing on Periscope is much different than any other platform and has specific challenges and barriers you need to make sure to navigate if you are trying to host an informative and engaging live cast!

1. Preplan + announce your Periscope broadcast to other channels of social media you use. First of all, it’s very important that you do a bit of prep work for your live cast before it begins. You will want to have an idea for the topic and content you will be sharing on and even make some notes to help you stay on topic for the duration of your scope. Next, you will want to share information on your topic and when you will be on Periscope chatting before your event. Use whatever communication channels you have like your blog, social media or email list and make sure to provide details for how people can find the event when it begins!

2. Create a clever headline for your periscope chat and use a custom hashtag as well as some popular topical hashtags to help your scope get discovered! Good headlines always help to capture the attention of your audience. Make sure your headline is descriptive yet engaging, and make sure to use relevant hashtags so that your headline is searchable. Remember, Periscope integrates with Twitter so you want to make sure that your headline and hashtags would make an interesting tweet to grab peoples attention!

Periscope Cue Cards

3. Introduce yourself, what you do and where people can find you online. To help me with this, I have developed a set of cue cards that I even hold up at the start of the event and at various times with short links and info to help people find and follow me outside of periscope. It’s much easier than having to repeat or spell out my handles or important links I want them to be aware of!

4. Say hello + engage your audience with shoutouts and calls to action. You can ask your audience to tap to give you hearts, to share the broadcast or to subscribe to you if they aren’t already. This buys you some key time at the start of your event while people log on.

5. Introduce your topic + reintroduce yourself to new people who have jumped on. Remember that as you broadcast, new people are constantly jumping on and current viewers may also be leaving, so even if your viewer count remains much the same throughout your broadcast, you may have completely different people watching you at different points in time. Make sure to stop regularly during your broadcast to quickly reintroduce yourself, explain the topic of the chat and recap any important points you have made!

My $5 Must Have Periscope Tool!

My $5 Must Have Periscope Tool

After my first Periscope broadcast I knew that I was going to need some sort of stand to help me hold my iPhone while I was chatting live. For my first event, I had created a makeshift stand from books, but it unfortunately wasn’t the easiest setup! Not long after this, I actually picked up a very inexpensive iPhone accessory called a gooseneck mount from a store I frequent called Five Below! This mount, which was actually meant to secure your smartphone to your car windshield or dashboard was the perfect stand for my Periscope broadcasts and it only cost me $5! I love it because it holds my iPhone in place while I talk, let’s me go hands free, and allows me to keep my phone plugged into the charger while I broadcast to prevent my phone from dying during a long scope! If you don’t have a local Five Below, here is a similar stand I found online for less than $10!

Looking for more information on how to use Periscope to support your online business?

On Wednesday October 21st at 8pm eastern, join me for a LIVE #CharmedBiz Chat over on my YouTube channel where I will be discussing how to use Periscope for your brand with two of my favorite Periscopers, Anne Samoilov and Mandy Jean! Anne, Mandy and myself each have different strategies that we use for Periscope and so if you have been questioning whether or not to get started scoping or if you have had some trouble gaining traction on the platform, this content is going to be very valuable to you! Make sure to join us live to get your specific questions answered and I will also have the replay up on my channel for future reference!

Can’t wait to see you on Wednesday!



4 Comments on Use this Periscope Script to gain more followers + My $5 Must Have Periscope TOOL

  1. I’m still not 100% convinced if I want to use Periscope myself, but I love the camera holder! If I do end up participating on Periscope, I’ll definitely be getting one. Thanks for the post!

  2. Alexis,
    I discovered you, your channel, and your blog just today. I will be referring you. Great work. Take care & God bless.
    Diana @ Office Beautiful

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