As you know from previous posts, I am on the hunt for my ideal laptop bag for my new Macbook. I have been searching all over the place and I found a few top contenders. First of all, I found this amazing Knomo tote in the clearance section of their website (!). If you know anything about laptop bags, you probably already know about Knomo and their wonderful line of very chic, very feminine bags that are also unfortunately very pricey. However, on clearance, this ‘Toyah’ tote was only $125 down from something like $250 I am sure. This bag has a lot of what I like, so lets discuss it.
1. It has a zip around enclosure. One of the main design functions I was interested in for my new bag is a zip enclosure because I think it brings a level of security to the laptop that other enclosures do not since the zipper prevents anyone from seeing inside the bag. I like that, and it gives me an ease of mind that I know no one can see what I am carrying or snatch anything from my bag. Too often I fear strangers in crowded places will somehow pick pocket out of my open totes and this zipper design halts that.
2. The loop handles. I really like when laptop bags have handles instead of those long thick straps to carry the bag with. I think it gives it the sense of being more like a purse than a briefcase or laptop case.
3. The quilted exterior. I am a big fan of quilted exteriors, I think they are very chic and classic, so the fact that this bag includes that style draws me to the bag more.
4. The slim factor. Since I am purchasing myself a 13″ slim laptop, I do not want to be carrying around a huge bag. This tote appears to be very slim while still including some storage for extra devices and such.

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