
On my iPhone is a new monthly feature on Strange & Charmed where I give you a peak into what I have been loving on my iPhone for the month! Covering topics like apps, games, podcasts, music, websites, books and more, I hope this series helps you all discover new and exciting content out there that can be enjoyed from your iPhone! To stay up to date with this series, make sure to follow the On My iPhone tag!

I had such a great time putting together my first installment of On My iPhone last month that this month I was pumped for this post! This month has been a lot of fun for me and I have been trying to make the most of my summer while it still lasts. I’ve been watching more TV than I think I ever have (thanks to a cable upgrade) and I feel more creative and inspired than I have in a long time. So, without further ado, here is what I have been loving on my iPhone this month!

Currently Playing, LYNE: Puzzle games are some of my favorites, especially when they are meant for a relaxed, enjoyable pace of play like LYNE. The basic premise of the game is to create an unbroken line from start to finish on the triangular tiles of the game board. With no annoying timer and a mellow soundtrack of ambient sounds, this app is a nice way to pass some extra time. I was lucky enough to get this app for free from Starbuck’s Pick of the Week, but you can grab it for $2.99 on the app store!

Currently Reading, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 1: In July, I finally got my act together and watched Game of Thrones on HBO. All four seasons in two weeks (I know, I’m hardcore!). Now that I am all caught up, I want for more! So, I started reading, err, listening to the audiobook of Game of Thrones on my iPhone.  I know this is sort of cheating since I am not actually reading it, but I thought it would be more enjoyable for me if I listened to the audiobook instead of reading it since it is a rather lengthy series. You can pick up the audiobooks via iTunes, but I will warn you, they don’t come cheap!

Currently Watching, Nicole Matthews: Recently, I have been watching a lot of videos from my new favorite YouTuber, Nicole Matthews, and I have really been enjoying her channel. She has only been making videos for about a year and has a little over a thousand subscribers, but she has great quality videos and I can really see her channel going places! So, if you are interested in fun beauty videos, tutorials, OOTDs, hauls and the occasional TAG video, you should head on over to Nicole’s channel and subscribe!

Currently Surfing, Yoga Studio: Okay, so again, I cheat, this is an app, not a website, but I have been pretty obsessed with Yoga lately and I am really into this app! I have a few Yoga apps, but this one is by far my favorite. Again, I got this one for free from Starbuck’s Pick of the Week (seriously, they give away some of the best apps ever!). It’s basically like having a yoga instructor on your iPhone/iPad with pre made routines as well as an option to design your own. It’s a clean, easy to use app with wonderful step by step instructions and soothing narration. If you are into yoga or would like a great app to help you get started at home, pick it up for $3.99 on the App Store!

Currently Listening, Lana Del Rey: There is something about Lana Del Rey and her album, Born to Die that is so quintessentially summer to me! I am a major fan of hers year round, but I get get enough of her music lately. Something about her sultry voice and suggestive lyrics has me listening to her songs on repeat, so if you haven’t checked her out yet, I suggest you check her out or pick up her album on iTunes!

So, how have you been liking my new On My iPhone Series? Have you been looking forward to it as much as I have? Let me know what you think about this month’s picks, and of course, let me know what your tech and web favorites have been this month!

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