5 Tips for finding Success at Work

I know I spend a lot of time on my blog and through my various social media platforms talking about how to succeed with your own online business, however, as someone who spent over 5 years working for a Fortune 50 company and had 4 different jobs in those 5 years, I clearly also know a thing or two about how to succeed at a 9-5 job as well! I know that for many of you reading this, landing that great 9-5 job or working your way up in your current company is going to be a real priority, so here are my five best tips to find success at work!

1. Exhibit Curiosity

Employers love it when they have employees that are interested in their work and curious enough to take extra time to research subjects and topics that may help them come to a greater understanding of their job. When you show a true interest in your job, your boss and company will notice and will reward such curiosity with increased responsibility, pay and ultimately, promotions!

2. Work Hard

This one may seem pretty obvious, however, you’d be surprised at the number of employees who think they are working hard but really aren’t doing all they can to benefit their employer. Sheer hours spent on the job isn’t a true indicator of productivity and hard work. What truly matters is how much you are able to accomplish with your time. If you are constantly ahead of schedule with projects and tasks, that will go a long way to show your work ethic!

3. Try Different Things

When it comes to working your average 9-5 people tend to get into routines and habits for their work. That’s not a bad thing, but problems can arise when you become too rigid with those routines and refuse to take on new tasks and experiences. When your supervisor presents you will new tasks and challenges, you should eagerly be saying “Yes” to these opportunities because this is your chance to try something new, expand your knowledge and show that you can take on new and different responsibilities!

4. Don’t let anyone rain on your parade

I’m not going to lie, competition is always going to arise in corporate culture, it’s just the way it is, but you shouldn’t let that competition get to your head or throw you off balance. Ignore the office politics, gossip mongering and rumor mill and focus on your work and producing great results. Try to be that beacon of positive energy in your company or on your team so that people always think of you as a good person and worker. Acknowledge that when you are successful with your job, people are always going to try to tear you down one way or another so that they can take your success and claim it for themselves, but you can prevent this by tearing clear of the drama!

5. Ask for what you want

Too many workers, mainly women, believe that if they work hard and keep their head down, they will be acknowledged at work with raises and promotions, however, that is not the way corporate culture works. It’s not enough that you do your job and do it well, you really need to make sure you are clear with your employer about what you want from your career and the opportunities you expect them to give you so long as you continue to be a productive asset to the company. Remember, corporate culture is competitive and if you don’t show interest in that open job position or ask for that raise, trust me, your employer isn’t just going to hand it over to you!

If you would like to learn more about how to get ahead in your current job, make sure to check out my series called How to Stand Out at Work. It’s filled with numerous tips, tricks and advice on how to gain more favor and responsibility at work so that you are poised for a raise or a promotion! Let me know what you thought of these tips and feel free to leave your best tips for success at work below in the comments. I’d love to hear your stories and how you have been able to climb the corporate ladder no matter how big or small your company!

8 Comments on How to Succeed at Work!

  1. I’m new to your website and your YouTube. I am so happy i found you. This is a wonderful post and it came at just the right time in my life. Thank you for sharing you knowledge! Looking forward to your next post 🙂

  2. Alexis,
    I thoroughly enjoyed this series! Your advice in this series was practical and timely; I intend to take action on all of it! Is there a way to share your post on Linked In? It’s wonderful and I’d love to share it with my connections! I hope you will write more career articles as I am keeping them in my career files for reference! Would you consider hosting an advice type forum on your blog?
    Thank you for writing this series! I look forward to your blog posts each week!
    Jen Morris

  3. I was in dire need of some of this kick ass inspiration this week, I have felt very slow and sluggish at work and just not in the zone! I’m hopefully training as manager soon so I am going to take these tips and have a positive productive start! Katie x

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