How to Build Your Personal Brand!

Welcome to my latest installment of #InspirationMBA, a monthly post on the blog where I will take a single piece of highly valuable content from around the web and break it down into something of a lesson plan, outlining why I think the content is important and what you will learn from it. I know you don’t have all the time in the world to learn all the ins and outs of business and productivity, so I want to make it easier for you to learn by identifying the best content that you can act upon immediately. So many people just don’t have the time or the money to spend on additional education, but I hope that this series helps you to open your mind and continue your own education through self study guided by me! Enjoy!

Lesson #2: Gary Vaynerchuk on Building a Personal Brand within the Social Media Landscape

For my second lesson in the #InspirationMBA series, I wanted to share with you an inspirational keynote that was given by one of my business idols, Gary Vaynerchuk. This man has been ahead of the curve with social media and building businesses through the power of the internet for nearly a decade. He is the author of several books, including Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook, which I highly recommend if you want to learn more about executing in social media, and a generally funny, yet slightly abrasive guy from my home state of New Jersey. This video isn’t very long, about 15 minutes, but it is jammed packed with tips and inspiration for getting your personal brand in order and really getting your head in the right place for achieving big things, not just in business, but also in life! My favorite part of this video is actually a little exchange he starts in the beginning of the video where he tells the audience that he has no doubt that they are going to “kill  it” in their lives because they are live in the audience at this conference. I love that he said this because it echoes a belief I have that just by showing the initiative and seeking out new information and experience, you are bettering yourself and laying the foundation for your best life. This point at the very least needs to be your biggest takeaway from this video. So many people seek out ways to learn and grow yet get discouraged when they feel like they haven’t found the ultimate destination, but really, the growth itself is in the discovery process and the fact that you are reading this right now shows that you are learning and growing because you are seeking out new ideas, new thoughts and new inspiration as part of this series! There is no end point or ultimate destination to all this, learning is a life long process not one that stops at some mile marker in the education system.

What You Will Learn

• The 2 P’s and how they play a key role in your personal brand and life.

Hint: You need a lot of both of them!

• Why caring makes all the difference for your personal brand.

Hint: Caring is more important than listening.

• That you can monetize anything online.

Hint: The business landscape is changing and giving you direct access to people who want your products.

• That your business needs a business model.

Hint: Freemium is good, but you need to make money or else you don’t have a business.

• Why you should be thinking about your legacy.

Hint: Your great grand children will be able to see your whole life and work online, would it make them proud?

• How to get your brand exposure even without a team or publicist.

Hint: “If you’re pumping out good {things} people will follow” – Gary V.

• Why you need to build brand equity.

Hint: It’s the social currency.

• Which social media tools to use to interact with your audience.

Hint: You need to be in more than one place.

• Why niches are an untapped market.

Hint: You need to zero in on your customers and audience.

• How to find the time to pursue your passion while also working a full time job.

Hint: “Hustle is the most important word ever!” – Gary V.

• Why you shouldn’t give up on your business dream.

Hint: This goes back to one of the P’s!

• How to make money doing what you love.

Hint: WORK!

I hope you have enjoyed Lesson #2 in my #InspirationMBA series! So many of you told me how much you enjoyed the first installment and I am thrilled that this series speaks to you! Let me know what you thought of today’s lesson, don’t you love Gary V? I know he is a little spastic and abrasive, but this guy is filled with passion and hustle for his business and I think we can all use an extra dose of that now and then. If you enjoyed this post, please share it on social media, put it on Facebook, tweet out the link or take a screen shot and post it to your IG- anything to help me get the word out and help to make this series a success. You know I truly believe in the message behind this series and I want to see it help as many people as possible, but I can’t do it alone, I need your help to get the word out! Thanks so much for spending time today on your #InspirationMBA and of course, if there is anything I can help you with, let me know!



2 Comments on #InspirationMBA: How to Build your Personal Brand

  1. Just found this series and I have pretty much only one thing to say at this point: thank you Alexis! This was great. Looking forward to the next lesson :))

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