
If you are someone who knows me personally or has been following me and my blog for a while, you know I am a gadget person. Not only do I like to own a lot of gadgets, but I am also just interested in them in general. Tech is a language I speak, so its no surprise that friends, family members, co-workers and even acquaintances often come to me with questions before they make a major tech or gadget purchase. Recently, the question I have been asked the most is “Alexis, you have both, which is better, the iPad (Air) or the iPad Mini?” Now, this happens to be a very loaded question because of the way its phrased and completely subjective, but really all I am being asked is “Alexis, which iPad should I get?” Now that’s a question I can help you answer!

If you have never owned an iPad before, the choice between the iPad Air and the iPad Mini is difficult! In fact, I couldn’t choose myself, so I have both! So, as someone who owns both devices and uses both of them in very specific ways, let me point out some factors that I think are important to understand in order to help you decide which model to buy.

Internal specs

I want to cover the topic of internal specs of the devices for one sole purpose, and that is to explain that if you are planning on purchasing the latest iPad model (either air or mini), this point is moot! Now, if you are trying to decide between models of iPad’s, your options are currently iPad 2 vs iPad Air and iPad Mini non-retina vs iPad Mini Retina. Out of those choices, my opinion is clear, if you are worried about money, just buy the cheaper model. The non-retina screens aren’t going to be noticeable to you as an average consumer, so if you can’t afford the recent model or just don’t want to pay the price for them, go non-retina and proceed with your life!

Size isn’t just a number

When it comes to the two iPad sizes, you may think an inch or two wouldn’t make that much of a difference, but it does! In fact, to me, my iPad and iPad mini are like completely different devices. The truth is, you can do everything you do on an iPad Air on an iPad Mini, but a certain size screen may feel more natural with some activities. For example, if you are someone who wants to use your iPad as an ereader, the iPad mini is the perfect fit for reading. Yes, you can read on the iPad Air very successfully, but the smaller screen is better suited for the task and more closely mimics the size of a book. Conversely, you can take handwritten notes and sketch on your iPad mini, but the iPad Air or other full-sized iPad feels much more natural and less cramped because it’s about the size of a sheet of paper! When it comes to activities like surfing the web or gaming, however, I will have to say, both iPads do an excellent job!

Storage space & connectivity

When it comes to choosing an iPad, not only do you have two sizes to choose from, but you also have to choose the amount of storage space you want in your device and whether or not you need to connect via cellular data networks. When it comes to storage, I suggest buying a model with the most amount of space you can afford, especially if you intend to have your iPad for numerous years. There is nothing worse than buying an iPad and then in a year, realizing you have filled it up and must either delete files and apps or upgrade to a model with more storage space. Now, as for connectivity, usually a Wifi only model will suffice for most users unless you know you do not have access to Wifi in the places you plan to use your iPad.

If I had to choose one

Now, in the interest of being completely honest, I think its only fair that I explain to you which iPad I would choose if I could only have one! That would be the iPad Air or any full-sized iPad. Why? Because I am more than just a casual iPad user and the full-sized iPad, in my opinion, is the place I feel most comfortable doing everything! I don’t always feel like I want to do everything on my iPad Mini, mostly because the screen is smaller and harder to use in certain circumstances.

How I think you should choose

Below I have listed out a bunch of different points that reflect the use of the iPad Air and iPad Mini. If you are choosing between the two devices, I suggest reading these lists and tracking how many of the points apply to you, your lifestyle and your needs. Tally up which device checks the most points and hopefully that will help you better understand which version of the iPad is right for you!

iPad Air

  •  I plan to use my iPad for everything I possibly can or want to replace my desktop or laptop computer with the use of an iPad.
  •  I will most likely use my iPad at home or carry it in a case when I am outside the home.
  •  I am used to writing in large notebooks or have large handwriting.
  •  I want to use my iPad for work or school, taking it to meetings, saving materials to reference or working remotely without my desktop or laptop computer.
  •  I want to use my iPad to draw, sketch, design or write.
  •  I want to use my iPad to access apps that will help me create content, like iPhoto, iMovie, or Garageband .


iPad Mini

  •  I will use my iPad mostly for reading or in place of an ereader.
  •  I need an iPad that is very portable and can fit into a small bag or can easily be carried or stored.
  •  I want to be able to hold my iPad in one hand and use the other to navigate.
  •  I want to use my iPad to entertain my small child.
  •  I plan to use my iPad for browsing the web, email and playing games most of the time.
  •  I use my iPhone or other smartphone for apps and internet more than I do a desktop or laptop computer.

 So, what did you come up with?

 Did you find this post helpful to you in deciding which iPad to purchase? Do you own an iPad and have any other points you think are important that I may have missed? Let me know in the comments so we can help everyone make the best choice to suit their needs!

2 Comments on iPad Air vs. iPad Mini

  1. Alexis, thank you for this post — it was so helpful! I am wanting to add an iPad to my graduation present “wish list”, and have been debating the sizes currently available… I think I will be going with the Air because I want to be able to use it for as many tasks as possible. Thanks again!

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