Printable Half Page Planner Task Lists {Free Planning Printable}



This is a set of FREE print on demand half page lists. I love a good half page list, they are a great way to add a task list to your planner spread if you are running low on room, or perfect for making a shopping list to take with you while you run errands. I love them and of course I design and use my own, and I wanted to share them with you. I recommend printing out and prepunching a bunch of them to keep on hand. Or you could even laminate them and make them reusable. Here is a link to a video I made a few years ago on creating reusable to do lists if you are curious.

This PDF File is a 2 page design for double sided printing and the task lists are sized for A5 or Half Letter Planners and functional as a page marker, meaning the lists are slightly longer than the page itself so the top sticks out from your planner pages.