
From time to time, you might have heard me mention this little site called YouTube and how I have my own YouTube Channel where I create regular videos! I happen to be a big fan of YouTube, not just because I am a content creator there, but also because I believe, as a medium, that YouTube is a great place to actually discover fun, entertaining and informative content for free! I feel like sometimes YouTube get’s a bad rap, or is slightly misunderstood by people who may not be very interested in internet and social connectivity online. You may think of it as a place to find funny videos to share with friends or to watch leaked footage of a celebrity sex tape, but in truth, I believe YouTube is a great place to find and watch entertaining content, the likes of which have never been seen on television before. So before you think to yourself that you need a TV or cable box to have a relaxing evening of easy entertainment, think again. Here are 5 reasons YouTube is a better destination for regular entertainment than your TV or even a movie theater!

1. Variety

Without a doubt, the best thing about YouTube is the sheer variety of content you can find there. Every single form of entertainment can be found there from movies to music, audiobooks, theater, reality, informational- you name it, YouTube has got it, and on top of that, it has much more of it than even the most advanced package of satellite cable! There is literally something for everyone on YouTube, just type in a few words about your favorite hobby or interests and you will find a plethora of content to enjoy!

2. Quality

Although YouTube is composed of a collection of videos created by people just like you and I, you’d be surprised at the quality of many of the videos you can watch on YouTube. Yes, there is a lot of crap on YouTube, but because it has become such an open platform for creating content, it has attracted a massive amount of creators that are dedicated to creating high quality content. To me, some of the videos and series you can find on YouTube rival and even surpass much of the content you will find on TV on any given day. I believe this is because YouTube creators, unlike TV and Movie executives, aren’t focused on creating content that is broadly applicable and marketable, instead, YouTube creators are focused on creating the best and most interesting content they can. As a viewer you get much more bang for your buck than you do with standard television and even cable, and you’re not even paying for it!

3. Accessibility

Obviously when it comes down to it, YouTube is much more accessible than television. For one, you don’t need a television or cable subscription to watch the content on YouTube, you just need an internet enabled device and you are watching your videos from anywhere at any time! That’s right, because unlike TV, content isn’t on a schedule on YouTube! You get to watch what you want, when you want! With YouTube you can tailor the content you watch to your own interests, subscribing only to channels you are interested in and funneling out all the other noise.

4. Innovation

As I explained in point number 2 above, YouTube content creators aren’t bound by the same economics and industry standards as television and movie executives, so they are able to create more interesting and innovative content! YouTubers are constantly pushing the envelope creating new forms of content, incorporating various elements of new media and the power of the internet to enhance the experience of the end user (you)! How often do you get to give live feedback to the creators of your favorite tv show or movie? How often do you get to watch a live stream of your favorite video game on TV? When was the last time your favorite TV channels collaborated to give you awesome hybrid content? I think you see where I am going with this- there is just more possibility with YouTube than TV and cable, and it results in a more exciting and interesting experience for you as a viewer! Seriously, the most innovation to come to television lately has been reality TV, think about that!

5. Education

The one thing about YouTube that never ceases to amaze me, is the amount of educational content you will find in comparison to standard television. If you look closely, education is often at the core of many videos you will find on YouTube. Unlike television and movies which are often pure entertainment, YouTube is built on the concept of blending information with entertainment to bring maximum value to the viewer! Take a close look at some of your favorite YouTube channels and you will see that more often than not, the creator is sharing knowledge and information with you to help educate or inform you on a certain topic. You probably didn’t even realize it was happening, but I’m pretty sure YouTube is making you smarter one video at a time!

So what do you think? Are you a fan of YouTube? Any great channels and awesome content creators you think I need to know about? I am always looking for new YouTubers to follow, so I would love your recommendations!



10 Comments on Why YouTube is Better than Cable!

  1. A great post Alexis! I’m a big fan of You Tube and use it largely for learning crafts and getting inspiration. It’s been interesting to see how it has developed over the last couple of years, particularly the culture surround “big You Tubers”. I hope to learn more about digital video in the next year in order to create some DIY videos of my own. I’ve been totally inspired by your channel it’s been great to watch it grow into such a successful place.

    • Thanks so much! You definitely need to start a YouTube channel- its a wonderful way to get your name out there and create a community. It’s so funny how much more I watch youtube shows vs tv shows nowadays. I often find that I feel like tv shows aren’t that interesting anymore and like all the most interesting creators are on the web.

  2. For years I’d just watch the occasional viral video, but in the last three months have become a real YouTube FAN. GREAT content! And thank you for the December list printable – forgot to comment the other day 🙂

    • Yes! YouTube really rivals tv in terms of entertainment value for me. I always feel like tv shows are a waste of time, but with youtube being such a great educational resource, i never feel that way! And you are very welcome- I hope you love the printable!

  3. Youtube is a lovely place. There are a handful of people my Mister has to watch as soon as they upload videos (motovloggers, and JackSepticEye), and then the past few weeks he’s spent hours watching blacksmithing. No idea why, just he likes knives, and there are apparently lots of knife-making-videos on Youtube, ha!
    The only problem with Youtube is that it requires you to know what you want to watch before you get there, which is why I do alright if someone else picks the videos, but I can’t do it myself!

    • That’s a great point! You do need to know what you’re looking for, but I find that the more I watch, the more I learn about other youtubers and videos to search for. Thanks so much for your comment!

  4. Hi Alexis. I totally agree with your assessment of YouTube. Unfortunately many people don’t realize what it has to offer. I have learned so much in the past year and a half of watching. (How to lay tile, how to change the washer in your bathtub faucet, etc.) And then there is all the entertaining stuff. Although… I find education entertaining don’t you? Great post!

  5. Oh yes, absolutely! I’m a YouTube addict and have been since it came out. I’ve even stopped watching TV all together. A few of my favourite channels are:

    Grav3YardGirl – A crazy vlogger/reviewer/etc.
    TheJapanChannelDCom – A mine of information on everything Japan related.
    MuguMogu – Everyone loves Maru the cat 🙂
    Russell Brand – I love his daily news shows.

    …I could go on but we’d be here all day 😀

  6. I love YouTube. I am developing my channel but I’m starting my own business so I’ll be creating more professional videos for that channel. I love watching makeup tutorials. Even if it’s a look I know how to use it is great to see videos on different skin tones and face shapes. I also love to watch entrepreneur related videos. TedX Talks is great for that. I also watch social media experts. My business is in marketing for artistic people and it is great to see how other people market as well as networking. I love that YouTube helps others expand their businesses. More people are able to work for themselves and I’m exciting to see that number grow.

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