Online Business

7 Foolproof Strategies for Growing a Follow on Any Platform

These 7 Strategies will help you establish and grow a following on ANY online platform!

7 Foolproof Strategies for Growing a Follow on Any Platform

There are a lot of platforms online these days and as much as I know it would be popular to teach in-depth on each one and exploit the secrets to grow a following with it, after evaluating many different platforms, I understand the real secret is that growing a following on any platform involves the exact same strategies.  Yep! Sorry to burst your bubble, but there are not specific secrets for each individual platform, if you want to grow a following on Twitter, it’s the same as growing a following on Instagram or YouTube or Tumbler! And the reason is clear, because people are the same no matter which platform they are using. Fundamentally speaking, the same things that draw attention, spark curiosity, and precipitate loyalty on one platform will work for them all, because they draw on human nature. So, today I’m going to share with you the seven foolproof strategies for growing your following on any platform so you can get to work growing a following on the platform of your choosing!

#1. Get clear on your branding and messaging

Whenever you start with an online platform, its important that you have your branding and messaging worked out to inform the types of content you will be sharing or creating on that platform as well as the specific audience you will be trying to attract. If you have a business or personal brand outside of this platform and this is going to be an extension of it, you will use that. If you don’t have anything else going on and this is going to be a fresh start, spend some time understanding what your goals are for the platforms, what you are trying to accomplish, why you want to accomplish it and how you plan to accomplish it. In terms of messaging, keep it simple. Have a clear, easy to understand purpose that you demonstrate through your content.

#2. Learn how to properly use the platform

You can’t expect to grow a following on a platform if you are using it wrong. That is to say, you are using it in a way that’s a departure from what people usually expect of that platform. Do your research, find out how the platform is used and then check out some of your favorite personalities or brands on the platform. Often times big brands or notable personalities are at the forefront of innovation for a platform, so check out what other big timers are doing and learn from their example what works and what doesn’t.

#3. Determine your perfect balance of content curation vs content creation

When it comes to most platforms, the content you share will either be your original work or content you have shared from others, which is commonly known as curated content. On most platforms, users will balance content curation and content creation, but their is no magic formula for a perfect balance. Some users have accounts that are all original, some have all curated and many mix both. Find what you are comfortable with and try to stick to it!

#4. Get on a consistent posting schedule

Speaking of sticking to what you are comfortable with, the same goes for your posting schedule. Unfortunately, there are no foolproof rules for when to post content to a specific platform for significant success. Yes, you can look up popular posting times and stick to those, but it doesn’t seem to make a significant difference for most people. What does make a difference however, is defining your posting schedule, the precise days and times you will be posting, and sticking to that consistently. Consistency breeds loyalty on all platforms, and the more loyal followers you have, the faster you will grow!

#5. Cater to a community on the platform

Although it’s great to be a niche brand, even the most unique are still a subset of some larger community online. Make sure you know what community your brand belongs to, and keep up with that community in terms of the trends in how they use the platform and by following or engaging with people in that community regularly. No need to become a copy or start obsessively following the trends, but understanding where your greater community is headed is a great way to stay on the same page with them, and if you can find a way to work the trends into your content in a way that’s natural to you- the more success you will have!

#6. Interact with others on the platform

On any platform, interaction will garner you respect a favor among your followers. Just like consistency, interaction, by replying to comments and also engaging independently with others in your community, will help to build loyalty. The best way to do this is to have a genuine interest in the platform you are using and to go to it, not just to post content but to also consume the content of others. When you really enjoy a platform and use it regularly, it shows, and your following will grow the more you go out and engage!

#7. Make sure your content is valuable

When it comes down to it, people will follow you on a platform if your content is valuable to them. Meaning that it gives them something they want, like information, inspiration, or entertainment. All valuable content online can be boiled down to one of those three buckets (information, inspiration or entertainment) and as long as you are sharing content that either gives people information they are looking for, makes them feel good or keeps them entertained, your following will grow!

Guess what? If you enjoyed this post, I bet you know someone else who will as well. Go ahead and let’s start acting on these strategies by doing some content curation by sharing this post on one of your platforms like Facebook or Twitter. Also, I’d love to hear your thoughts so leave me a comment down below and let me know which strategy you struggle with the most!



Check Out My Online Business Resource Guide!

Online Business Resource Guide

Getting started with your online business can be overwhelming to put it mildly. There is so much research that goes into starting a business, plus information you should know, key strategies to execute and a multitude of possible tools you could use to help make your vision a reality. So, to make this process a bit easier for you as a current or aspiring business owner, I have started a very special Online Business Resource Guide! Filled with the best content, advice, strategy and yes, tools upon tools that I personally use in my successful online business- you are going to want to get your hands on this resource and start digging into the material asap!

So, to make this resource guide as tech friendly and shareable as possible, I have gone ahead and turned it into its own Pinterest Board! Click here to access the Online Business Resource Guide Pinterest Board and make sure to follow board so that you can see all the new resources and content I add to it regularly. I want this to be a living, breathing resource guide that is continually updated with new information as I get it, and I thought a Pinterest Board would be the best method of delivery.

I do hope you enjoy the resource guide, and I can’t wait for you to dig into the content I have there for you to explore and learn as much about running a successful online business as possible- no matter what stage your business is currently in!



Welcome to the New American Dream

Welcome to the New American Dream: Work from Anywhere!

Welcome to the New American Dream

This is a post that I’ve wanted to write for a long time but just never found the right moment to share it. And of course, now that I say that I feel like I’ve just gone and over hyped it! I guess I should start by explaining that a few short weeks ago I hit what I consider to be a major milestone in my business. On May 20th 2016, I celebrated my 2 year anniversary of working for myself full time. It wasn’t the anniversary of my shop or my blog or youtube channel, it was the anniversary of the day that I stopped working for someone else and started working for myself full time. You may already know the story, I was working for a Fortune 50 company for over 5 years when I finally had my lightbulb moment and decided to work for myself. I won’t bore you with the details again, but for some time before that day I had really begun to feel like working for yourself or at least in a job that gives you ultimate locational freedom is the new American Dream.

This was a dream I was first introduced to when my mother married a man who worked full time from his home. It seemed like such a novel idea to me, using the internet to telecommute and having the freedom to work from anywhere, even if that was just your house. Now, although I thought telecommuting was the greatest idea ever from that point forward, I didn’t really understand how I would be able to make something like that happen for myself. My step father was, after all, a computer programmer, which I think is a profession that we often associate with men sitting behind big computer screens typing away in solitude. I wasn’t going to be a computer programmer, I knew that much, but I did have a great love for the internet and the possibilities it brought to my future career possibilities.

The next time I was introduced to the idea of this new American Dream, it came in the form of a best selling book that I was eager to read. The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris, with the very intriguing subtitle, Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich. Well, doesn’t that sound like something! In Ferris’ book he went on to explain this new American Dream through examples of work from home employees who negotiated their schedules and business owners who put in place systems to give them more time freedom. It all made sense to me, although again, I wouldn’t understand how to execute on this concept myself for another 4 years, but the seed was firmly planted and as they say flowers only bloom where seeds are plated. And watered. And weeded.

Well, you know where this story is going and of course four years later after much watering and weeding, this idea of the new American Dream blossomed for my own life. But the story doesn’t end there. Now, two years later, much more watering and weeding and planting has been necessary for me to keep my new American Dream alive. It’s not enough that I made it happen for myself, I have now shifted my focus on how to keep my dream happening, how to keep my business going and how to make sure I continue to live my dream.

If this idea of the new American Dream is something you are also casing but having a hard time making a reality for yourself, I want to let you know, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! It took me years to figure out what I was doing and make it work before I hit the eject button on corporate 9-5 and started living the dream. And I want to give you a little heads up that next week, I’ll be announcing something you won’t want to miss. It’s something I have planned to help you water and weed the seeds of entrepreneurship that you have already planted in your own mind. If you don’t want to miss it, make sure you are on my list by signing up below and you’ll be one of the first to know!


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It’s Not Too Late to Reserve Your Seat for My Upcoming FREE Webinar Training!

Are you ready to learn how to use photography to elevate your brand online?

Truth: Your visual marketing assets are most of the reason people follow you online and purchase your products. Even if you don’t have a product based business, the images you use and share to represent your brand online are crucial to the success of your service based business and even your brick and mortar locations. For me, putting together a strong photography based marketing strategy was much of the reason my business skyrocketed over a year ago, and it remains one of the main reasons why I am still growing at a quick and steady pace.

Like it or not the photography and graphics we use to represent our brand and business online are some of the most important assets we have, and yet many of us are not familiar with the basic principles that go into not only creating great images, but also using those images properly online! Times are changing and what was the norm a few years ago in the online marketing space has changed drastically in terms of using images online.

If you aren’t aware of these changes and/or don’t have a defined marketing strategy that includes using images and graphics to promote your brand online, you are missing a major opportunity. On top of that, if you are currently using images and graphics online to represent your brand without that strategy, chances are you are putting your brand and business at risk! This includes sharing images on branded Instagram, Twitter or other social media accounts! The content you put out into the world for the public to see matters and if you aren’t aware of the trends and essential marketing strategies for promoting growth online, you aren’t just going to lag behind in followers, but you will also confuse your customers and loose out on sales!

It is not to late to join me tomorrow for my upcoming FREE Webinar Training on the 7 Impactful Strategies for Using Photography to Elevate Your Brand Online. The event will be held LIVE at 3pm eastern, however, their will be a limited time replay, so if you want to check out the training but can’t make it at 3pm tomorrow, don’t worry! If you click this link and RSVP you will be given access to the replay as well!

I do hope to see you LIVE tomorrow because I will have a Q&A and will be sharing some awesome bonuses!



5 Mistake Brands Make when Working with Online Influencers

5 Mistake Brands Make when Working with Online Influencers

5 Mistake Brands Make when Working with Online Influencers

Last week I posted some great PR tips for bloggers, YouTubers and small businesses that were looking to put their best foot forward online in order to attract sponsors or customers, but this week, I want to turn the tables a bit and discuss some best practices for brands or businesses who are looking to solicit online influencers to help promote their products. As a blogger who has worked with sponsors in the past and is often approached by brands for partnerships, you’d be surprised at the mistakes brands and small businesses are making when approaching an influencer. So, I wanted to share with my fellow small business owners the common mistakes I see being made and give some tips for reaching out to bloggers or influencers in a way that will get you a more positive response and better results from the influencer if and when you proceed with a partnership opportunity.

Mistake #1: You don’t do your homework on the influencer!

As a business owner, I understand that when you want to spread awareness of your brand or products you may approach multiple influencers with the mindset that having more options is better than fewer options. However, it’s very important that you really do your homework before you solicit a blogger or influencer and really understand who they are, what they do online and who their audience is. As an influencer, I get dozens of emails a week from small brands that want me to share about their products, however, it’s clear to me when when I read the first paragraph of their emails that the vast majority don’t know who I am and have sent a blanket email to a countless number of bloggers hoping to get a response. These offers are impersonal and often out of line with the context of my blog and I delete them immediately. However, when I receive an email from a brand that clearly knows me and my audience I consider their offer much more seriously and take the time to respond and interact with them. If you are a small business owner, I challenge you to do your homework and make an effort to understand the blogger you are contacting before making them an offer. I promise you will have a much more positive result and in doing your research you may be able to pitch your offer in a personalized way that will impress and flatter them into a partnership!

Mistake #2: You waste time by giving too much or too little information.

After you have done your research on an influencer and decide to reach out, make sure you respect your own time as well as the time of the influencer by keeping your email direct and informative without turning it into a short story. Give the influencer all the information they would need to make a decision on whether they will want to work with you, and make a simple pitch that clearly states your offer and objectives, as well as the benefits you are willing to offer them for their service. Don’t hold back important information or be misleading in order to “hook” a potential partner. When you are upfront with all the information, not only can the influencer make a better decision, but it will help expedite the process if you begin working together.

Mistake #3: You forget that you get what you pay for!

The number 1 mistake a brand or small business can make when working with a blogger or online influencer is that they think they can get something for nothing! I think the practice of soliciting an influencer and offering them free products or social interactions for their work is atrocious. You get what you pay for! If you expect someone to review your products or use their influence to further your brand, you must be willing to pay. Value is an exchange, they do the work and you pay them for it. If you’re not willing to exchange a fair value or their effort, it will end up costing you dearly with your reputation!

Mistake #4: You fail to negotiate.

I understand that for many small businesses, the idea of striking a deal is daunting. It may be our first instinct to approach an influencer with an offer and then if they do not accept the offer, to turn away and pitch the same offer to a new influencer. It’s easier to turn away than it is to open a dialog of negotiation, but if you have spent time doing your homework to identify the influencer you want to work with, negotiating is essential. If your offer is well received, find out what objections the influencer has and edit your offer to overcome them. You don’t have to give it all away, but even just showing that you are willing to discuss the terms of an offer can go a long way to getting someone to agree to those terms.

Mistake #5: You fail to lay out clear expectations.

The final mistake I see small businesses and brands making when working with influencers is that they fail to lay out clear terms on who is doing what and when. A mistake like this could lead to communication issues where the influencer under-performs their responsibilities or the business fails to fulfill their end of the deal, which can lead to disaster if an influencer is left feeling cheated! Make sure to lay out a clear plan that details what each party is responsible for and when delivery of those details are expected. Don’t be afraid to double check details and over communicate in an effort to keep both parties responsible for upholding their end of the partnership!

Now that you understand the 5 most common mistakes I see businesses making when working with influencers online, I hope you can take this information and make better choices when it comes to working with those who can grow your brand. I think bloggers, YouTubers and social media content creators are great resources for the small business community online, and they can be more effective for small business growth than standard advertising or marketing. Just make sure to follow these best practices when working with them for positive results and brand building!



How to Balance a #SIDEHUSTLE with Your 9 to 5

How to Balance a #SideHustle with your 9-5!

How to Balance a #SIDEHUSTLE with Your 9-5

I spent 6 years working on my business as a side hustle before I ever dreamed of taking my business full time! If you aren’t familiar with the term, a side hustle is when you have a 9-5 job (or equivalent) and then you have a project you are working on in your free time that is your own. Usually, when we talk side hustles, we mean a business we are running on the side as though it were a second job that may one day become our full time gig, but not always. It can also refer to a volunteer project or cause you are passionate about that you never intend to make any money from but just enjoy doing in your spare time. Whatever your side hustle may be, in order to give that project our full attention and really get the most out of it so that it can one day become more if we wish it to, I have a few tips to impart upon you as someone who has been there, done that and built a full time business from it! This is not the story of how I left my full time job for my side hustle, if you want to read that you can here. This post covers the important things you need to know and focus on to successfully balance your 9-5 job and your side hustle so that you can do both effectively!

Get Clear on Your Business Vision

The first thing you really need to understand when trying to balance a full time job with a side hustle is the vision for your side hustle. Is this something you want to make money doing? Is this something you want to become your full time job? What exactly are you trying to accomplish with your side hustle? What key activities do you need to accomplish to make your side hustle happen? You may not have a 5 or 10 year plan laid out for this yet, but having a well rounded sense of what you are doing and why is important!

Set goals

Once you understand your vision, you need to set some goals for your side hustle! Goals in terms of your output and the activities you will perform on a weekly basis, as well as goals for input in terms of results you are seeking. For example, when I started my side hustle, it was just a blog in the beginning that didn’t have much direction or any goals, but once I set the goal to blog three times a week, my blog really started to take off because I was putting in consistent effort. Simultaneously, I had set goals for my blog in terms of monthly page views, at first I set those goals low, 1,000 page views a month, and once I hit that goal, I raised it to 5,000, then 10,000 etc! Setting goals for output as well as input are important to help you keep an eye on your results to ensure you are moving your side hustle along!

Make a simple project plan

When you have a full time job and a side hustle time can get very tight, so I think it’s always best to keep your side projects as simple as possible. Don’t put too much on your plate at one time or else you will get overwhelmed and one or both of your jobs will be negatively affected. For example, if you want to start an Etsy shop, keep your products as simple as possible. Don’t bite off more than you can chew by adding dozens and dozens of different items to your shop. Focus on producing a few items perfectly and promoting them regularly on the social media platform of your choice instead of spending all your time creating new items and leaving yourself no time for promotion.

Block out time to work on your side hustle

Time management is an essential skill you must master if you want to successfully pull off a 9-5 and a side hustle, and I am often asked how I was able to balance my full time job with all my social media promotion, blogging and YouTube video production before I went full time. The answer is that I blocked out time in my schedule to complete my activities. I spent some time a few evenings a week and usually one weekend day to get done my essential activities. Again, because I kept my projects simple and set goals, I knew what needed to be done and set aside the time to do it. If you are setting aside time for your side hustle but find that you aren’t accomplishing much, you may need to simplify your projects so that you have less on your plate.

Track your results

Now, the final thing you need to do to ensure your side hustle is successful is to track the results of the goals you set. You first need to make sure you are doing all the output that you said you would do because action is the only way you will move your business forward. Once you have tracked that you are completing the necessary output activities, you need to check the effectiveness of those activities against your input goals or results. Are you moving the needle week by week and month by month? You can’t expect huge amounts of growth overnight, but as long as you see growth from your actions, you know you are on the right path! But, if you go week after week with little to no growth, you may need to reevaluate your project plan and your output goals to ensure you are actually performing the right activities that will get you the results you are looking for.

Remember, it’s not easy balancing a 9-5 with a side hustle, it takes a lot of determination and clear expectation to manage both and most importantly, to make progress with your side hustle! It took me over 6 years to turn my side hustle into a full time career, mostly because it took me that long to learn all the strategies of online business and marketing that would eventually help me to create the business I wanted to run! If you are still on the hunt for strategies that will help you master online marketing for yourself, I welcome you to sign up for my upcoming Free Webinar Training covering my 5 Pillar System for Building a Successful Online Business!

The 5 Pillar System to Building a Successful Online Business

Sign up to get more details, access to the Live event, as well as to the event replay! Hope to see you there!



“This is My Dream, NOT My Nightmare!” Two Recent Interviews to Check Out!

"This is My Dream, NOT My Nightmare!" - Alexis Giostra @MissTrenchcoat

Hello my Strange & Charmed Ones!

I’m checking in mid-week with you all because I wanted to share a few recent interviews I did that I really wanted you to check out. I know you are used to hearing about my business in my content from my point of view, but I always think reading or listening to interviews are always a different experience because I’m not the one controlling the questions and the content so sometimes you get some unexpected tidbits of knowledge.


Boss Girl Creative Podcast Interview with Alexis Giostra

I connected with Taylor Bradford of after she interviewed our mutual friend, Anne Samoilov, last summer! In this podcast interview, we talk a lot about vision (or lack thereof), business planning and the joy of passive income streams! Check out the podcast here and I hope the Boss Girl Creative Podcast becomes one of your new fav’s as well!



Lindsay Maloney from Creative Business Maven Magazine recently reached out to me for an interview in their March 2016 issue where we talk about planners, printables, business and more starting on page 28!

I hope you guys get a lot of inspiration and a little more behind the scenes from these two interviews! Let me know what you think in the comments and if you want more behind the scenes from my business, follow me on SnapChat as MissTrenchcoat, because I am snapping up a storm!



How I 4x’d My Social Following and 6x’d My Revenue! My 2015 Business Results!

My 2015 Business Results

Last week I told you about an upcoming Free Webinar Training I am hosting on the 20th where I will be teaching you my 5 Pillar System for Building a Successful Business Online. I hope you had a chance to review that information and of course sign up to get access to both the Live event and the replay because this webinar is going to be packed with great information if you are someone who wants to start an online business or has already done so, but needs help getting it off the ground! I think it’s only fair, however, that if you are going to spend your precious time with me learning, that I explain to you how much this system has helped me to grow my own business. After all, I am asking you to trust me and to follow my example and I think it’s important that you know what I was able to accomplish with this method so you can understand what you too may be able to accomplish with the successful application of these strategies.  So today, I am going to open up about my 2015 business results, and walk you through the growth I experienced in multiple aspects of my business.

Social Media Following

My 2015 Business Results

First, let’s talk about my social media following and how my presence online increased in 2015. As you may know if you have been following me for some time, I predominantly use Instagram, YouTube and Facebook as social platforms for my business and brand. Although I do have followings on other platforms, followings that have also grown over the year, these three are where I put my attention on a regular basis and therefore I can see a marked increase in growth based on my specific actions.


Following January 2015: ~5,000

Following January 2016: 19,291

Strategy: Post high quality images that align with my brand daily. Learn more about my Instagram strategies here.

Results: My Instagram following quadrupled, adding nearly 15,000 followers in 2015!


Following January 2015: 10,520

Following January 2016: 42,930

Strategy: Post 1-2 high quality videos a week focusing on productivity, business or personal development. Click here to learn more about my YouTube Filming Setup!

Results: 4x’d my following again in YouTube, gaining 32,000 new subscribers in 2015. This

Facebook Page

Following January 2015: 533

Following January 2016: 3,563

Strategy: Link up my Instagram to Facebook for those who do not use the platform, and share my blog posts and additional updates regularly, using Facebook as a hub for my content for those who are not as tech savvy and follow me on multiple channels online.

Results: This growth is less impressive when compared to the others, I picked up three thousand new likes to my Facebook page, however, that does represent a significant growth of 668% which is VERY impressive. Remember, numbers look good, but growth really shows your progress and for a platform that wasn’t getting any new original content and just acted as a placeholder for my brand, this growth is phenomenal to me!

Blog & Shop Traffic

Charmed Office

The next major topic when understanding my business results for 2015 is my blog and shop traffic. Since my shop is my major source of income, it’s important that I practice great SEO techniques to ensure my blog and shop is being found in search and new eyes are coming to my content everyday. My blog and shop are both self hosted, and if you are looking for tips for creating your own professional website you can click here to learn more!

Blog Traffic

2014: 218,096 Sessions 434,011 page views

2015: 601,018 Sessions 1,500,263 page views

Strategy: Set up a visually appealing blog where I share content three times a week that relate to my business and areas of focus to establish myself as an “expert” in my field.

Results: 275% growth in the number of sessions on my blog and more than a million new page views in 2015.

Shop Traffic

2014: 44,146 Sessions (September-December)

2015: 521,779 Sessions

Strategy: Increase activity to the shop by mentioning and linking it in as much revenant content as possible through my blog, social media and YouTube. Search, Pinterest and YouTube are the top 3 referrers to the shop!

Results: 1,181% Growth in my shop from 2014 to 2015, however, 2014 is only a partial year because the shop opened in September. Since it’s growth, the shop has gone through a lot of growth and continues to grow even now in 2016 thanks to my continued marketing efforts! Mind you, my shop is a vast majority passive income, which means I make money even in my sleep!

Income & Revenue

My 2015 Business Results

Now to the crux of my 2015 business growth, my income and revenue! In 2015 I added a number of new products to my shop, which helped me to diversify my product line and secure greater sales for my items. However, it was not product diversity alone that helped me increase my revenue, but also my sustained marketing efforts through content creation on my social platforms. If you are looking for some more marketing strategies, you can learn about those here. 

2014 VS 2015  Revenue Growth

Q1 15 VS 14: 3,359% Growth

Q2 15 VS 14: 2,653% Growth

Q3 15 VS 14: 2,826% Growth

Q4 15 VS 14: 667% Growth

Strategy: Diversify income streams (Shop, YouTube, Affiliate, Private Consulting) so I have more avenues of money coming in, which protects me if one stream isn’t performing well in a given period of time. Then, market those streams effectively via my platforms!

Results: As you can see from the tremendous growth results above, 2015 was a big growth year for me! Because the shop was not opened until September 2014 I did not have that major revenue source in my business yet, which is why the growth is in the thousands for Q1-3 however, you can see that in Q4 14 once the shop opened and had effectively replaced my income, I still have substantial growth over top of that in 2015!

Overall 2015 Business Results!

As you can see from taking this deep dive into my analytics and revenue growth from 2014 to 2015, last year was a substantial period of growth for my business! I’m very proud of the growth my business has seen in the last year thanks to my sustained implementation of some key online business strategies! I have shared some of these strategies with you in this post and linked even more content for you to review to get a better picture of exactly what I did and why, however, I am looking forward to my upcoming webinar “The 5 Pillar System to Building a Successful Online Business!”

The 5 Pillar System to Building a Successful Online Business

If reading about my business growth in 2015 interested you and you want to learn more about the specific methods and strategies I used to make this amazing growth happen, I would highly recommend signing up for the webinar, it’s FREE and I’ll be sharing both key strategies and a great tool to help you replicate my success!



The Marketing Assets Your Business NEEDs! Sign Up for My FREE TRAINING!


The Marketing Assets Your Business NEEDs! Sign Up for My FREE TRAINING!

Truth: Your visual marketing assets are most of the reason people follow you online and purchase your products. Even if you don’t have a product based business, the images you use and share to represent your brand online are crucial to the success of your service based business and even your brick and mortar locations. For me, putting together a strong photography based marketing strategy was much of the reason my business skyrocketed over a year ago, and it remains one of the main reasons why I am still growing at a quick and steady pace.

In terms of my own business specifically, Pinterest is the number one traffic driver to my website and shop. Hands down! The images I share on Pinterest linked to great blog content and new products are my number one asset. Without those great images, people wouldn’t be interested in the content and products they are linked to.

Traffic driver number two for my business is Google search, number three is Google Image Search and number four is Facebook! Okay, so do you see the pattern? Three out of the four top drivers of traffic to my site are image related. My images are seriously driving my success online!

So, what does this information mean for you? Well, over the past year, I’ve been tracking this success and analyzing it, and what I have come up with this that their are 5 Photographic Marketing Assets that are the major needle movers. So much so that I believe that if you focus on these 5 assets, and create your own, you will also experience growth in terms of traffic and sales for your business.

Look, this is the internet, right? The only way you are going to know if this strategy works for you is to try it yourself, which is why I am hosting a FREE TRAINING WEBINAR sharing these 5 assets and examples of them so you can implement my strategy yourself.

The training is scheduled for Sunday, February 21st at 3pm Eastern. It’s going to be an online training webinar, that you can sign up for by adding your name to the info list here. You can access the training via computer, tablet or internet enabled smartphone!

If you’re finding this information after February 21st, don’t worry, I will have a replay of the event for you to watch, but if you can make it to the live event on the 21st, you are going to get a special Q&A with me and also a time sensitive bonus! 

Hope to see you on the 21st, so sign up today to stay in the know!

